Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

Lou Dobbs absolutely went in on China a few minutes ago. Peter Navarro said that in Jan/Feb, China began buying PPE like crazy and now hoarding from Brazil, Europe, and the United States and price gouging. China is no different from the mafia.
Lou Dobbs absolutely went in on China a few minutes ago. Peter Navarro said that in Jan/Feb, China began buying PPE like crazy and now hoarding from Brazil, Europe, and the United States and price gouging. China is no different from the mafia.
We ought to nuke China again like we did in '45.
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I'm not being dishonest. If the .gov wasn't mandating the use of ethanol farmers wouldn't be planting as much. So like I said "another folly".
So, your answer is screw the Farmers because there is a Renewable Fuel Standard yet I never hear you complain about the subsidies that Big Oil gets from the Feds. Is that "another folly" too?
So, your answer is screw the Farmers because there is a Renewable Fuel Standard yet I never hear you complain about the subsidies that Big Oil gets from the Feds. Is that "another folly" too?

What subsidies does "big oil" get?

And no, I'm not saying screw the farmers. They are businessmen and if the .gov wasn't mandating ethanol they would be planting other food/fiber crops in place of corn.
We buy at least half or more of the junk they export. Quit buying their crap and their economy collapses. It'll take a few years to move manufacturing back to the US or source stuff from other countries, but by the time we get done with them they won't have a pot to piss in.
Oh you can bet the world will get behind us. Even Merkel has sent an invoice already lol
Based on what? Georgia is past peek. At risk and elderly still have to shelter until May 13th and really the only difference is that certain businesses can open back up in 5 days and a couple more in 7 days.

Riddle me this...

Shark eats Mrs. Kitner's kid on a raft. Everyone runs out of the water.

Where's the shark now?
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