Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

Oh, I'm sorry I didn't believe a picture of a tweet over an actual tweet. Where did I go wrong in life? You're on my radar now, have fun.

See, already apologizing again. Btw, you were also wrong on the Pelosi visit to Chinatown timeline thing today. You talk out of your a** too much. I’m going to start calling you ace.
Responses from being informed you’re on WH task force to re-open America:

Dick Durbin: “I am honored to be asked to serve on this bipartisan Presidential task force to prepare for reopening our economy,” Durbin said in a statement Thursday. “We still have work to do to stop the spread of this virus, but we need to think in positive terms of the day America once again will be open for business.”

Tammy Duckworth: “For the sake of the nearly 25,000 Americans who have already lost their lives to COVD-19—and the countless more that will succumb in the weeks and months ahead—I wish Donald Trump had been as eager to prepare our country for this pandemic as he is to rush towards normalcy when his own experts are warning ‘we’re not there yet,’” Duckworth said Thursday. “As a member of this task force, I will do everything in my power to remind Donald Trump of his responsibility to protect public health.”
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With all the pissing on each other lately, I feel like this is the part of the movie where the food fight or pie fight would be.
That would be both therapeutic and give me a reason to clean out the refrigerator. (freezer for hogg and 79)
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thought this clown was wanting to re open NY Gov. Cuomo Extends NY Shutdown to May 15

“Cuomo said additional time is needed to prevent a resurgence of the coronavirus.”

And there’s the new narrative.

However, on the other side of the coin, if we are indeed looking at a bell shaped curve, it took NY about 4 weeks to peak, so it would make sense it takes 4 additional weeks to return to baseline.
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