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The Pelosi Recession

Democratic obstruction will cause untold economic damage

Washington Free Beacon Editors - APRIL 16, 2020 1:34 PM

As another five million people flood the unemployment system, the country faces a classic whodunit: Who killed the U.S. economy?

But the length of the recession—whether the economy bounces back post-shutdown, or whether we lose another decade of growth—is as much about government as the conditions on the ground. Unlike the 2008 crisis, the current contraction is not a correction for malinvestment but the product of a nationwide decision to combat a deadly disease. That effort is led, and in many cases imposed, by government; it makes sense for the feds to pick up the tab.

With a few exceptions, congressional Republicans have agreed with this analysis, working swiftly and aggressively to staunch the bleeding. Not an economic conservative to begin with, President Donald Trump has been particularly gung-ho, calling for another $2 trillion in stimulus spending before the ink on the first $2 trillion bill had dried.

If you want to know how congressional Democrats are thinking about the crisis, though, just ask House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (S.C.). Brainstorming with over 200 members of the Democratic caucus, Clyburn admonished his colleagues with a line we suspect will become infamous: "This is a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision."

His fellow Democrats were obviously listening. Few have been more unwilling to not let the crisis go to waste than Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.). She delayed passage of the last bailout bill by more than a week, floating a 1,400-page counter-proposal jam-packed with special handouts and diversity mandates. She has pushed tax cuts for blue-state billionaires and commended her colleagues for delaying Republican efforts to shore up the economy.

Now, it’s deja vu all over again. Last week, Republicans tried to pour another $250 billion into the $350 billion Paycheck Protection Program, a keystone of the coronavirus stimulus that gives small businesses forgivable loans to cover their payrolls. The program has been among the crisis's most successful and most heavily in demand—and was then in danger of running out.

Democrats demanded another $250 billion for hospitals and state and local government. When Republicans argued the details would take too long to sort out, Democrats blocked the clean bill. Pelosi even claimed there was "no data as to why we need" the added money.

A week later, the PPP fund has officially run dry. Hundreds of thousands of small business owners now can't pay their employees, the first domino in a chain of economic disaster.

This sort of brinksmanship has costs, as small business owners across the country are learning. In a crisis, time is money—and lives—lost.

The Pelosi Recession
“Cuomo said additional time is needed to prevent a resurgence of the coronavirus.”

And there’s the new narrative.

However, on the other side of the coin, if we are indeed looking at a bell shaped curve, it took NY about 4 weeks to peak, so it would make sense it takes 4 additional weeks to return to baseline.
Yep, a couple of weeks ago he was demanding 40,000 ventilators to save his state. Now that they didn't need any ventilators he has moved on to further his political agenda. This guy is a fake just like his f-stick brother.
Trump unveils ‘Opening Up America’ plan, aims for May 1

WASHINGTON — President Trump is pushing to get Americans back to normal life from coronavirus lockdowns within weeks under new reopening guidelines shared with governors on Thursday, The Post has learned.

The “Opening Up American Again” guidelines, a copy of which was obtained by The Post, say states which show a downward trend of COVID-19 cases will be able to re-open their restaurants, bars, theaters, workplaces, sporting centers and gyms as soon as May 1.

Trump told governors on a conference call “you’re gonna call your shots,” saying the guidelines were a recommendation.

“Bottom line, if you’re ready and you have those beautiful, low numbers like some of you have, let’s get going, let’s open up your state,” Trump told state leaders in a largely friendly call where he praised governors for their hard work.

Under the guidelines, states will need to demonstrate a downward trajectory of COVID-19 cases over a 14-day period and a “robust” system for testing healthcare workers before they can proceed to a phased opening.

Phase 1 recommends continued social distancing, closure of schools, teleworking and sheltering in place for vulnerable individuals.

Is each successful “phase” measured by a fourteen-day window? Seems like bars and restaurants wouldn’t be able to have any traditional customers until May 15th at the earliest if this were the case.
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Trump unveils ‘Opening Up America’ plan, aims for May 1

WASHINGTON — President Trump is pushing to get Americans back to normal life from coronavirus lockdowns within weeks under new reopening guidelines shared with governors on Thursday, The Post has learned.

The “Opening Up American Again” guidelines, a copy of which was obtained by The Post, say states which show a downward trend of COVID-19 cases will be able to re-open their restaurants, bars, theaters, workplaces, sporting centers and gyms as soon as May 1.

Trump told governors on a conference call “you’re gonna call your shots,” saying the guidelines were a recommendation.

