Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

You got her phone number?
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Yes, I see... so the WHO is an entity which relies on reporting from different countries of the world. But if the reports are wrong, we should shut down the whole organization.

How does this apply to a president? If they were to rely on reporting from countries or trusted advisors, and were to relay bad info, what is the remedy?

I think sacking Ghebreyesus and a few other "top men" will do the trick without shutting it down.
Something very bizarre happened today, which Trump will no doubt say was a joke later... Fox News host Laura Ingraham, sent a tweet earlier which said, "How many of those who urged our govt to help liberate the Iraqi's, Syrians, Kurds, Afghanis, etc., are as committed now to liberating Virginia, Minnesota, California, etc?" Trump then retweeted her message and added, "LIBERATE MINNESOTA!" and "LIBERATE MICHIGAN!" and "LIBERATE VIRGINIA! and save your great 2nd Amendment. It is under siege!"

What great leadership! The President is literally calling for American citizens to take up arms against and overthrow... their governors? Their local police forces? Perhaps even the National Guard? This is surreal... but like I said, Trump will probably say that he was just kidding. He also retweeted Kim Jong Un and called him a really good friend. What a nutjob.
I don't know about Minnesota or Virginia, but I have family in Michigan and it is a mess up there.. They have the third highest number of cases in the country. Trump is a lunatic. (I recall that when Obama said his skin was the same color as Trayvon Martin people claimed he was inciting riots, but this is okay?)
I guess they should preface everthing with "China says" with an eyeroll emoji...

No what they should do is stop it . Work on a better business model to try and raise their ratings and gain some trust back from viewers ... they won’t annnddd that’s part of the entertainment. It’s like not being able to look away from a train wreck .
I invite you to link the record showing there was conspiracy/collusion.
It's exactly as if no proof and gross abuses of power and falsification of FISA applications enabled the investiagations.

I'm #teamfookunelectedbureaucratswhoaspiretocoup;hangthemfromfenceof1600PennAve

Manafort transmitted swing state polling data to GRU linked Putin cronies. Russiia-backed propaganda efforts subsequently targeted groups in these swing states.

Trump was very much aware of the coordination of Russian hacked emails being disseminated through Wikileaks to aid his campaign. Even with redactions, this is fairly clear.

I suppose all of this is above board with you, and it wouldn't be a problem to do it again?

You don't need to try to convince me, maybe convince yourself.
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Come on Stew. You support The Chinese narrative? You know they are rats and anti everything you stand for

Reporting what "China says" is not the same as pushing propaganda. I've seen debates and skepticism over the reporting from China from CNN. If one were to assume everything is a lie from those prone to lying for political purposes, I suppose nothing would ever be reported.
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Reporting what "China says" is not the same as pushing propaganda. I've seen debates and skepticism over the reporting from China from CNN. If one were to assume everything is a lie from those prone to lying for political purposes, I suppose nothing would ever be reported.
It’s not that they report what China says but they do not even try to refute it. That is propaganda. All because of Trump.
Covid-19 is only 26,000 deaths behind the flu for the year in the US.
But 26K fewer died from COVID-19!
I find that hard to believe, considering there have been less than 8,000 lab-confirmed flu deaths in the US over the past 12 months. We’ve had more covid deaths than that in the past week…

The 24k-62k figure for this past year’s flu deaths is an estimate based on *gasp* modeling.


Hey, I'm just glad they count the deaths from each virus the same way. Could you imagine how hard it would be to track if they didn't.
So did you know you were comparing apples and oranges? Not sure whether intentional or unintentional irony.

The real-time fatality ticker is not that meaningful. It's difficult to impossible to track these things in real time, especially during disasters. That's why you get these studies and models after the fact (see, for example, the Hurricane Maria deaths...)

It will be interesting to see the studies estimating total mortality after this is all said and done. I still think it’s bad form to guess how many tens to hundreds of thousands of Americans are going to die (like many on here…) but I’ll go out on a limb and predict it will be much higher than the flu.
I find that hard to believe, considering there have been less than 8,000 lab-confirmed flu deaths in the US over the past 12 months. We’ve had more covid deaths than that in the past week…

The 24k-62k figure for this past year’s flu deaths is an estimate based on *gasp* modeling.


So did you know you were comparing apples and oranges? Not sure whether intentional or unintentional irony.

The real-time fatality ticker is not that meaningful. It's difficult to impossible to track these things in real time, especially during disasters. That's why you get these studies and models after the fact (see, for example, the Hurricane Maria deaths...)

It will be interesting to see the studies estimating total mortality after this is all said and done. I still think it’s bad form to guess how many tens to hundreds of thousands of Americans are going to die (like many on here…) but I’ll go out on a limb and predict it will be much higher than the flu.

It is always apples to oranges.

Orange to orange would be flu with no vaccine and no herd immunity. I'd imagine in that race flu would be deadlier, but that is just me guessing.
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