Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

Lol. Once again your vapid tribalism leads you astray. I don’t care about Gretchen Whitmer. Don’t live in Michigan. Never voted for her. She can get recalled For all I care, DGAF.

I simply read your post. Assumed (based on nothing more than your track record) that the unsourced statement was ********. So I checked. It was.

Only one other person on here manages to ring that bell and he mostly posts tweets.

There is no "unsourced statement" by myself or the OP, FranklinPierce. You're having a vapid, tribalistic reaction and making a fictional claim. WTH are you talking about? Do you even know?

Further, no one on the forum meticulously links references more than I do. So people like you can bich about my "long-winded, pretentious" and factual posts. That's my track record, Sparky.
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So where you happy with him all the times he said it was a chinese flu?

What do you want from him and what would u have done differently?

I'll be happy to answer, but first, did you find the posts where I was critical of Trump calling it The Chinese flu, or were you making **** up?
Look a a right wing repug. that didnt drink all the trump kool-aid:

Why Michael Savage Is Blasting Hannity and the Right-Wing Media on the Virus
His views are a striking departure from the accepted version of events among Mr. Trump’s loyalists in the media, who have made a concerted effort to deny that they downplayed the epidemic. Mr. Savage has attacked the credibility of the conservative media, accused its biggest stars of being too rote and unthinking in their defense of the president, and demanded that they be held accountable for misleading millions of Americans.

“We’re living in a terrible time in America where truth has died,” Mr. Savage, who was one of the first conservative media stars to urge Mr. Trump to run for president, told his audience. “This is crazy,” he added, pointing to the way the president’s defenders always accuse the left of spreading “fake news.”

“How can we not let our side be called on the carpet when they lie to the people?”

That was Feb. 24.

newarkvol "Look a a right wing repug. that didnt drink all the trump kool-aid:"

Yeah, except no; the article isn't about what you think it is.

M. Savage is criticizing people like Hannity who, in his estimation, has downplayed the outbreak.
Savage is NOT criticizing Trump's response or saying that he has downplayed it or lied about it. Rather, he compliments Trump.

Thus, there is no "trump kool-aid" to drink.
I've found reading articles before linking them to be helpful.
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I'm just trying to figure out what the majority on the board thinks? We had numerous threads that said liberal protesters should be murdered in the street. Now that the same thing is happening with Red Hats, suddenly folks should be allowed to protest. I'm just trying to figure out the mental gymnastics of everyone.
Firstly no one said murder liberal protesters in the streets. If they are in the streets and get run over that falls in line with the whole play stupid games win stupid prizes mantra and I will lose zero sleep over their lost lives. Advocating and not caring are separate.

I think what bothers you and others is that the Trump people are protesting, but using vehicles which not only increases disruption but also provides a huge safety blanket around them as protesters.

Aka, those stupid uneducated red hats did it smarter..
I'm not trying to be negative but if it's not in clinical trials yet this timeline seems unrealistic.

For reference

When will a COVID-19 vaccine be ready? | Live Science
There is no vaccine for any SARS/MERS like virus as far as I know. Zero. Sh1ts been happening for 20 years now. Nothing. People hoping for a miracle vaccine soon might be in for a rude awakening. Science has only eradicated 1 major disease in humans, smallpox. Polio? Nope..that is still happening (Thanks China). Malaria? Nope (Thanks Africa).

Mumps..measles..rubella..they have vaccines and have been controlled, but those vaccines are ancient:
Measles - 1963
Mumps - 1948
Rubella - 1969
Smallpox - 1796
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Should folks be allowed to protest crap they don't like?


Should folks be murdered in the streets for doing so?


Any other answers or qualifiers (aside from violence, that is a no go) to these statements make most of you hypocrites. I do not care about your political leanings. People have a right to assemble and protest. They also have a right to not have a crime committed against them, including running them down in the streets. Weird how this board went from "muh yeah, murder those libtard bastards in the streets for blocking my way!" to "no wait, we have a right to protest." I know this is a far, far right wing board. But damn, the hypocrisy on this is astounding. It is what it is I guess.
The issue for me for both protests is the police and cities were letting them block traffic because they didn’t want to cause a scene especially with the BLm and Antifa idiots. The police should have simply gave them ample opportunity to get out of the street then arrested them
No he’s not. There were numerous posters on here who have advocated for running over protestors during the BLM protests.
That’s bc they were blocking the road..... I feel that way about anyone blocking the road..... they got two options ...... it’s up to them to decide.
Testing all sailors on the Roosevelt. From Reuters...