“Bottom line, if you’re ready and you have those beautiful, low numbers like some of you have, let’s get going, let’s open up your state,” Trump told state leaders in a largely friendly call where he praised governors for their hard work.

Under the guidelines, states will need to demonstrate a downward trajectory of COVID-19 cases over a 14-day period and a “robust” system for testing healthcare workers before they can proceed to a phased opening.

Phase 1 recommends continued social distancing, closure of schools, teleworking and sheltering in place for vulnerable individuals.
Illinois wont go down thanks to all those pigeons in the Chicago area
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Democrats Threatening Impeachment Over Trump’s Order to Halt W.H.O Funding

House Democrats reportedly threatened this week that President Donald Trump could face another impeachment effort if he moves forward with his order to defund to the communist China-influenced World Health Organization (W.H.O.) for mismanaging and covering up the extent of the coronavirus outbreak during its early stages.


The Democrat lawmakers argued that Trump lacks the authority to halt congressionally-approved funding for the W.H.O., a component of the United Nations.

Although the United States is the W.H.O.’s top source of funding, China appears to maintain more clout over the U.N. agency, particularly after helping put Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, in power as the organization’s director. Tedros is a member of a Marxist-Leninist Ethiopian political party that analysts have listed as a perpetrator of terrorism.

Dems Talk Impeachment Over Trump's Order to Halt W.H.O Funding
MI Gov Whitmer: Swastika, Confederate Flags at Michigan ‘Political Protest’

During an interview on SiriusXM’s “The Dean Obeidallah Show” on Thursday, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI) said the protest at the state capitol in Lansing, MI, on Wednesday was “a political protest.

Obeidallah asked, “Why are people protesting your measures that are literally intended to keep Michiganders safe?”

Whitmer said, “Sadly, it was really a political protest–it was not necessarily about the policy. People said they would drive by and not get out of their cars and would practice the CDC safe— you know the guidelines. They congregated at the Capitol without masks standing close together. I saw an adult passing candy out to kids — bare hands to bare hands. These are people who came from all different parts of our state, congregated, and did all of the things we know put people in danger. And then they are going to go back to those rural parts of Michigan and possibly take COVID-19 with them. Or pick it up at a gas station as they filled up on way in or out of town. This is how COVID-19 spreads.”

She continued, “It was a definitely a political rally. I’ve not often seen a Confederate flag at the state capitol—and there were a few of them. There was someone who had signs that had a swastika on it. It was really a very political demonstration and rally. And It flies in the face of what we know we need to be doing to keep ourselves safe. They even lined up cars in front of a hospital and precluded an ambulance from being able to get in and out of the bay. You think about that clear image of them endangering other people.”

MI Gov Whitmer: Swastika, Confederate Flags at Michigan 'Political Protest'
Democrats Threatening Impeachment Over Trump’s Order to Halt W.H.O Funding

House Democrats reportedly threatened this week that President Donald Trump could face another impeachment effort if he moves forward with his order to defund to the communist China-influenced World Health Organization (W.H.O.) for mismanaging and covering up the extent of the coronavirus outbreak during its early stages.


The Democrat lawmakers argued that Trump lacks the authority to halt congressionally-approved funding for the W.H.O., a component of the United Nations.

Although the United States is the W.H.O.’s top source of funding, China appears to maintain more clout over the U.N. agency, particularly after helping put Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, in power as the organization’s director. Tedros is a member of a Marxist-Leninist Ethiopian political party that analysts have listed as a perpetrator of terrorism.

Dems Talk Impeachment Over Trump's Order to Halt W.H.O Funding

Lol It's comical at this point. Anytime Trump does something Dems don't like, their response is impeachment.
So IHME was supposed to release their model yesterday, they came out and said they delayed it until today which I can't help but wonder at this point during the day what they're waiting on hmmmmmm..... Trump will hold his press briefing and then watch for the dooms days models to flood the internet
Gov. Mike DeWine Announces Ohio Will Begin Reopening May 1

JOSHUA CAPLAN16 Apr 20201,701

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine (R) announced Thursday that the state will begin to re-open on May 1, the same day its stay-at-home order prompted by the Chinese coronavirus pandemic is scheduled to expire.

In his daily press briefing, DeWine affirmed the importance of restarting Ohio’s economy to recreate the jobs lost in recent weeks. He also said the state is still forming guidelines for companies that enable their employees to return safely.

Gov. Mike DeWine Announces Ohio Will Begin Reopening May 1
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