Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

That was actually one of the most ignorant explanations imaginable.
Not only was it not true, but it showed a complete lack of comprehension of the data.
You've got a year to educate yourself.
Math doesn't lie just because you don't understand it. Not only was my analogy correct I have around 96% certainty it 100% applies to you. Thus I designed said anaology for you to better understand. Apparently you still don't.

I'll 4th grade level it for you Luther with a scenario all democrats can relate to:

1. Lets say you have one family member in prison and another gets sentenced for a drive-by shooting. 2 family members in prison at once.

1 to 2 = 100% increase
2 family members in prison - 1 family member in prison / 1 original family member in prison X 100 = 100%

2. Now lets say you have 9 family members in prison. 5 more go to prison this year. 14 members of your family in prison at once.

9 to 14 = 55% increase
14 family members in prison / 9 original family members in prison X 100 = 55% increase

Which is worse for your family? The 100% increase in jailed family members or the 55% increase?

Extra credit: Number of your actual family members who have been to prison.
My wife is currently under a regiment of roids and antihistamines because she had an allergic reaction that was absorbed by her lymph nodes. Shes never had an allergic reaction to anything. The only thing we were exposed to differently was when we mulched the front landscaping. Maybe a toxin in the mulch? Even though the toxin is gone. the lymph nodes still have her t cells attack as if it's there via hives. Apparently it takes up to 21 days. The immune system is a bizarre unit sometimes.
Many many bacteria hide in dirt and can cause serious problems even with landscaping kicking it up.
Is it time we liberate America from those who declare Total Authority? Would it be too much for someone to tweet the suggestion that liberty loving patriots converge on DC to exact this liberation?

You've been willing tools for Russian propaganda in 3.5 years and two investigations, a neo-Nazi sympathizer meme, a radical House faction impeachment. So even though the states closed and will open themselves, and some blue whiners are saying "Less federalism, mo' money to run my state", why not?

"Unveil the Totalitarian Meme!!"
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Math doesn't lie just because you don't understand it. Not only was my analogy correct I have around 96% certainty it 100% applies to you. Thus I designed said anaology for you to better understand. Apparently you still don't.

I'll 4th grade level it for you Luther with a scenario all democrats can relate to:

1. Lets say you have one family member in prison and another gets sentenced for a drive-by shooting. 2 family members in prison at once.

1 to 2 = 100% increase
2 family members in prison - 1 family member in prison / 1 original family member in prison X 100 = 100%

2. Now lets say you have 9 family members in prison. 5 more go to prison this year. 14 members of your family in prison at once.

9 to 14 = 55% increase
14 family members in prison / 9 original family members in prison X 100 = 55% increase

Which is worse for your family? The 100% increase in jailed family members or the 55% increase?

Extra credit: Number of your actual family members who have been to prison.
Lmao and then quietly apologize later.
Dr. Oz, Dr. Phil, and Dr. Drew: Fox News keeps inviting TV doctors on air who say crazy things - CNN

Oz did not respond to requests for comment from CNN. But on Thursday, facing significant criticism, he released a video on Twitter in which he said he "misspoke."

In a video posted online Friday afternoon, McGraw (Dr. Phil) apologized and acknowledged his errors.

"My early comments equating coronavirus with influenza were wrong," Pinsky said in an April 5 video posted to Twitter. "They were incorrect...and I want to apologize for that. I wish I had gotten it right, but I got it wrong."

Come on Luth... nobody watches Fox News. Haven't you heard the repeated denials on here?
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Well... we do have Kushner taking point, on our behalf, until the changes we want to see are in place. Is he a candidate to head the WHO? What are your thoughts on him being the right fit?

I couldn’t care less who heads a global organization. It’s the corruption and one-sidedness that always falls on the US to pick up the damn tab for everyone else is what bothers me . We pay The WHO $115 million , China pays them $57.4 , Japan is next at $41 million . Now how in the hell does this balance out ? Tell me what bean counter or more likely ( politician ) thought up these ratios and decided it’s a good thing ? I also find it amusing that China demands we pay our part . 🖕🏼👈🏼 This is how I feel about that .
If this were D-Day, each state would be responsible for acquiring their own boats and we would have 50 different strategies to attack 50 different beaches. Trump would be giving them the “most beautiful, strong support” possible.
So you are arguing for trump having total control..... I have to say that I didn’t see that one coming.
You've been willing tools for Russian propaganda in 3.5 years and two investigations, a neo-Nazi sympathizer meme, a radical House faction impeachment. So even though the states closed and will open themselves, and some blue whiners are saying "Less federalism, mo' money to run my state", why not?

"Unveil the Totalitarian Meme!!"

I know... Trump and his campaign had no coordination with anything Russia. Oh wait, I don't think that is what the record shows....

It's almost as if all the cries of "witch hunt" and "total exoneration" magically made it all go away.

Are you #TeamBarr or # TeamMueller?
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Great job. These stupid idiot governors need to know they aren't in charge when they put out ridiculous lockdowns like telling people that they can't leave their primary residence to go stay in another residence they also. Damn those ungrateful POS constituents. Michigan is looking good for us good guys come November
Who's in charge then? It amazes me that conservatives wish to model a government rooted in anarchy. Do they think they will somehow come out victorious? These dreams of a white ethno-state are foolish.
If this were D-Day, each state would be responsible for acquiring their own boats and we would have 50 different strategies to attack 50 different beaches. Trump would be giving them the “most beautiful, strong support” possible.
Bad analogies are bad.
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Dr. Oz, Dr. Phil, and Dr. Drew: Fox News keeps inviting TV doctors on air who say crazy things - CNN

Oz did not respond to requests for comment from CNN. But on Thursday, facing significant criticism, he released a video on Twitter in which he said he "misspoke."

In a video posted online Friday afternoon, McGraw (Dr. Phil) apologized and acknowledged his errors.

"My early comments equating coronavirus with influenza were wrong," Pinsky said in an April 5 video posted to Twitter. "They were incorrect...and I want to apologize for that. I wish I had gotten it right, but I got it wrong."
Exccelaaant, because I didn't consider even one of their opinions.
That is odd, considering Fox News is classified as entertainment. Maybe their satire comedy is coming up short.

What I find entertaining is the China propaganda CNN is pushing . I guess we just have different entertainment values .
I know... Trump and his campaign had no coordination with anything Russia. Oh wait, I don't think that is what the record shows....

It's almost as if all the cries of "witch hunt" and "total exoneration" magically made it all go away.

Are you #TeamBarr or # TeamMueller?

I invite you to link the record showing there was conspiracy/collusion.
It's exactly as if no proof and gross abuses of power and falsification of FISA applications enabled the investiagations.

I'm #teamfookunelectedbureaucratswhoaspiretocoup;hangthemfromfenceof1600PennAve
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