“Roughly 60 percent of the over 600 sailors who tested positive so far have not shown symptoms of COVID-19, the potentially lethal respiratory disease caused by the coronavirus, the Navy says. The service did not speculate about how many might later develop symptoms or remain asymptomatic.”
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No...christ ..members of his own administration were sounding alarms

Trade Adviser Warned White House in January of Risks of a Pandemic
Ok, so lets look at it this way. Trump isn't a Doctor, obviously and thats why he has Dr. Fauci now it is Dr. Fauci job to provide guidance to Trump and his administration in times like these. So at that February date in which the article in question was written, Dr. Fauci himself still wasn't overly worried about the virus based on information and guidance he received from the WHO. Come to find out, the WHO was in bed with China and helping them cover this whole situation up which in return is why we quit giving money to the WHO. Also, Trump shutdown travel to China back in January and the left tried to turn it into a political, race baiting sh!t show, who has egg on their face? So please, spare the politics of this. It's always so easy to criticize in hindsight everything Trump does and he deserves a good amount of criticism for things he's done over the course of his term but this isn't one of them. By the way, last night I thought Trump knocked it out of the park with his press conference.
I think people from rural areas with limited resources and low numbers of cases, driving into a city and potentially exposing themselves and their community to the virus over some performative culture war nonsense is pretty dimwitted.

I do have some sympathy for people in rural areas that are being hurt by these state wide bans that appear to only be helping people in cities.

It seems like even a federalist system isn’t decentralized enough for this situation. Some of these rural areas ought to have local officials holding virtual town halls to explain “we have this many cases and this many beds and we can’t just send everybody to the city for treatment.” (Because that’s what rural hospitals usually do with complex cases). Let people make up their own minds with full information...

...and then mock the **** out of them when they make the wrong decision.

I was speaking to the idiot carrying the rebel flag, that guy is ignorant. People from rural areas are very smart, down to earth, kind people but Mick wants to label everyone who doesn't think like he does and that my friend is chicken sh!t.
I'll be happy to answer, but first, did you find the posts where I was critical of Trump calling it The Chinese flu, or were you making **** up?

I can find hundreds of actual journalist quotes that complained and I said you guys. You appear to be just another hack bitching to bitch so I lumped you in.

So what would you do differently?
Ok, so lets look at it this way. Trump isn't a Doctor, obviously and thats why he has Dr. Fauci now it is Dr. Fauci job to provide guidance to Trump and his administration in times like these. So at that February date in which the article in question was written, Dr. Fauci himself still wasn't overly worried about the virus based on information and guidance he received from the WHO. Come to find out, the WHO was in bed with China and helping them cover this whole situation up which in return is why we quit giving money to the WHO. Also, Trump shutdown travel to China back in January and the left tried to turn it into a political, race baiting sh!t show, who has egg on their face? So please, spare the politics of this. It's always so easy to criticize in hindsight everything Trump does and he deserves a good amount of criticism for things he's done over the course of his term but this isn't one of them. By the way, last night I thought Trump knocked it out of the park with his press conference.
Dr. Fauci and donald were at odds with the messages that they were sending out. One was saying one thing and the other was saying something else. The travel ban to China has nothing to do with testing or having enough PPE for the frontline workers. It is funny that a $hit load of blame is being laid at everyone's feet but donald. What was his role in all of this? Was he a spectator? If he gets no blame, he should get no accolades. You can't one without the other.
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I'm just trying to figure out what the majority on the board thinks? We had numerous threads that said liberal protesters should be murdered in the street. Now that the same thing is happening with Red Hats, suddenly folks should be allowed to protest. I'm just trying to figure out the mental gymnastics of everyone.
No one said liberal protesters should be murdered in the street.
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