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Yeah, So, Trump couldn't have done anything better, but if he could have, it's not his fault because his advisors get the blame.

He could have shutdown travel from Europe when it became a known problem. It was just inconceivable that those affected in Europe were a potential threat, how could he have known it wasn't just "just that one person from China" back when everything was "under control". But... not his fault for saying such an idiotic thing, his advisors must be to blame.

So, nobody could have done it better, even with the WH pandemic office intact. Oh, but it wasn't really dismantled, it was just reconfigured, if you look at it from an azzcovering perspective.

So, again, just to be clear, Trump couldn't have done anything better, because he's only as good as those he trusts, and surrounds himself with.

That sound about right?
Act now to prevent an American epidemic | American Enterprise Institute - AEI

Luciana Borio - Wikipedia
Luciana Borio is an American physician and medical/public health administrator. She is a vice president at In-Q-Tel.[1] She previously served as Director for Medical and Biodefense Preparedness at the National Security Council,[2]

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What leadership are you looking for from the President? Shutting off travel 10 days after the first case in the US?

Some sort of acknowledgement of responsibility that things could have been done better and not constantly harping about how he has been perfect the whole time and the greatest ever.

“It’s just who he is” is a lame excuse.
Some sort of acknowledgement of responsibility that things could have been done better and not constantly harping about how he has been perfect the whole time and the greatest ever.

“It’s just who he is” is a lame excuse.

Is also lame to continue to try and blame this on "we don't like the way he talks"
Is also lame to continue to try and blame this on "we don't like the way he talks"

If this is directed at me I don’t know where I have said anything of the such.

He gets credit for closing down travel to China. The Dems looked stupid for calling that xenophobic or whatever.

I would like for him to take some responsibility for labeling this a democratic hoax and saying there will only be a few deaths, defending China and president Xi, etc.

But he won’t. He will say he’s been perfect and it’s all somebody else’s fault. Be it Democrats, Obama, China. That is not being a leader.
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Yeah, So, Trump couldn't have done anything better, but if he could have, it's not his fault because his advisors get the blame.

He could have shutdown travel from Europe when it became a known problem. It was just inconceivable that those affected in Europe were a potential threat, how could he have known it wasn't just "just that one person from China" back when everything was "under control". But... not his fault for saying such an idiotic thing, his advisors must be to blame.

So, nobody could have done it better, even with the WH pandemic office intact. Oh, but it wasn't really dismantled, it was just reconfigured, if you look at it from an azzcovering perspective.

So, again, just to be clear, Trump couldn't have done anything better, because he's only as good as those he trusts, and surrounds himself with.

That sound about right?

You can always do things better or do some things worse; on the balance, regardless of who occupied the WH, it'd have been the same outcome. It's simply understood by rational people that there is no perfect response to such an event.
Fauci asserted Trump shut down European travel when the experts advised him to. Again, if you want to lambast Trump for that, you're going to have to grind up the experts with him. This isn't complicated.
Bolton fired Tom Bossert, the homeland security adviser, realigning the post to report directly to him. He eliminated a number of deputy national security advisers so there was just one. And he folded the global health directorate into a new one that focused on counterproliferation and biodefense. Ziemer departed for a high-level post in the U.S. Agency for International Development, though a former administration official said he was due to leave the NSC anyway. His staff, whom Ziemer had called “the dream team,” remained in place.

As we explained in a March 3 story, the administration did eliminate a key position at the NSC but that doesn’t mean the entire “team” was “fired,” as then-Democratic presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg said, or that all of the functions of the office were eliminated.

NSC spokesman John Ullyot told the Post: “No director-level positions were eliminated during this process, and the organization retained its subject matter expertise under a different organizational structure.”

Some have said the NSC needs a separate global health security point person or team — as the Center for Strategic & International Studies recommended. That’s a matter of opinion, and we take no position on that.

Kenneth W. Bernard, who served in both former President Bill Clinton’s and President George W. Bush’s administrations, wrote in 2018 that this was the third time that an administration had “downgraded the importance of disease and bioterrorism threats in the hierarchy of national security issues.” Bernard said he worked in such a post in 1998 but the Bush administration abolished it in 2001, then reopened it a year later after 9/11 and the 2001 anthrax attacks. He said Obama abolished it again after his election, but in his second term created the NSC office.

