Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

Something very bizarre happened today, which Trump will no doubt say was a joke later... Fox News host Laura Ingraham, sent a tweet earlier which said, "How many of those who urged our govt to help liberate the Iraqi's, Syrians, Kurds, Afghanis, etc., are as committed now to liberating Virginia, Minnesota, California, etc?" Trump then retweeted her message and added, "LIBERATE MINNESOTA!" and "LIBERATE MICHIGAN!" and "LIBERATE VIRGINIA! and save your great 2nd Amendment. It is under siege!"

What great leadership! The President is literally calling for American citizens to take up arms against and overthrow... their governors? Their local police forces? Perhaps even the National Guard? This is surreal... but like I said, Trump will probably say that he was just kidding. He also retweeted Kim Jong Un and called him a really good friend. What a nutjob.

You're always wrong, but now you're going full crazy.
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Its yearly I sh!t you not. This and explaining the whole welfare thing to people. I have to keep coming up with real world examples that I think he can grasp.
That was actually one of the most ignorant explanations imaginable.
Not only was it not true, but it showed a complete lack of comprehension of the data.
You've got a year to educate yourself.
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Obviously, someone who needed to go away and shut up. But she's still embroiled in fighting lawsuits and fighting against twisting to her own misdeeds as a saint. Hillary is dirty for 40 years, slime drips off that woman.

He let her off because he needed someone to shut up? What are you saying?
Basically because they do the work to eradicate global diseases. I guess it would be unthinkable that one of those could affect us.

But we can always send in Kushner to smack down pockets of plague and polio, in a pinch.
No need, Bill Gates has got this, with several deaths related to his most excelant vaccine program that used uninformed guinea pigs in other counties he was recently kicked out of. Off the boards, off the committee's get out, but oh so successful programs.
Seems like calling someone a nazi is straight out of a playbook. Its more like on a ship when a mutiny is attempted and the mutineers fail then walk the plank. Traitors hurt the side they're supposed to be on. They then in almost all cultures get dealt with permanently. It's a dishonorable thing to do betraying one's own side.

I'll call you a Nazi every time you advocate shooting protesters in our country.
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He let her off because he needed someone to shut up? What are you saying?
I'm saying campaign on holding those responsible for misdeeds and immediately say I'm not touching Hillary. But Hillary is being touched. She's fighting not to testify on her own email scandal and several other suits right now. Trump doesn't have to touch her because her chickens are coming home to roost.
I thought it was actually an article from the onion at first. Then I found out it was real. They actually drank aquarium cleaner. Duh.
Look up red man syndrome and pimphygus vulgaris for some interesting reading, the latter is not drug induced. I have seen 4 cases of red man in my career, all 4 associated with vancomycin. I had a pt on a ventricular assistive device that had it. When I touched him his skin peeled off in sheets. I refused to turn him until they put him on a pain pump. He would beg me not to turn him, my unit coordinator got upset with me, i made her go in with me. She changed her tune quickly.

I reacted to lisinopril and have permanently scared areas on my upper forearms from it after 3 doses, my ears were on fire with the last dose. We are seeing more and more reactions to that specific drug. I've seen people's faces that aren't recognizable from lisinopril reactions we intubate them and on x-ray all we can see it the tube with their trachea swollen closed around it. It would have killed them had we not intubated them.
Certain drugs we give even though listed as an allergy. We just prep them before we give it.
Benadryl, steroids and something to decrease stomach acid.
I've gone through 5 penicillan desensitization with pts. They get a form of pcn every hour for 16 hours. It's an interesting project but they are in ICU should they react badly. None of mine did. Thankfully.
Drugs can be highly beneficial like antibiotics, they are curative. The majority of drugs we give are purely to control symptoms. If people had healthy diets and exercise from birth we could get rid of 80% of the drugs we give. Some drugs, like chemo, kill cancer cells and healthy cells.
I give the broad spectrum antibiotics all the time. I've only ever seen 6 people who have a bug that's resistant to all antibiotics. Call the CDC with those findings and you'll have a rep there within a day. And they will turn every stone to find out about it.
Some people have zero reaction to meds. Others react to everything. The immune system is an amazing thing, when it runs normally we get back to a normal level of function when it runs amuck it's hard to get under control and can cause severe damage to the body (covid sets up a condition that specifically highlights an immune response cascade that doesnt stop) HCQ stops the virus before the body can set off all the cascades of attack. I think it mitigates the response pretty well in conjunction with other drugs.
Sorry, long post.
My wife is currently under a regiment of roids and antihistamines because she had an allergic reaction that was absorbed by her lymph nodes. Shes never had an allergic reaction to anything. The only thing we were exposed to differently was when we mulched the front landscaping. Maybe a toxin in the mulch? Even though the toxin is gone. the lymph nodes still have her t cells attack as if it's there via hives. Apparently it takes up to 21 days. The immune system is a bizarre unit sometimes.
I'm saying campaign on holding those responsible for misdeeds and immediately say I'm not touching Hillary. But Hillary is being touched. She's fighting not to testify on her own email scandal and several other suits right now. Trump doesn't have to touch her because her chickens are coming home to roost.

OK, sure thing.
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Because they were/are friends. They were getting together even after the election. When you play your friends in sports do you hate them based on the final result?
That is what concerns me, his buddies getting a pass from trump. It seems some investigations of Hillary and Cheryl mills are moving forward and they are doing everything they can not to testify.
That is what concerns me, his buddies getting a pass from trump. It seems some investigations of Hillary and Cheryl mills are moving forward and they are doing everything they can not to testify.

Doing anything not to testify.... reminds me of some recent somewhat high-profile trial. Oddly, though, some that chose to testify were thought to be traitors, by some.
Floridians aren't able to get unemployment payment for weeks, people are croaking and beaches and the WWE are back on the menu.

That's about right actually.
It's like opening a park and you cant bring a cooler, chair or sunbathe. What's the problem? The guy surfing by himself? the family walking their dog on the beach rather than the sidewalk, passing the same people?
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I think many are making far too much of testing. I do not believe testing is a major component of reopening. First of all by far, most tests come back negative, maybe a factor of 8:1. Secondly all it tells you is whether you're infected as of that moment. By tomorrow you may be infected. Thirdly there is a cost to this. Who'll pay for the test itself, who'll pay for the labwork? We cannot test all 330 million people, nor should we. We need to get back to work regardless of testing
Basically because they do the work to eradicate global diseases. I guess it would be unthinkable that one of those could affect us.

But we can always send in Kushner to smack down pockets of plague and polio, in a pinch.

If the work is wrong or they lie about the work / results .. why would keep paying for false reporting ? If you hire a roofer because you have a leak and he works on the opposite corner of your roof then hands you a bill swearing it’s not coming from the corner they didn’t work on ... do you still keep paying him ?

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