Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

My hypothesis is any of the candidates elected over Hillary would have faced a similar onslaught in an attempt to impeach. The Democrats have a lot to cover up that is going to come to light as people with actual morals get inserted into the unelected bureaucracy.

Your rage would have been similar, because you swallow whatever you’re told by CNN, MSNBC, etc. and build unhealthy emotions around it.

Of course we’ll never be able to prove or disprove my hypothesis, but never forget before it was Trump, it was Cruz. Before Cruz, it was Romney. Before Romney, it was Cheney. Before Cheney, it was Bush. The game with your side doesn’t really change that much. That’s why it’s so easy to tune out.
Your hypothesis is ridiculous and 100% wrong. Again, hysterical.....thanks.
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I’m sick and f’ing tired of me, my family, my friends and people who vote like me getting called racists and members of the KKK. Screw him and everyone like him. I’m not one bit sad.

How often does someone accuse you of being a member of the KKK.? I get that the charges of racism are thrown back and forth by both parties, but honestly, how often has someone called you a KKK member and you think to yourself "I wish this person was dead"?

Hell, I imagine most people don't even wish death on actual KKK members, unless they have done something particularly atrocious.
How often does someone accuse you of being a member of the KKK.? I get that the charges of racism are thrown back and forth by both parties, but honestly, how often has someone called you a KKK member and you think to yourself "I wish this person was dead"?

Hell, I imagine most people don't even wish death on actual KKK members, unless they have done something particularly atrocious.
The KKK is irrelevant today, 99.999999% of Americans who see one of those idiots would just laugh because they are a joke and nothing more. However your party wants to say every Trump voter is a racist and a member, it’s lazy and beyond old.

I didn’t wish death on that moron, but I’m not sad he’s dead either.
Trump is asking people to assert their rights against his own suspension of them.
The WH issued recommendations. The governors issued orders. One is saying, hey, be smart, and do this. The other is saying you must do this. Now, which one is actually the suspension of rights?
The WH issued recommendations. The governors issued orders. One is saying, hey, be smart, and do this. The other is saying you must do this. Now, which one is actually the suspension of rights?

Trump can't have it both ways. He should honor his suggested guidelines or repeal them. Trump is merely attacking Democrat governors who followed his guidelines.
He’s ignoring human behavior in the US. People are willing to tolerate a loss of freedom to a certain degree if the reason is rational and clear.

When people in power overstep that invisible line, there is going to be a revolt. The ask will not be let us sit in the church parking’s goin to be for a full restoration of freedom.

This isn’t difficult. The governors overplayed their hands, now they look more like tyrants, and people are saying enough. They would rather take the chance with the disease than live under the rules of the tyrant.

My own governor got harassed by reporters for not closing golf courses. As if golf is a team sport and large crowds all tee off together.

I assume you watch the daily press conferences? Do you notice the number of questions that really amount to "why aren't you being a tyrant and making tyrannical orders?"
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The WH issued recommendations. The governors issued orders. One is saying, hey, be smart, and do this. The other is saying you must do this. Now, which one is actually the suspension of rights?

Mr "total authority" could exercise his "absolute power" and "liberate" the nation.

I guess you don't see it as playing politics with "no responsibility". After all the protestors are being "very responsible". All of this might sound good in theory, but these "protests" are essentially coordinated Trump rallies.

I guess it's just a matter of time until he have "million gun marches" in the name of "liberty". Who cares if there is a political motive?
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Trump can't have it both ways. He should honor his suggested guidelines or repeal them. Trump is merely attacking Democrat governors who followed his guidelines.
lmao As American citizens, we have rights guaranteed by our Constitution. That's why the WH issued guidelines, recommendations, whatever you want to call it. Governors overstepped by issuing mandatory orders that came with punishments if citizens chose to exert their rights. And not just Democrat governors, but Republican governors as well. Mandatory suspension of rights violates the Constitution.
Mr "total authority" could exercise his "absolute power" and "liberate" the nation.

I guess you don't see it as playing politics with "no responsibility". After all the protestors are being "very responsible". All of this might sound good in theory, but these "protests" are essentially coordinated Trump rallies.

I guess it's just a matter of time until he have "million gun marches" in the name of "liberty". Who cares if there is a political motive?
Both sides are acting with political motives. Where have I denied that Trump is playing politics. The left is as well by trying to blame virus deaths on Trump. It's all political, so why not be outraged at both sides rather than choosing sides?
Cool, now let's do a card for every economic shutdown proponent that disqualifies them from receiving any kind of unemployment benefits or government financial assistance.

I have to say that I found the number of SB Nation "writers," all of whom advocates for extended social distancing measures, suddenly begging for tips post-furlough to be rather ironic.

Aw, come on. Don’t be upset and get spiteful. Commit to your freedoms unconditionally.
How often does someone accuse you of being a member of the KKK.? I get that the charges of racism are thrown back and forth by both parties, but honestly, how often has someone called you a KKK member and you think to yourself "I wish this person was dead"?

Hell, I imagine most people don't even wish death on actual KKK members, unless they have done something particularly atrocious.

Google "Virgina second amendment".
Both sides are acting with political motives. Where have I denied that Trump is playing politics. The left is as well by trying to blame virus deaths on Trump. It's all political, so why not be outraged at both sides rather than choosing sides?

I'm calling out Trump's BS, and presenting the fact that one party, under the guise of "liberty" is undermining the public safety.

If these people were not being encouraged and coordinated by Trump's donors, I'd give it the credit it deserves, but it's all a farce.
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