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Crowd in Texas chants 'fire Fauci' and heavily armed demonstrators swarm New Hampshire as thousands across the country demand to be 'liberated' from stay-at-home orders - while protesters dump fake body bags outside of Trump properties

  • Anti-Trump activists laid makeshift body bags in front of Trump's properties to protest his outbreak response
  • President Trump doubled down on his tweets to 'LIBERATE' Minnesota, Michigan and Virginia
  • He told reporters at Friday's White House briefing that the Democratic governors in those three states could have gotten the same result with less restrictions
Protestors at an anti-lockdown rally in Texas yelled 'fire Fauci' in a targeted chant against President Trump's top medical advisor, as thousands of Americans defied stay-at-home and social distancing orders at rallies.

Meanwhile, anti-Trump activists launched counter-protests outside of the president's properties and laid body bags on the ground.

Hundreds of protestors gathered at the capitol building in Austin on Saturday to fight the state's coronavirus stay-at-home orders. The Texas protest was organized by Owen Shroyer and attended by Alex Jones from Infowars.

Cell phone footage from the protest showed people hoisting Trump 2020 flags and anti-lockdown signs into the air while calling for the dismissal of Dr. Anthony Fauci, the country's top immunologist and infectious disease expert.

Protestors in Austin, Texas, screamed 'fire Facui' in a targeted chant against Dr. Anthony Fauci, the country's top immunologist and infectious disease expert


Pictured: Infowars host Alex Jones, who helped organize the protest, marches with protesters during the "Reopen America" rally on Saturday

Fauci is often seen near Trump during daily briefings and COVID-19 press conferences where he updates the public on health developments.

The crowds chants come after Trump publicly showed support for the anti-lockdown protests and repeatedly contradicted Facui's public health recommendations.

Texas announced that it would be the first state to re-open amid the COVID-19 pandemic next week.

A woman who helped organize a COVID-19 anti-lockdown protest in New Jersey was charged for defying stay-at-home orders on Friday, authorities said.

The New Jersey Attorney General's office said Kim Pagan, of Toms River, was charged with violating emergency orders after she organized a protest against the state's lockdown in Trenton.


Cell phone footage taken from the protest showed a New Jersey police officer writing summonses as upset protesters yelled and defiantly honked their car horns

State stay-at-home protests also popped up in a Walmart parking lot in Hamilton. Protesters arrived with signs, American flags and wrote anti-lockdown messages on car windows, NBC New York reports.

One window read: 'MURPHY'S LAW WORSE THAN COVID-19.'


New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy (pictured) instated COVID-19 lockdown orders last week as he told residents cases have not yet plateaued

In recent days, thousands of Americans have flooded the streets with anti-lockdown protests as President Donald Trump voiced his support to 'liberate' states on Twitter.

Protests have appeared in several states like Oklahoma, Texas, Idaho, Virginia, Michigan, Florida, California, Kentucky, Ohio, North Carolina and Minnesota.


Pictured: Members of the Boogaloo Movement, attend a demonstration against the lockdown over concern about COVID-19 at the State House


'ReOpen Maryland', an anti-lockdown group, protested the state orders Saturday in downtown Annapolis with a procession of vehicles


Pictured: Demonstrators, using simulated body bags for props, protest President Donald Trump's handling of the coronavirus pandemic in Chicago, Illinois

Anti-Trump activists rallied in front of Trump properties across the country with body bags meant to represent the lives lost due to Trump's outbreak response.

A group of protestors gathered in Chicago, Illinois, on Saturday with at least seven makeshift body bags.

Further west, activists with Refuse Fascism also put fake body bags in front of Trump International Hotel & Tower New York to protest Trump.

Some signs placed atop the body bags read 'This represents 1000+ health care workers who died of COVID-19' and 'This represents immigrants who died in ICE custody.'


One body bag used in the Chicago anti-Trump protest had a sign that read 'humanity first! Trump: restore funding to WHO'

Crowd in Texas chants 'fire Fauci' as thousands across the country protest stay-at-home orders | Daily Mail Online
I've not read the tweets, but when you say revolt, do you mean violently revolt, or stand up and let their feelings be known. Like protesting.. Do Americans not have the right to protest government when they disagree? I see nothing wrong with encouraging Americans to let their voices be heard.

