Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

Lol. People from Ohio are in agreement their state sux. It's one of the funniest things I've discovered. I have several friends and business acquaintances up there.

To be clear, I was born and raised in Mtn City, TN. Spent a lot of years (12 maybe?) in Ohio, lived 7 years in Johnson City, and now I live in Pennsylvania. Ohio sucks for the most part, unless you’re a whitetail hunter, then it’s a dream land.
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To be clear, I was born and raised in Mtn City, TN. Spent a lot of years (12 maybe?) in Ohio, lived 7 years in Johnson City, and now I live in Pennsylvania. Ohio sucks for the most part, unless you’re a whitetail hunter, then it’s a dream land.
Go Steelers in 2021.

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We may have stumbled across a truth.
Politics, not prostitution, is the purest form of capitalism.
You are not only free to, but encouraged to sell whatever you can for profit; be it a product, a service, power, influence, your body, or your soul.
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Breaking: Kentucky Becomes A Midwestern State, Joins Big10 Conference

This seems like a dumb idea, particularly for Beshear. Are those states even remotely geographically similar?

Other than sharing borders, most of them don’t have a metro area that even closet resembles Chicago... their economies seem to be different...
This seems like a dumb idea, particularly for Beshear. Are those states even remotely geographically similar?

Other than sharing borders, most of them don’t have a metro area that even closet resembles Chicago... their economies seem to be different...

I would imagine a lot of the Northern Kentucky and Southern Ohio economy is tied up together (Cincy, Louisville, and Lexington). And Indianapolis is right there too (I see Indiana is part of it as well).
Those weren't my words.

They were his words before he was notified about who and that it came from a lab.

How you pull his updated statement now where he cut funding to WHO and blames China since he has been notified so you dont sound like fake news yourself.
They were his words before he was notified about who and that it came from a lab.

How you pull his updated statement now where he cut funding to WHO and blames China since he has been notified so you dont sound like fake news yourself.

That was tweeted out five days after he retweeted this.

The cat was already out of the bag on China and the WHO, and he was still "licking up what China was laying down" as referenced in the post about irony that I replied to.

Also, from Whitehouse .gov minutes from the March 19 presser...

"Q Mr. President, if I could, on China: They reported, for the first time since the outbreak, no new cases over a 24-hour period. Do you have any reason to disbelieve them? And second to that: The National Security Council yesterday put out a tweet very critical of the Chinese government, saying the Chinese Communist Party suppressed initial reports on the Chinese virus and punished doctors and journalists causing Chinese and international experts to miss critical opportunities to prevent a global pandemic.
Could you expand on that?
THE PRESIDENT: Well, it would have been much better if we had known about this a number of months earlier. It could have been contained to that one area in China where it started. And certainly, the world is paying a big price for what they did and the world is paying a very big price for not — for not letting them come out. Everybody knows that. We all know that."

Remarks by President Trump, Vice President Pence, and Members of the Coronavirus Task Force in Press Briefing | The White House

He had already stopped calling it The Chinese virus by the time he sent the tweet licking Xi's nuts.
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Democrats Threatening Impeachment Over Trump’s Order to Halt W.H.O Funding

House Democrats reportedly threatened this week that President Donald Trump could face another impeachment effort if he moves forward with his order to defund to the communist China-influenced World Health Organization (W.H.O.) for mismanaging and covering up the extent of the coronavirus outbreak during its early stages.


The Democrat lawmakers argued that Trump lacks the authority to halt congressionally-approved funding for the W.H.O., a component of the United Nations.

Although the United States is the W.H.O.’s top source of funding, China appears to maintain more clout over the U.N. agency, particularly after helping put Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, in power as the organization’s director. Tedros is a member of a Marxist-Leninist Ethiopian political party that analysts have listed as a perpetrator of terrorism.

Dems Talk Impeachment Over Trump's Order to Halt W.H.O Funding
Bawahaha, good luck knuckle heads
As I type what is unfolding, in my head it sounds like the dude on Johnboy and Billy that goes on those redneck big a@@. Wake up Uhmerica.

Keen observations:
Food Lion cleans the belt between customers. I had to wait while they cleaned the belt from the customer in front of me before I could put my stuff up. That customer had a pack of gum that never touched the belt.

Went thru Taco Bell drive thru. Many observations here. One, if I survive Taco Bell food, damn the virus. Two, the car in front of me pays cash. They hold out a plasyic cup for them to put their $10 bill in. Employees wearing gloves, etc. I pull up, put my $20 in the cup. My change comes back in the cup for me to retrieve. It has a $10 bill in it most likely form the car in front. How did the cup protect me from the $10 bill I got back from the car in front of me. And did your gloves not touch the $10 bill you took out of the cup and put in the register ?! Then they hold a tray out with my food on it. Receipt taped to box. Straw taped to box. WTF ?! How did my $5 Chalups box get up on that tray ?! How did my stuff get taped to the box. OMG, how ignorant we must all be !!

The only reasonable part about things I saw today is the local scenery at Food Lion and Publix.
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Just clipped this from FOXNews.

I guess this time around, the Germans decided to add some Lebensraum in the Bluegrass. Maybe they're going west this time.

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Strip Clubs Sue To Get Stimulus Money During The Coronavirus Pandemic

Strip clubs are suing the government for relief during the coronavirus pandemic.


The owners of Little Darlings in Michigan and Silk Exotic Gentlemen’s Clubs in Wisconsin have sued the government in order to get access to relief funds under the $2 trillion aid bill, according to CNN. They’re arguing that not being allowed stimulus funds is trampling their freedom of speech. (RELATED: David Hookstead Is The True King In The North When It Comes To College Football)

The strip clubs have been closed since March amid the ongoing pandemic, and there’s no known date when they’ll be open again.

America, are we really going to let our strip clubs go under? Are we really going to let the last bastions of freedom disappear in this country because of coronavirus?

Strip Clubs Sue To Get Stimulus Money During The Coronavirus Pandemic

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