Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

The examples you cite are two of about 9 million species. Even the ones who hoard food like squirrels feed others like ground hogs or mice. Spiders webs are scavenged by birds. Those killer whales that kill for sport feed something else. But I'm afraid you lost me at "assuming humans are somehow unique is false". While most animals have some similarities the human mind is totally unmatched at least on earth. We can foresee and plan for the future which includes the acquiring and hoarding of wealth on an unprecedented scale or if we choose we can share it. I agree that some animals do that on a limited basis but it is out of instinct not intellect.
What is instinct but intellect distilled into some type of memory. Just because they dont actively think about it, doesnt mean there isnt an intellect behind it.

Bees and honey, any grazer, any animal adapted to survive changing conditions will feast at times to survive the famine that follows. That's what I believe capitalism is similar too. But like I keep saying that means going thru lows too. You cant break the cycle like we have with socialism. That's where a lot of the greed is. We dont ever want to suffer, that's as simple as greed ever gets.

We dont want to deal with the reality so we just use socialism as a magic wand to ignore the issues still out there.

Look at the most famous pandemic. Huge societal and economical changes came out of that because the artificial control of monarchs was weakened. With either rulers losing their serfs, or serfs losing their lords. There was more freedom and it lead to one of the biggest spikes in production we have ever seen. Especially considering it didnt come with a technological boost. Within ten to 20 years they were producing more, and were wealthier, healthier, etc, than before the plague. Even though population was still down. The taste of capitalism, freedom, allowed that to happen. But it took the major dip to allow that to happen.

The point is that the process is allowed to happen completely. Whether thats a completely natural process, and animalistic instinctual process, or capitalism.

Literally everything is built on cycles. Cycles around the sun, cycles of season, cycles of life and death, good times and bad times.
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There is no vaccine for any SARS/MERS like virus as far as I know. Zero. Sh1ts been happening for 20 years now. Nothing. People hoping for a miracle vaccine soon might be in for a rude awakening. Science has only eradicated 1 major disease in humans, smallpox. Polio? Nope..that is still happening (Thanks China). Malaria? Nope (Thanks Africa).

Mumps..measles..rubella..they have vaccines and have been controlled, but those vaccines are ancient:
Measles - 1963
Mumps - 1948
Rubella - 1969
Smallpox - 1796
This vaccine Hope happens with every virus.
But what will it take for the FDA to approve it here?

I would think that their protocols are good enough for us in a situation like this. And you can be sure that, if it pans out as they hope, Trump will be itching to find a way to take credit for it. So no way he lets anybody stand in the way.
I would think that their protocols are good enough for us in a situation like this. And you can be sure that, if it pans out as they hope, Trump will be itching to find a way to take credit for it. So no way he lets anybody stand in the way.

Is this like a Trump compliment?
I would think that their protocols are good enough for us in a situation like this. And you can be sure that, if it pans out as they hope, Trump will be itching to find a way to take credit for it. So no way he lets anybody stand in the way.
Does it really matter who gets the credit if it gets people healthy?
He was flailing around like a fish out of water. Democrats are a non factor every decision and move was his. He's the boss.

"Was the glitch or anything about the production of the test President Trump’s fault?" Hewitt responded. "Or actually, let me put it more broadly, would every president have run into the same problem?"
"Oh, absolutely," Fauci replied. "This has nothing to do with anybody’s fault, certainly not the president’s fault."​
Fauci: The Response Of Trump Admin Has Been Impressive, I Can't Imagine Anybody Could Be Doing More

Posted By Ian Schwartz
On Date March 23, 2020
Yes, I'm stating Democrats were thankfully a non-factor as they opposed travel bans/quarantine, and would have made the problem worse.

Aside from that, a Dem president would have been advised by the same people, same agencies, same outcome. Unless Dems now begin to tell us Fauci, Birx, et al are incompetent, you can't reconcile your comments with theirs.
I was speaking to the idiot carrying the rebel flag, that guy is ignorant. People from rural areas are very smart, down to earth, kind people but Mick wants to label everyone who doesn't think like he does and that my friend is chicken sh!t.

The post wasn’t maligning people from rural communities. Singling out the ones from rural areas isn’t a slight against rural communities, it’s just statistically obvious that there are fewer vectors into and among those communities, which is why you see lower rates of infection there. These people potentially created viral vectors into their homes and/or communities.

The ones who went to Lansing to waive their Total Authority, Zero Responsibility flags at an anti-big-government protest are dumb regardless of where they’re from, but especially dumb if they came from places with low/controlled virus numbers.
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No, that's why I started talking about it last night and posted the link, per request. It would be tremendous news for the whole world if we had a vaccine a year earlier than previously thought!
I mean look, we know Trump is going to take a victory lap regardless and it will be a really bad look but at least we can say people are getting better so hopefully we can return to bickering about first world problems

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