And as far as true revolution, the FFs encouraged revolution should the government overstep and become oppressive. The government works for the citizens. At least it's supposed to. Citizens should be allowed to hold government and its officials accountable. I find nothing outrageous about that, or about a POTUS encouraging that. I'd be more alarmed by a POTUS who asserted that was not the right of Americans.

Maybe Trump is deflecting. As I've said, I haven't read the tweets. But I don't disagree with the message at all.
The word he uses is "LIBERATE". Now, it's always possible that Trump doesn't know what a word means... but, the definition of "liberate" is to free people from enemy occupation. An act of liberation typically involves more forceful action than protesting. The Allied Forces did not liberate France in 1944 by way of protesting Nazi occupation. However, it should be pointed out that if Trump is just encouraging these people to protest - then it is still very stupid because he would just be encouraging people to protest against guidelines which his administration set forth.
U.S. automakers were also beat on quality; that's why Japanese brands still flourish. Maybe U.S. pickups are better but everything else, no contest.
I seldom buy on price alone. I sometimes overpay thinking a better product and still get a lemon and miss a bargain. The internet has been great for purchasing discretion though.
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I have a good friend who is originally from Lynchburg (home of Falwell's Liberty U.). I have been up there with him a few times... biggest redneck clan since the Clampetts. There is nowhere in that town where jorts aren't acceptable fashion (although, camo is preferrable) and mullets will never go out of style.
Depends where you go in Lynchburg, I could show you the Clampetts, I could show you N.W.A or I could show you the biggest collective group of people with sticks up their a$$es you've ever seen. LU is far from "redneck" and the same goes for Lynchburg.
The April jobs report is going to be ugly. Another 5.2 million Americans filed initial unemployment claims in the week ending April 11. That brings the total unemployment claims over the past month to 22 million, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. An unemployment rate of 15% is possible.
Chief Economist for the American Trucking Association is projecting 10-12%. GDP -20% in Q2 and flat or slightly down in Q3. Interestingly, Canada’s GDP is expected to be -50% in Q2 so it certainly could be worse. The ATA holds economic update calls twice a week so I usually listen in to 1 each week. I have more info breaking down March numbers in different areas as well if anyone wants it. Basically, everything sucks except for groceries and household items. Shocking, I know.
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I've not read the tweets, but when you say revolt, do you mean violently revolt, or stand up and let their feelings be known. Like protesting.. Do Americans not have the right to protest government when they disagree? I see nothing wrong with encouraging Americans to let their voices be heard.

And as far as true revolution, the FFs encouraged revolution should the government overstep and become oppressive. The government works for the citizens. At least it's supposed to. Citizens should be allowed to hold government and its officials accountable. I find nothing outrageous about that, or about a POTUS encouraging that. I'd be more alarmed by a POTUS who asserted that was not the right of Americans.

Maybe Trump is deflecting. As I've said, I haven't read the tweets. But I don't disagree with the message at all.

I don’t have Twitter and have been actively avoiding the news, so all I’ve seen of them are what was posted here.

Don’t know the context. Not even sure why he would post them.

But I did learn over the last three years that everything Trump does is the worst ever, criminal, and / or impeachable. I’ve become numb to the hysterics. Impeach!!!!
Depends where you go in Lynchburg, I could show you the Clampetts, I could show you N.W.A or I could show you the biggest collective group of people with sticks up their a$$es you've ever seen. LU is far from "redneck" and the same goes for Lynchburg.
All I can say is, that is not what I've seen. "Redneck" sums it up as well as any description could. He took me to a place called "Cattle Annie's" one night, so I wasn't expecting more than what I got.
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I vaguely recall there were some articles earlier about the masks not helping the average joe. Can’t remember if that was N95 or not. Essentially it seemed more like they were trying to keep people from running out and buying them like they did toilet paper.

