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The post wasn’t maligning people from rural communities. Singling out the ones from rural areas isn’t a slight against rural communities, it’s just statistically obvious that there are fewer vectors into and among those communities, which is why you see lower rates of infection there. These people potentially created viral vectors into their homes and/or communities.

The ones who went to Lansing to waive their Total Authority, Zero Responsibility flags at an anti-big-government protest are dumb regardless of where they’re from, but especially dumb if they came from places with low/controlled virus numbers.
The Lansing protest was moronic
I mean look, we know Trump is going to take a victory lap regardless and it will be a really bad look but at least we can say people are getting better so hopefully we can return to bickering about first world problems

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Give me the full printed list and I will use a black marker to etch out the competent ones.

(Hint: I don't need a marker).

You really don't want to say Fauci, Birx, Redfield, CDC and FDA, do you?
Perfectly understandable.
One of the researchers was on Maddow tonight. Relax, ZERO politics discussed. He explained that the reason they are hopeful for the faster timeframe is that they are using a technique which they have used before to also generate vaccines for Ebola, which worked. Its in the UK so they have the full attention of their regulatory bodies, which also have confidence in this technique. And because it uses readily available supplies, they will start production in advance of approval. Taking the risk on it.

So yes, it still has hurdles. I am just rooting for it because it would really turn this around fast.

I'm rooting for it to. Just saying that if it's not in clinical trials then having it ready by September is unlikely.

Phase 1 trials are toxicity - they must make sure it is safe (whether it works or not). Given what the article says we are 2 months minimum from that being completed. Phase 2 is small scale efficacy - if safe, does it work. In rush situations like this some of this can be accomplished in Phase 1 (say if it was entirely clear it was showing efficacy in P1). Phase 3 is large scale to see if it works in a broader group of people and to dial in dosing etc. Phase 3 may be unnecessary but unless there is large outbreak going on then this probably won't be rushed.

If it passes trial it must be produced. Vaccines tend to biologics that are "grown" in some live media. The flu vaccine tends to be grown in eggs. The point is that production takes time; it's not just mixing chemicals.

So a vaccine that is not yet in human trials and in the best case would be in May getting into use in September seems highly unlikely.

Hopefully it works.
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"Was the glitch or anything about the production of the test President Trump’s fault?" Hewitt responded. "Or actually, let me put it more broadly, would every president have run into the same problem?"
"Oh, absolutely," Fauci replied. "This has nothing to do with anybody’s fault, certainly not the president’s fault."​
Fauci: The Response Of Trump Admin Has Been Impressive, I Can't Imagine Anybody Could Be Doing More

Posted By Ian Schwartz
On Date March 23, 2020
Yes, I'm stating Democrats were thankfully a non-factor as they opposed travel bans/quarantine, and would have made the problem worse.

Aside from that, a Dem president would have been advised by the same people, same agencies, same outcome. Unless Dems now begin to tell us Fauci, Birx, et al are incompetent, you can't reconcile your comments with theirs.

Yeah, So, Trump couldn't have done anything better, but if he could have, it's not his fault because his advisors get the blame.

He could have shutdown travel from Europe when it became a known problem. It was just inconceivable that those affected in Europe were a potential threat, how could he have known it wasn't just "just that one person from China" back when everything was "under control". But... not his fault for saying such an idiotic thing, his advisors must be to blame.

So, nobody could have done it better, even with the WH pandemic office intact. Oh, but it wasn't really dismantled, it was just reconfigured, if you look at it from an azzcovering perspective.

So, again, just to be clear, Trump couldn't have done anything better, because he's only as good as those he trusts, and surrounds himself with.

That sound about right?
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So where do individual rights begin and end? Seems a lot of folks forget that they aren’t the only one with certain rights.

You have a right to peaceably assemble and protest according to 1A.
Is physically blocking a road to hinder others freedom of movement considered a peaceful action?
Are you not then participating in unlawful detainment of those in the vehicles you are blocking?
Once you start being aggressive towards a blocked vehicle and beating on it does the driver not have a right of self defense to your aggression?
How would you quantify the fear of serious bodily injury the driver may have due to a mob aggressively attacking their vehicle?
Is granny any safer in her car with the angry mob than the big dude in the truck who has limited mobility due to a spinal fusion?
You can’t know the driver’s issues or limitations so how can you say it’s wrong for them to continue trying to escape the mob by any means necessary once their individual rights are infringed upon?

Folks standing in front of moving stupid games, win stupid prizes.
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"Was the glitch or anything about the production of the test President Trump’s fault?" Hewitt responded. "Or actually, let me put it more broadly, would every president have run into the same problem?"
"Oh, absolutely," Fauci replied. "This has nothing to do with anybody’s fault, certainly not the president’s fault."​
Fauci: The Response Of Trump Admin Has Been Impressive, I Can't Imagine Anybody Could Be Doing More

Posted By Ian Schwartz
On Date March 23, 2020
Yes, I'm stating Democrats were thankfully a non-factor as they opposed travel bans/quarantine, and would have made the problem worse.

Aside from that, a Dem president would have been advised by the same people, same agencies, same outcome. Unless Dems now begin to tell us Fauci, Birx, et al are incompetent, you can't reconcile your comments with theirs.

Fauci is racist?
"Was the glitch or anything about the production of the test President Trump’s fault?" Hewitt responded. "Or actually, let me put it more broadly, would every president have run into the same problem?"
"Oh, absolutely," Fauci replied. "This has nothing to do with anybody’s fault, certainly not the president’s fault."​
Fauci: The Response Of Trump Admin Has Been Impressive, I Can't Imagine Anybody Could Be Doing More

Posted By Ian Schwartz
On Date March 23, 2020
Yes, I'm stating Democrats were thankfully a non-factor as they opposed travel bans/quarantine, and would have made the problem worse.

Aside from that, a Dem president would have been advised by the same people, same agencies, same outcome. Unless Dems now begin to tell us Fauci, Birx, et al are incompetent, you can't reconcile your comments with theirs.
What age were you when you decided that you would start making love to an orange man?
Yeah, So, Trump couldn't have done anything better, but if he could have, it's not his fault because his advisors get the blame.

He could have shutdown travel from Europe when it became a known problem. It was just inconceivable that those affected in Europe were a potential threat, how could he have known it wasn't just "just that one person from China" back when everything was "under control". But... not his fault for saying such an idiotic thing, his advisors must be to blame.

So, nobody could have done it better, even with the WH pandemic office intact. Oh, but it wasn't really dismantled, it was just reconfigured, if you look at it from an azzcovering perspective.

So, again, just to be clear, Trump couldn't have done anything better, because he's only as good as those he trusts, and surrounds himself with.

That sound about right?

This version you created isn't any dumber than the "he did everything wrong" and his actions killed people yet plenty of posters here are peddling that version.
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If it had been soon enough we would have fewer cases and fewer dead. That's not debatable. Of course If you do want to debate it feel free to state your case.
We could have just shot the first people who got it and that would have resulted in fewer infections and deaths.

Fewer to what point? What number would you be happy with? As I stated before we could have always freaked out more, and earlier. But unless you have some hard line of what is acceptable, vs what isnt its partisanship to argue we should have done "more".

We are reacting like we have never had sick people before."this never should have happened, why did Trump let anyone get sick?". Should we have shut down travel in December when china first reported cases, mid January when Bham started the thread? Because we can go back and play a fun game of who has been consistent on their stances to be able to claim they were right and thus Trump wrong.

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