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Wasn't that one of the main reasons he was elected?
Didn't everyone know that was exactly the way it was going to be when they pulled the lever for him?

I’ve said for quite some time that while I was not a fan of Trump early on, I certainly would have been if I had known he would drive the left bat**** crazy.

Think of all the tactical, unforced errors the leftists have made just trying to one up Trump.

It’s good stuff, Luth. I thank you for your own personal contributions.
You left out the lead in to his answer:
"That's a disgusting question....and you work for Fox?......surprising.....maybe Fox should fire you so you can work for a fake news network......or maybe Fox is becoming another fake news network......sad......disgusting......but, it could be millions, it could be billions...... I just know it was yuuuge, yuuuge savings of life bc of my great decision.....but the fake news networks aren't going to report it."
See now you are getting it..... trash talk
Not really. He and I clearly weren't on the same end of the spectrum politically and his post about Trump supporters was 100% in the wrong, but that doesn't make his death funny.
I’m sick and f’ing tired of me, my family, my friends and people who vote like me getting called racists and members of the KKK. Screw him and everyone like him. I’m not one bit sad.
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I’ve said for quite some time that while I was not a fan of Trump early on, I certainly would have been he would drive the left bat**** crazy.

Think of all the tactical, unforced errors the leftists have made just trying to one up Trump.

It’s good stuff, Luth. I thank you for your own personal contributions.
Glad to do it.
The fact that you did not know is hysterical. What cave were you living in?
Don’t be so tough on them, they nominated the most qualified person to ever run and she got beat soundly by someone they call a cheeto
Plus they don’t like when America and Americans prosper, libs believe we should suffer and look my like Venezuela. The last few weeks have been a libs wet dream. Many millions on unemployment and supply/food shortages

Unfortunately this has been the Dem strategy for quite some time. They are the party of government dependence. The more people who are dependent on the government the more voters they feel like they have.

The sad thing about government dependence is you cannot prosper on government dependence, you can survive but not prosper. A lot of these folks then get complacent and think it is what it is I will be dependent and continue to vote the ones who offer the hand outs with the promise that they are somehow going to get out of their current situation with more hand outs.

Unfortunately for the Dems a lot of the folks that have been driven into this situation in the last month are those who are willing to prosper.
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Trump's guidelines said to stay shut down until the end of April. These guidelines were the basis for the states' orders. Now Trump is attacking the states that followed his guidelines. The loss of rights, as some of you put it, originated from Trump's guidelines.

In Michigan, you can go fishing from a canoe but not a motorboat. This does what exactly?

In new Jersey you can sit in your car in a liquor store parking lot but not a church parking lot.

Some states are roping off "non-essential" goods like clothes in box stores. People don't really need clothes?

Those are all happening in liberal states and you choose to blame Trump? Guidelines are not laws, genius. The dipsh*t liberal governors made those dipsh*t liberal decisions, not Trump.
Glad to do it.
The fact that you did not know is hysterical. What cave were you living in?

My hypothesis is any of the candidates elected over Hillary would have faced a similar onslaught in an attempt to impeach. The Democrats have a lot to cover up that is going to come to light as people with actual morals get inserted into the unelected bureaucracy.

Your rage would have been similar, because you swallow whatever you’re told by CNN, MSNBC, etc. and build unhealthy emotions around it.

Of course we’ll never be able to prove or disprove my hypothesis, but never forget before it was Trump, it was Cruz. Before Cruz, it was Romney. Before Romney, it was Cheney. Before Cheney, it was Bush. The game with your side doesn’t really change that much. That’s why it’s so easy to tune out.

Cool, now let's do a card for every economic shutdown proponent that disqualifies them from receiving any kind of unemployment benefits or government financial assistance.

I have to say that I found the number of SB Nation "writers," all of whom advocates for extended social distancing measures, suddenly begging for tips post-furlough to be rather ironic.
In Michigan, you can go fishing from a canoe but not a motorboat. This does what exactly?

In new Jersey you can sit in your car in a liquor store parking lot but not a church parking lot.

Some states are roping off "non-essential" goods like clothes in box stores. People don't really need clothes?

Those are all happening in liberal states and you choose to blame Trump? Guidelines are not laws, genius. The dipsh*t liberal governors made those dipsh*t liberal decisions, not Trump.

He’s ignoring human behavior in the US. People are willing to tolerate a loss of freedom to a certain degree if the reason is rational and clear.

When people in power overstep that invisible line, there is going to be a revolt. The ask will not be let us sit in the church parking’s goin to be for a full restoration of freedom.

This isn’t difficult. The governors overplayed their hands, now they look more like tyrants, and people are saying enough. They would rather take the chance with the disease than live under the rules of the tyrant.

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