Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

Archie was very real.
I had an Uncle Carl who died in 2012, who even looked like Carroll O'Connor. He spoke in similar tones... and used some of the same old school "we had it tougher in my day" lexicon... and he said the N word, constantly. But just like Archie, he still came across as someone with a big heart... who just hadn't been raised properly. He is still the funniest person I have ever been around. I miss the old guy.
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On this we can agree. I didn't grow up Archie but had, and still have, Archies in my family. I'm definitely on Archie's side of the fence but don't share many of his views.
I was raised in a fairly bigoted family. My parents would smile at the black family as they approached then call them effing n*****s after they passed. One of my brothers is well educated but is still a racist POS to whom I wouldn't give the time of day.
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False choice built on a strawman argument.

Yeah.... Kind of a "reductio ad absurdum" argument but what are the numbers that you find acceptable?

What percentage of the population are you willing to see die?

What is the number you, personally, are willing to sacrifice?

Dr. Oz seems to think 2-3% of the population is OK with him......

“You know, any life is a life lost, but to get every child back into school where they are being safely educated, being fed and making the most out of their lives with the theoretical risk on the backside might be a trade-off some folks would consider,” he said.

It's not clear exactly what he was trying to say — if he meant that a certain number of deaths was worth the benefit of schools resuming — and his representative did not immediately offer a clarification on Friday.
It's obvious there's a buncha people who don't understand disease vectors.

OK..... Y'all win. Let's open it up, full bore. I'm pretty healthy, probably won't affect me much. And if it does? So what? I'm just some guy you don't know.

But that guy you don't know may be out there spreading this to people in your family that may die from it.

When the inevitable spike in deaths happen...... Who are you gonna blame?

What is the acceptable number of preventable deaths?

I’m willing to have the discussion.

What about a nasty flu season? Where do you propose we draw the line?

It’s apparent we don’t have reliable models for these types of events. Who gets to decide?
I was raised in a fairly bigoted family. My parents would smile at the black family as they approached then call them effing n*****s after they passed. One of my brothers is well educated but is still a racist POS whom I wouldn't give the time of day.
We are like in many ways. Probably share a six pack.....through the fence.
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Really? So only white nationalists and Confederates are against the lockdowns?
I'm not so sure it was misleading. There were Archie's, I grew up with some. They just weren't the majority of the right as some here are trying to portray.
My parents were from 50’s Bham so I know exactly what you mean. Steel mills for miles and green smeltering smog.
I’m willing to have the discussion.

What about a nasty flu season? Where do you propose we draw the line?

It’s apparent we don’t have reliable models for these types of events. Who gets to decide?

The difference between this coronavirus and the flu is the difference between "pandemic" and "endemic".

In the latter there are treatments and vaccinations available.

In the former, there's nothing but what we're having to do now..... as sucky as it may be.

Once there's a viable treatment and vaccine you've done all you can to prevent deaths. Any deaths at that point will still suck, but until then this is the only thing we can do to save lives.

Right now we're at a "pick your poison" stage. Bad stuff is going to happen either way but, of the options, death is the only irreversible one.
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I’m willing to have the discussion.

What about a nasty flu season? Where do you propose we draw the line?

It’s apparent we don’t have reliable models for these types of events. Who gets to decide?

Sorry..... Just noticed that I didn't answer your question (in bold above).

The answer to that question is up to you...... How many preventable deaths are acceptable?
Random thought, and it will come across as cold and callous, but if you put science first, then perhaps we should let this virus run its course. Viruses and germs are about the only natural predators we have left. It's a form of population control. It's like conservation if you think about it. Darwinism.

Now, I don't really subscribe to that, but it's a different POV to rattle around inside your head and think about.
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I grew up 90 miles away in N AL.
Yea I remember us talking about it as I lived in Athens and Madison 20 years ago and had a territory in NA.
Some of the stories I heard as a kid from family members even were rather shocking. My mom saw Kkk cross burnings as a kid. And she loves all people and just bought her black optometrist nurse, who other than kind words, a rather expensive Chanel gift along with volunteerism in the black school community. **** I could go on and on.
I myself have commented on giving a homeless young black $200 on a whim just because I wanted to see him get back on his feet. Or all the other charities I have given to without regard to color. Yet I and my southern heritage are racist. Well they can FO.
It's obvious there's a buncha people who don't understand disease vectors.

What is the acceptable number of preventable deaths?

I’m down to discuss. The one thing I have been struggling with is what are we preventing right now locking down in TN? The purpose of the lockdowns were to flatten the curve so our medical system wouldn’t be overwhelmed and people die because they did not have access to care.

As I understand it we as a state were not trending towards our medical system being overwhelmed. Heck there have been thousands of medical employees being laid off across the state because they quit doing elective surgeries, etc. to have open capacity and they didn’t fill. So by locking down did we save lives? In my mind we did not.

So what is the risk with opening back up? This thing is still going to be out there and it is going to stay out there until we develop herd immunity which is more than likely going to happen before a vaccine is developed.

What you need to do is understand who are the most vulnerable and how do you try to protect them before a vaccine is created. For the rest let them get back to their lives. Are people going to die? Yes but people die from stuff every day. Thousands die every year from the flu even though we have a flu shot. Are we going to blame the medical community and the government for letting us out with this potential killer virus out there? No. We accept that there is a risk and we go about our way.

This will turn into the same. You can’t save everyone unfortunately just like we can’t save everyone from every unfortunate thing that takes lives every single day.

This is a morbid way of looking at things but we cannot hide in fear from it just like we don’t hide in fear from a multitude of things.
Really? So only white nationalists and Confederates are against the lockdowns?

Lol no I can promise you that’s not true . I just got back from the 7-11 in Norfolk , I didn’t see but three masks in or around the store and one of those was a sales clerk . The other behind the glass wasn’t wearing any gloves or mask . The part I can promise is .. there’s no white nationalist in that 7-11 . Not a single one .
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Random thought, and it will come across as cold and callous, but if you put science first, then perhaps we should let this virus run its course. Viruses and germs are about the only natural predators we have left. It's a form of population control. It's like conservation if you think about it. Darwinism.

Now, I don't really subscribe to that, but it's a different POV to rattle around inside your head and think about.

Here is another one that isn’t really popular but addresses a lot of problems (food, water, available space, infectious diseases, pollution, poverty, etc) that nobody really talks about:

In 2020 it’s irresponsible to have more kids than your own replacement value.

VN Store
