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It's very telling that you are minimizing the stupidity and recklessness of those "liberation" tweets from Trump. They were impulsive and incredibly foolish. This is not how any responsible leader conducts himself... whether he was just joking or not. Of course, he will have to say that he was just joking, and I don't blame you for not wanting to talk about the stupid things he said... but Biden is the crazy one, right?

What does it tell you?

I do agree with you that Biden seems more mentally impaired with each passing appearance, but I don’t recall bringing it up.
What does it tell you?

I do agree with you that Biden seems more mentally impaired with each passing appearance, but I don’t recall bringing it up.
If you see nothing wrong with those "liberation" tweets from Trump, then you would literally defend him for anything. In those tweets, Trump is calling for American citizens to revolt against their local governments, for basically following guidelines which his own administration set forth. I understand what Trump thinks he is doing - he wants to place the blame for the economic fallout from these shutdowns on governors, but that still doesn't make these tweets any less stupid. Those governors are still just following his own guidelines and these shutdowns have obviously also occurred in red states as well.... and is THIS what the President of the United States should be doing? Encouraging citizens to rise up against their local governments? That is crazier that bat $hit. This is not leadership. It's divisive and it is incredibly reckless and stupid.
These terrible hospital leadership in these liberal states mixed with liberal nursing millennials have caused this ridiculous drama

Tf? Hospital leadership in NYC has been solid generally, just a lot of infection. And the spring breakers/Mardi Gras crowd isn’t millennials
I’m curious why AS would stick his neck out for China. What’s his motivation here?

He's not so much as he's keeping the blame-Trump narrative alive:

"States are doing everything possible to acquire the materials, reagents, and protective gear to increase their own testing.

But that’s no substitute for national leadership.

Stop blaming China, the WHO, or the states.

Start acting like a President." Donald J. Trump on Twitter

— Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) April 17, 2020
These terrible hospital leadership in these liberal states mixed with liberal nursing millennials have caused this ridiculous drama
... and this is life in Trump's America. Everything involves a political calculus - but politics shouldn't come into play, where Trump is vulnerable to criticism.
There will be exceptions to everything and Virginia is becoming a deep blue state but for the most part, the people in who live in rural districts in the southeast, vote overwhelmingly republican.
Virginia is a weird state, we have 6 different accents lol. But Virginia as a whole is red with the exception of NOVA, Norfolk and Richmond. They just happen to have the biggest populations
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Tf? Hospital leadership in NYC has been solid generally, just a lot of infection. And the spring breakers/Mardi Gras crowd isn’t millennials
No they haven’t been. Talk to some of the nurses and physicians from other parts of the country who went up there to help. They are clueless on what they are doing
... and this is life in Trump's America. Everything involves a political calculus - but politics shouldn't come into play, where Trump is vulnerable to criticism.
You new at this? I don’t like it but it did not and will not end with a Trump. You think Obama, Schumer, Pelosi, or Biden don’t play politics? Hell CNN and MSNBC trash Republicans and conservatives every day.
I'm not arguing with you, I'm just saying besides 3 areas the rest of the state is red.
I have a good friend who is originally from Lynchburg (home of Falwell's Liberty U.). I have been up there with him a few times... biggest redneck clan since the Clampetts. There is nowhere in that town where jorts aren't acceptable fashion (although, camo is preferrable) and mullets will never go out of style.
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If you see nothing wrong with those "liberation" tweets from Trump, then you would literally defend him for anything. In those tweets, Trump is calling for American citizens to revolt against their local governments, for basically following guidelines which his own administration set forth. I understand what Trump thinks he is doing - he wants to place the blame for the economic fallout from these shutdowns on governors, but that still doesn't make these tweets any less stupid. Those governors are still just following his own guidelines and these shutdowns have obviously also occurred in red states as well.... and is THIS what the President of the United States should be doing? Encouraging citizens to rise up against their local governments? That is crazier that bat $hit. This is not leadership. It's divisive and it is incredibly reckless and stupid.
I've not read the tweets, but when you say revolt, do you mean violently revolt, or stand up and let their feelings be known. Like protesting.. Do Americans not have the right to protest government when they disagree? I see nothing wrong with encouraging Americans to let their voices be heard.

And as far as true revolution, the FFs encouraged revolution should the government overstep and become oppressive. The government works for the citizens. At least it's supposed to. Citizens should be allowed to hold government and its officials accountable. I find nothing outrageous about that, or about a POTUS encouraging that. I'd be more alarmed by a POTUS who asserted that was not the right of Americans.

Maybe Trump is deflecting. As I've said, I haven't read the tweets. But I don't disagree with the message at all.
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I believe the dependency on foreign made products goes back to the automotive industry in the 70's. As america continued to build expensive gas guzzling road-hogs at union labor wages the Japanese and other countries produced affordable gas misers with sweat shop labor. Americans liked the cheaper priced Toyota's / Datsun's with the better gas mileage. You can toss the motorcycle industry in the mix as well.

In my opinion that kicked the doors open to the Asian markets. Now the Toyota's and Nissan's ( datsuns) aint cheap anymore but people love em.
Try buying an American made television, Be sure to check the back packaging of your favorite frozen fish, etc.

You can hate on Trump all you want, but he's right about bringing jobs and industry back to America.
I'm sure it will take longer than I'll be around most likely, but it something that needs to happen for this country to survive as a world leader.

U.S. automakers were also beat on quality; that's why Japanese brands still flourish. Maybe U.S. pickups are better but everything else, no contest.
... and this is life in Trump's America. Everything involves a political calculus - but politics shouldn't come into play, where Trump is vulnerable to criticism.
Politics shouldn't be in play at all where Covid-19 is concerned, but that hasn't stopped the left from making it political and continuously attacking Trump, even when he was right. Both sides are playing the game. It's not one-sided.
If you see nothing wrong with those "liberation" tweets from Trump, then you would literally defend him for anything. In those tweets, Trump is calling for American citizens to revolt against their local governments, for basically following guidelines which his own administration set forth. I understand what Trump thinks he is doing - he wants to place the blame for the economic fallout from these shutdowns on governors, but that still doesn't make these tweets any less stupid. Those governors are still just following his own guidelines and these shutdowns have obviously also occurred in red states as well.... and is THIS what the President of the United States should be doing? Encouraging citizens to rise up against their local governments? That is crazier that bat $hit. This is not leadership. It's divisive and it is incredibly reckless and stupid.

I’m thinking Putin must have told him to do it.

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