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Should folks be allowed to protest crap they don't like?


Should folks be murdered in the streets for doing so?


Any other answers or qualifiers (aside from violence, that is a no go) to these statements make most of you hypocrites. I do not care about your political leanings. People have a right to assemble and protest. They also have a right to not have a crime committed against them, including running them down in the streets. Weird how this board went from "muh yeah, murder those libtard bastards in the streets for blocking my way!" to "no wait, we have a right to protest." I know this is a far, far right wing board. But damn, the hypocrisy on this is astounding. It is what it is I guess.
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Should folks be allowed to protest crap they don't like?


Should folks be murdered in the streets for doing so?


Any other answers or qualifiers (aside from violence, that is a no go) to these statements make most of you hypocrites. I do not care about your political leanings. People have a right to assemble and protest. They also have a right to not have a crime committed against them, including running them down in the streets. Weird how this board went from "muh yeah, murder those libtard bastards in the streets for blocking my way!" to "no wait, we have a right to protest." I know this is a far, far right wing board. But damn, the hypocrisy on this is astounding. It is what it is I guess.
Wrong thread and it’s only a few yahoos who think this is ok
You quoted a post with a direct quote from POTUS on 03/19, acknowledging China suppressed information with a link to the source (whitehouse_dot_gov). This was a week before he tweeted all his love to Xi. Who gives a **** what Birx told Fox news?

First, he tweeted no love of Xi, that's just dumb. He began calling it the Chinese virus when China began claiming the U.S. was to blame for the virus and threatened to withhold pharmaceuticals.

You do know Trump and Xi spoke on Mar 27, right? That both sides pledged to work together in this effort? And that he's only toned down the "China virus" talk since then, right? The only reason Trump would back off "China virus" is if China stopped blaming us for it. If they do not, you can expect it to resume. Further, everyone appears to acknowledge - *now* - that China screwed the world, except the WHO.

"Who gives a **** what Birx told Fox news?"

Apparently not ill-informed dipsticks who tweak when facts smack their fantasy in the face.
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Should folks be allowed to protest crap they don't like?


Should folks be murdered in the streets for doing so?


Any other answers or qualifiers (aside from violence, that is a no go) to these statements make most of you hypocrites. I do not care about your political leanings. People have a right to assemble and protest. They also have a right to not have a crime committed against them, including running them down in the streets. Weird how this board went from "muh yeah, murder those libtard bastards in the streets for blocking my way!" to "no wait, we have a right to protest." I know this is a far, far right wing board. But damn, the hypocrisy on this is astounding. It is what it is I guess.

We have a right to protest ..correct .
We do not have a right to impede my movements freely in this country by intentionally blocking the roads or sidewalks . I never changed what I originally said . I also take into account natural selection , if you weigh 150 and my vehicle weighs 4000k .. I will move you . Logic over feelings .
I question how high those numbers are across the board and how many were really the result of corona.

I don’t know how other countries count theirs but none of our numbers are right just based off of how they are reported. So anyone can make any argument they want because we don’t have solid base line numbers . That may be the craziest thing that comes out of this when we look back on it .
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We have a right to protest ..correct .
We do not have a right to impede my movements freely in this country by intentionally blocking the roads or sidewalks . I never changed what I originally said . I also take into account natural selection , if you weigh 150 and my vehicle weighs 4000k .. I will move you . Logic over feelings .
My assertion is that the man at the top didn't know what to do and when to do it. That's his job not mine. He has failed any way you look at it.

He knew exactly what to do, consult the experts in the field who are there for that express purpose. That's what he did, that's what presidents do. You can insert any president in this slot at this time and you'd have exactly this outcome.

Unless it was a Democrat; since they uniformly opposed the travel ban/quarantine, and well as suspending visas, it would have been worse.
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Like I said I don't know the time frame. It is clearly obvious that it wasn't soon enough though. The man at the top is charged with getting it right. No ifs ands or buts. I wonder what would have happened if FDR had said this Japanese thing will go away. We have It totally under control.
Japan was a growing threat, and FDR knew it, but he didn't take action until after Pearl Harbor. Playing your what if game, what if FDR had acted sooner? Playing the what if game is easy, but no one knows what could have been or might have been with certainty. The truth is, mistakes are always made because humans are fallible. Could things have been done better? In hindsight, it's easy to say yes. But things could have been worse as well. From the accounts I've read, Trump listened to his experts. And I stress the word experts, because it seems unreasonable to me to suggest he should have listened to a trade adviser or anyone else over the infectious disease expert, Dr. Fauci.
If people refuse to move, that sounds more like suicide. I 100% agree with the right to reasonably protest, but reasonably protest doesn't mean impede the rights of others. That is unreasonable. Right to protest does not mean right to impede traffic. It does not give one the right to get in the face of others. It does not give one the right to resort to violence. You can get your message across without doing these things.
If people refuse to move, that sounds more like suicide. I 100% agree with the right to reasonably protest, but reasonably protest doesn't mean impede the rights of others. That is unreasonable. Right to protest does not mean right to impede traffic. It does not give one the right to get in the face of others. It does not give one the right to resort to violence. You can get your message across without doing these things.
I'm just trying to figure out what the majority on the board thinks? We had numerous threads that said liberal protesters should be murdered in the street. Now that the same thing is happening with Red Hats, suddenly folks should be allowed to protest. I'm just trying to figure out the mental gymnastics of everyone.
I'm not trying to be negative but if it's not in clinical trials yet this timeline seems unrealistic.

For reference

When will a COVID-19 vaccine be ready? | Live Science

One of the researchers was on Maddow tonight. Relax, ZERO politics discussed. He explained that the reason they are hopeful for the faster timeframe is that they are using a technique which they have used before to also generate vaccines for Ebola, which worked. Its in the UK so they have the full attention of their regulatory bodies, which also have confidence in this technique. And because it uses readily available supplies, they will start production in advance of approval. Taking the risk on it.

So yes, it still has hurdles. I am just rooting for it because it would really turn this around fast.
I'm just trying to figure out what the majority on the board thinks? We had numerous threads that said liberal protesters should be murdered in the street. Now that the same thing is happening with Red Hats, suddenly folks should be allowed to protest. I'm just trying to figure out the mental gymnastics of everyone.
You have a hand full of red hats who seem to be incapable of understanding hypocrisy. But the vast majority, not that I am one, have spoken out against this. It’s probably 3-5 who are enjoying this. They are hypocritical morons.
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I'm just trying to figure out what the majority on the board thinks? We had numerous threads that said liberal protesters should be murdered in the street. Now that the same thing is happening with Red Hats, suddenly folks should be allowed to protest. I'm just trying to figure out the mental gymnastics of everyone.
I think you're exaggerating the number of people that advocated murder. As far as Michigan goes, I think they were wrong to clog the streets. They should have found a better way to protest their dissatisfaction with the governor.

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