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Moment Idaho mother-of-four, 40, is Arrested for using closed playground, sparking mass anti-lockdown protest

A mother-of-four from Idaho was seen on video getting arrested on Tuesday for violating coronavirus restrictions by being at a closed playground, sparking a large protest at the the local City Hall hours later.

Sara Walton Brady, 40, from Meridian, was in the shuttered playground section of Kleiner Park with her children just before 4pm along with other people to protest against the state's stay-at-home order.

The rally was organized by the Idaho Freedom Foundation - a conservative organization dedicated, according to its website, to depleting 'the power of special interests and free people from government dependency.'
Idaho mom arrested for protesting lockdown at closed playground




Idaho mom arrested for protesting coronavirus lockdown at a closed playground | Daily Mail Online
This is just blind tyranny.

Really helping the public here. Good thing these dangerous women and children are off the streets now.

Honestly, what kind of non-psychopathic human being would do this?

These early-to-mid Feb cases in Santa Clara had no travel history - so it was community spread. Given that we did not have a noticeable spike in ILI (influenza like illness rate tracked by the CDC) until considerably later, I believe it was fair to say that it was not yet hitting mass spread. But the CV was in the community in at least mid-to-late January in CA (consistent with when it entered WA state). Seems like there sometimes needs to be a light-off event (like a funeral or party) to move from this slow isolated spread to firing off the real flare up....which seemed to happen several weeks later in CA (late Feb).
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UFOs? I see them a lot. That is, until ATC tells me what they are, or I can see it for myself. ADS-B helped in the A350 as well.

You talking about little silver saucer flying machines?

I would like to know what this was though. I was flying into SFO when I saw this and queried ATC about it. They didn't have any idea, but a lot of other pilots saw it as well....

Skip ahead to 1:20 and watch. This was filmed from LA.

Good footage. There is so much of this in these days and times. I know Lynne Kitei pretty well. Did you catch this re: the Phoenix Lights?

Louisville to cut athletics budget by 15 percent, furlough staff

Louisville athletic director Vince Tyra said his department will cut 15% from its sports budgets and furlough staff this week in further economic moves resulting from the coronavirus pandemic.

Tyra said furloughs would be announced Wednesday, but he did not specify details to the University of Louisville Athletic Association (ULAA) board in a Monday video teleconference. Earlier this month, the AD announced 10% pay cuts for head coaches and senior staff, including himself, and included his forgoing $300,000 in bonuses.

The department aims to trim $15 million from the 2020-21 budget to be submitted this week, and it hinted at other cost-cutting moves, including furloughs.

Louisville to cut athletics budget, furlough staff
She thought she was Tom Brady. She got learnt. Now she is going to learn that they may very well take her children away. It's what they do with public-showing fooknutards.
Which is what happens when you get arrested, glad the left is finally learning this doesn't only happen to illegals
UFOs? I see them a lot. That is, until ATC tells me what they are, or I can see it for myself. ADS-B helped in the A350 as well.

You talking about little silver saucer flying machines?

I would like to know what this was though. I was flying into SFO when I saw this and queried ATC about it. They didn't have any idea, but a lot of other pilots saw it as well....

Skip ahead to 1:20 and watch. This was filmed from LA.

I'd guess a comet/meteor or piece of space junk burning up as it enters the atmosphere.
Yes, and some went to work who didn't before (many women moved to fill the gap left by men who went to war).

But the MI governor has just been wrong on this from too many angles. She is in a hotbed state and making every decision through a political lens it seems. Not a fan.

However, on the economy - I will add, this $600/week of extra unemployment is very interesting. My sister, who works in a dental office as a receptionist and has for 20 years, just had her pay go up while on unemployment due to the extra kick-in. What is unemployment pay right now - $20/hr or so? A lot of people who are out of work are used to getting less. There are no doubt people out of work who are used to getting more. Not trying to minimize the pain here. Yes, this is just for what, 4 months? And if the economic ramifications of lockdowns mean small business owners shutter and there is no work on the back side, the pain comes later without a doubt.

But, my question is - how bad is the pain now? Who is hardest hit by the lockdowns?

