Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

lmao As American citizens, we have rights guaranteed by our Constitution. That's why the WH issued guidelines, recommendations, whatever you want to call it. Governors overstepped by issuing mandatory orders that came with punishments if citizens chose to exert their rights. And not just Democrat governors, but Republican governors as well. Mandatory suspension of rights violates the Constitution.

Has Trump tweeted for Liberation in states with Republican governors? F' no.
The KKK is irrelevant today, 99.999999% of Americans who see one of those idiots would just laugh because they are a joke and nothing more. However your party wants to say every Trump voter is a racist and a member, it’s lazy and beyond old.

I didn’t wish death on that moron, but I’m not sad he’s dead either.
I would not say every Trump voter is a racist. But a heck of a lot of racists seem to support him.
Aw, come on. Don’t be upset and get spiteful. Commit to your freedoms unconditionally.

Spiteful would be creating/sharing the "Lockdown Protestor" card; pointing out the inverse is merely highlighting the (predictable) lack of nuanced thought inherent to those who simply can't fathom why some people don't appreciate an extended shutdown over an overblown Chinese cold.
Trump can't have it both ways. He should honor his suggested guidelines or repeal them. Trump is merely attacking Democrat governors who followed his guidelines.

Did Trump’s guidelines include baring the purchase of seeds, paint, or other “non-essential“ items? Did his guidelines include closing state local parks? Did his guidelines include curfews and arresting people for playing with their kids outside?
Did Trump’s guidelines include baring the purchase of seeds, paint, or other “non-essential“ items? Did his guidelines include closing state local parks? Did his guidelines include curfews and arresting people for playing with their kids outside?

When did seeds and paint become essential?
Wasn't that one of the main reasons he was elected?
Didn't everyone know that was exactly the way it was going to be when they pulled the lever for him?
As you like to say, a large part was a vote against Hillary. They knew what they'd get from her as well.
Spiteful would be creating/sharing the "Lockdown Protestor" card; pointing out the inverse is merely highlighting the (predictable) lack of nuanced thought inherent to those who simply can't fathom why some people don't appreciate an extended shutdown over an overblown Chinese cold.

I don’t think you understand what “inverse“ means... or “spiteful“ for that matter. I thought the bedrock of conservatism was personal responsibility, guess not.
I've whined and bitched about nothing...... other than Trump.
He's a horrendously despicable human.

He could be sitting on a yacht in the middle of Mediterranean with two fresh call girls brought to him every night.

Perspective and unique thoughts. Get some.
Are states with Republican Governors using the shutdown and the fact citizens are barred from protesting their state legislatures to pass draconian anti-gun legislation?

Right. All the protests fueled by Trump's tweets have been about gun legislation.
Are states with Republican Governors using the shutdown and the fact citizens are barred from protesting their state legislatures to pass draconian anti-gun legislation?
There will be rioting that will start across the US if the people are forced to stay home for months to come and I don't blame them at all for rioting!:mad::rolleyes:
It’s ok to be scared..... I will make the trip to Ohio to grab your hand and walk you outside when they give us the all clear.

That would be weird for a couple reasons. First, I don’t live in Ohio, so you’d be looking for quite some time. Second, if you’re carrying your card they won’t let you into the hospital... so as much as I surely would enjoy your company, you are destined to go on an endless, unfruitful quest.
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Btw, I really do like Andrew Cuomo. Maybe I'll go back to disliking him after this crisis but he's been a true statesman.

He chose not to buy ventilators that he then had to go begging Trump for while sitting in front of medical supplies given to him by Trump by way of FEMA.

Are you all this dumb? It's why I just have to leave this board for months at a time. I can only handle a certain amount of stupidly.
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So bitter........key ingredient of a Trumper.

I agree Justin was wrong for laughing about a guy dying, but considering all the Trump attacks I've seen from you and the other liberals, it seems ironic for you to call someone else bitter.
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