Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

There's always sharks in the sea.
Bingo... Unfortunately the risk never drops to zero. It’s up to everybody at a certain point to choose their own tolerance level. I don’t blame anybody for what they choose, but a day is rapidly approaching where we’ve got to stop choosing for other people no matter what we think of their choice.
Bingo... Unfortunately the risk never drops to zero. It’s up to everybody at a certain point to choose their own tolerance level. I don’t blame anybody for what they choose, but a day is rapidly approaching where we’ve got to stop choosing for other people no matter what we think of their choice.

I don't disagree on having choices under normal circumstances. But... bottom line here is there will be a second wave.
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The cases are going to spike. Assuming people still social distance, which they will, the Healthcare system won't be over run and the virus will move through the population.

Fact: the Healthcare system has not been close to being overwhelmed on aggregate across the country.

The question isn't whether we should re open, it's whether we gained anything from shutting down in the first place. Sweden is going to come out of this looking like a govt full of geniuses for never shutting down at all when everyone else does exactly what they did but a month later.

We flattened the curve... But it's pretty obvious the time frame has to be measured in months and not weeks.
Not sure on destinations at the moment, but products are still moving. Diesel has been the best part of the barrel through this relative to jet and gasoline.
I think I told you I was a pipeline operator year ago. We had a 12” gas line from Atlanta to Nashville which we ran gas or diesel and an 8” diesel/Kero line. I was curious and could not remember but could you run aviation in a diesel vehicle?
I'm figuring .008% of the population so far outside of New York. It may top out at .01%. That would be 31,000 people outside New York.

For this wave, correct? Which was controlled through distancing. I'm not sure how the ultimate numbers between now and when a vaccine is delivered aren't considerably higher. If this is equally lethal as flu and infects over 10% of the population, you would expect a .01% death rate. Do you expect it to cap out at less than 10% of the population? Or do you think it is less lethal than flu?
That's a lot of people

It is a lot. My guess would be 5-10MM Americans infected. While you would expect bigger cities to have higher percentages infected - something like 80% of Americans live in Urban areas (of course Nashville is no New define Urban). 8 MM would be 2.5% on average. So higher in cities like LA, NY, Chicago, etc. and lower elsewhere could maybe make that work.

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