Sit-down food service is nailed. But most of the workers IN the restaurants, to the extent they qualify for this unemployment, are probably doing OK. Is that right? The companies are not. All the people employed in the middle, if currently out of work, are losing I would guess.

What else? Small businesses of all kinds that aren't essential. Again, the employees who work the shop are not going to hurt with that level of unemployment kicker. They likely aren't making over $20/hr. But obviously there are fixed costs for the owners and their ability to stay solvent and make rent is in huge jeopardy. Also they aren't bringing in the profits they are used to.

So it seems it is more the business-owners than the workers who are nailed. And to the extent that we can't inject enough liquidity to the business-owners through the SBA programs, that will mean huge problems with unemployment 6 months (or less) from now. But the average Joe is not facing financial doom from this to the extent the companies are there for them to come back to work in a month, or two, or more?

Is the key just keeping those companies solvent? And is the problem that we aren't able to do that?
Here’s one small business owner who is getting nada from the SBA program. Initially I tried but only half-heartedly, to apply via Chase where I have a business account. But on Day One they said “we’re not taking applications yet, and we’ll let you know when we are” but I never heard back. Based on only drawing a salary of $48k as the only employee my “entitlement” was capped at $10k which I hate to let it go but in the overall scheme of things it’s chump change and though business is way down right now should be able to pay for the $500k worth of catalyst we had on order months ago and keep the IRS paid up and still remain solvent. Assuming the economy doesn’t go completely off the rails.
Here’s one small business owner who is getting nada from the SBA program. Initially I tried but only half-heartedly, to apply via Chase where I have a business account. But on Day One they said “we’re not taking applications yet, and we’ll let you know when we are” but I never heard back. Based on only drawing a salary of $48k as the only employee my “entitlement” was capped at $10k which I hate to let it go but in the overall scheme of things it’s chump change and though business is way down right now should be able to pay for the $500k worth of catalyst we had on order months ago and keep the IRS paid up and still remain solvent. Assuming the economy doesn’t go completely off the rails.

It has to be the small business owner that is staring down the cannon barrel the hardest in all of this.
I bitched about Trump in everyone of the posts. Even reiterated that I think Trump sucks. What more was there to say about Trump. You ignore all that to call me a sycophant.

In addition to Trump's answer being bad I thought the question was bad and pointed that out. God forbid we apply any critical analysis to the press.

He’s the Chief Executive of a bloated federal government which has spent the last 50+ years consolidating its power in the the office that he now holds. He is arguably the most powerful man on the planet.

So, yes, the obvious incongruence of his supporters’ repeated efforts to elevate some relatively insignificant person or institution into an equally prominent role in any and every conversation about his shortcomings is... well it’s transparent.

I’ve considered other explanations for that behavior, but sycophancy seems the most plausible at this point.
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Good footage. There is so much of this in these days and times. I know Lynne Kitei pretty well. Did you catch this re: the Phoenix Lights?


Couldn't resist this video clip

But seriously....

SpaceX Starlink Satellites Tracker

Put in your lat long or city and it will tell you when the string will fly over your house.
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You continue to bring nothing to the table.
You 2 just agree to disagree and lets talk about more important things, like do aliens exist? Is Nick Saban a robot? Who killed Kennedy? You gotta screw one, kill one, marry one kind of stuff is always fun, oh and was that dress really blue?
You're seeking a pat on the back but I'll answer, maybe they were so defensive of the drug because they were hoping it worked. You know people in critical situations try to find hope but then people like you come around and it's not what you presented rather how you presented. See when you come to people with an all knowing, debbie downer attitude people have a tendency to tell you to go f##k yourself. Now you're coming back around to prop yourself up on a pedestal and scream you were right. Well congrats all your wishing has come true, the drug didn't work, people are still dying and most importantly you were right. Congrats!

I wasn’t hoping it didn't work, I was cautioning people about real-world consequences of this drug. Side effects that are already listed for this drug btw. F a pat on the back, I didn’t do anything. I wanted people to realize that Trump was pushing a drug that others (including MDs at the same podium) were cautioning us about.

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