Also, I think the idea is that you can get sick after having contact with the virus and then rubbing your eyes, picking your nose, touching your mouth, or whatever. if you’re a nurse, NP, or MD treating someone with appropriate ppe those things are less likely (because they wear and then remove latex gloves).
Lots of articles about masks not being effective. The N95 is different then a surgical mask. It prevents something 95% of microbes from getting in. Which is why it’s effective. So it can help with preventing you from getting it. Your second paragraph is correct.
All I can say is, that is not what I've seen. He took me to a place called "Cattle Annie's" one night, so I wasn't expecting more than what I got.
Lol well yeah, Cattle Annie's probably wasn't the place to go if that wasn't your style. That's like saying I went to Crenshaw and LA is full of thugs. But it's now called phase 2 but still the same concept, I haven't been to Lynchburg in years.
The word he uses is "LIBERATE". Now, it's always possible that Trump doesn't know what a word means... but, the definition of "liberate" is to free people from enemy occupation. An act of liberation typically involves more forceful action than protesting. The Allied Forces did not liberate France in 1944 by way of protesting Nazi occupation. However, it should be pointed out that if Trump is just encouraging these people to protest - then it is still very stupid because he would just be encouraging people to protest against guidelines which his administration set forth.
I disagree as to what the word liberate means in America. Case in point, when you think of Women's Lib, do you think of violence? It was a movement.

And yes, the WH set suggested guidelines. They did not issue mandatory orders. If the people of a state feel their governor's orders overstep, they have every right to speak up and be heard. I don't see how that is in any way wrong.

I've seen the argument that these guidelines are "what's best" and about saving lives. And I agree that they most likely save lives. But issuing mandatory orders with set deadlines and punishments, that, IMO, is un-Constitutional.
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Lots of articles about masks not being effective. The N95 is different then a surgical mask. It prevents something 95% of microbes from getting in. Which is why it’s effective. So it can help with preventing you from getting it. Your second paragraph is correct.

I shared this once here a few months ago but going to say it again in the interest of sharing info I found interesting.

We purchased N95 masks for our teams in China early on. The nurse we consulted with was discussing the regular masks and said they are not effective at stopping the virus from flowing through. The gaps in the fabric are too large.

However, she said they were very effective at preventing the spread of viruses. This is because it modifies the behavior of the wearer: they don’t touch their face near as much.

So I suppose it’s similar to social distancing. It doesn’t stop the spread of the virus per se, but it makes it less likely.
I've not read the tweets, but when you say revolt, do you mean violently revolt, or stand up and let their feelings be known. Like protesting.. Do Americans not have the right to protest government when they disagree? I see nothing wrong with encouraging Americans to let their voices be heard.

And as far as true revolution, the FFs encouraged revolution should the government overstep and become oppressive. The government works for the citizens. At least it's supposed to. Citizens should be allowed to hold government and its officials accountable. I find nothing outrageous about that, or about a POTUS encouraging that. I'd be more alarmed by a POTUS who asserted that was not the right of Americans.

Maybe Trump is deflecting. As I've said, I haven't read the tweets. But I don't disagree with the message at all.

BB means violent.
Trump, of course, means protest and vote or recall those damn Dem governors from office.
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The word he uses is "LIBERATE". Now, it's always possible that Trump doesn't know what a word means... but, the definition of "liberate" is to free people from enemy occupation. An act of liberation typically involves more forceful action than protesting. The Allied Forces did not liberate France in 1944 by way of protesting Nazi occupation. However, it should be pointed out that if Trump is just encouraging these people to protest - then it is still very stupid because he would just be encouraging people to protest against guidelines which his administration set forth.

The definition of "LIBERATE" is also:
to help someone or something to be free
to release someone from control, duties, limits, or prison

Word definition fun!
Dynalo posted as article with a discussion by a big shot scientist that says the test is garbage from my understanding. Worth a read very long though

Essentially, before he died the inventor of the PCR was yet again stating that it was never created to be used as a diagnostic tool, but was for research purposes. He’d been saying that since it started getting used to test for HIV/aids. Article/interview explains why false positive results are so common when it’s utilized for diagnostic testing.
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I don’t have Twitter and have been actively avoiding the news, so all I’ve seen of them are what was posted here.

Don’t know the context. Not even sure why he would post them.

But I did learn over the last three years that everything Trump does is the worst ever, criminal, and / or impeachable. I’ve become numb to the hysterics. Impeach!!!!

True dat.
Trump could strangle puppies during prez debates and I'd have to ask why Democrats sic'ed those hellhounds on him.

Literally nothing the left says about him can be taken at face value, so perverse and pervasive are the Chicken Little, hourly proclamations.
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