Bolton responded to the recent criticism on Twitter on March 14, saying: “Claims that streamlining NSC structures impaired our nation’s bio defense are false. Global health remained a top NSC priority, and its expert team was critical to effectively handling the 2018-19 Africa Ebola crisis.” Dems Misconstrue Trump Budget Remarks
So, not only was the pandemic "dream team" expertise preserved, that actually bucked the trend by Bush and Obama of dissolving such units and then reforming them when outbreaks occurred. It also took three siloed directorates with overlapping biosecurity concerns and merged them. What's your complaint besides no longer being a talking point?
Here's what's "about right"; these nonsensical memes are as valid as looking for your future wife by calling phone numbers on the walls of truckstop urine stalls. The latest laughable example is the big Tapper reveal just a couple days ago: 'Trump Could Have Acted Sooner and Saved Lives Say Fauci.'

LMAO...that lasted what, less than 24 hours? And you people do this *daily*, simultaneously calling him the dumbest guy on earth and a mastermind criminal. FFS.
Some sort of acknowledgement of responsibility that things could have been done better and not constantly harping about how he has been perfect the whole time and the greatest ever.

“It’s just who he is” is a lame excuse.


At this point I give the overall effort from the Feds a B+ and from Trump himself a B- or C.

Realistically until we are fully clear and a true response evaluation can be completed these assessments are nothing more than political BS.

What we do know is that we acted fast enough to avoid "preventable deaths"; something most of the EU was not able to accomplish.

Limited highlights to date: aggressive public/private partnerships to create supply; logistic prowess to get supply to point of need; relatively rapid fiscal/monetary intervention

Limited lowlights to date: testing infrastructure
This version you created isn't any dumber than the "he did everything wrong" and his actions killed people yet plenty of posters here are peddling that version.

No, his delayed actions resulted in people dying, if we are being precise. But this wasn't my intent, to blame him for that. My intent is to point out that this incessant defense of Trump and offloading any responsibility to his advisors is pretty lame.

But since everyone agrees that sometimes Trump is egregiously wrong, where are the calls for those advisors who, by NCFischer's standards are to blame?

Let's start with which one(s) gave him the idea that he has "absolute authority". Seems most agree he as wrong on that biggie. So, rather than saying "pretty much everyone agrees that he is wrong", maybe we could try to get to the root of the problem.

Any ideas on where he got this notion? Who should get the axe for giving Trump the notion that he has this absolute power? Not worthy of further discussion?
If this is directed at me I don’t know where I have said anything of the such.

He gets credit for closing down travel to China. The Dems looked stupid for calling that xenophobic or whatever.

I would like for him to take some responsibility for labeling this a democratic hoax and saying there will only be a few deaths, defending China and president Xi, etc.

But he won’t. He will say he’s been perfect and it’s all somebody else’s fault. Be it Democrats, Obama, China. That is not being a leader.

Did President Trump Refer to the Coronavirus as a 'Hoax'?

President did not call the virus a Democrat hoax.

If praising China is considered a halt to WHO funding then I am in. Magically count of viruses increased 50%

Chinese epicenter Wuhan raises number of virus dead by about 50 percent

Stop listening to EL LG and others who are incompetent
Yeah the big problem is that people will flock from all the places locked down. If you could limit these reopenings to residents it could work.

The powers that be acted stupidly in the way they shut things down, what makes you think they would suddenly wise up and reopen things smartly?
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As defined in Gov. Ron DeSantis’ (idiot Guv of Fl) Executive Order, essential activities include the following:

-Participating in recreational activities consistent with social distancing guidelines
-Such as walking, biking, hiking, fishing, running, swimming, taking care of pets and surfing

Does this fool understand the definition of "essential"?

Essentially not.
No, his delayed actions resulted in people dying, if we are being precise. But this wasn't my intent, to blame him for that. My intent is to point out that this incessant defense of Trump and offloading any responsibility to his advisors is pretty lame.

But since everyone agrees that sometimes Trump is egregiously wrong, where are the calls for those advisors who, by NCFischer's standards are to blame?

Let's start with which one(s) gave him the idea that he has "absolute authority". Seems most agree he as wrong on that biggie. So, rather than saying "pretty much everyone agrees that he is wrong", maybe we could try to get to the root of the problem.

Any ideas on where he got this notion? Who should get the axe for giving Trump the notion that he has this absolute power? Not worthy of further discussion?

What delayed action? The first stay home order was given by Newsom of CA on 3/19
As defined in Gov. Ron DeSantis’ (idiot Guv of Fl) Executive Order, essential activities include the following:

-Participating in recreational activities consistent with social distancing guidelines
-Such as walking, biking, hiking, fishing, running, swimming, taking care of pets and surfing

Does this fool understand the definition of "essential"?

Essentially not.

He understands that people are done with this futile experiment of staying in their house. But for the Nancy's who are still scared you can still keep your doors locked and stay inside

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