Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

He’s the Chief Executive of a bloated federal government which has spent the last 50+ years consolidating its power in the the office that he now holds. He is arguably the most powerful man on the planet.

So, yes, the obvious incongruence of his supporters’ repeated efforts to elevate some relatively insignificant person or institution into an equally prominent role in any and every conversation about his shortcomings is... well it’s transparent.

I’ve considered other explanations for that behavior, but sycophancy seems the most plausible at this point.

1. I'm not one of his supporters. The quotes you included document that as do other posts I've made over the last 4 years.
2. I haven't repeatedly made efforts to elevate blah, blah blah

I commented on one exchange noting that I thought the whole thing was a shizz show and you get all wee wee'd up about it.
What law? A temporary "order" is not a law. Even if it was no policeman who took their job and oath seriously would arrest a mother for letting her kids play.

Really? People are getting fined and arrested for breaking the corona virus orders. Pretty sure the state level orders are law.
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What law? A temporary "order" is not a law. Even if it was no policeman who took their job and oath seriously would arrest a mother for letting her kids play.

Are ‘Stay At Home’ Orders Constitutional?

The Supreme Court has had little to say about state power to override people’s liberty during epidemics. The most helpful case is from back in 1905 during the smallpox epidemic, Jacobson v. Massachusetts. In that case, a pastor argued that a mandatory smallpox vaccination violated his constitutional rights. The Supreme Court sided with Massachusetts but framed its decision carefully.

The Court acknowledged that “the liberty secured by the Fourteenth Amendment . . . consists, in part, in the right of a person ‘to live and work where he will.’" But it added: “in every well-ordered society . . . the rights of the individual in respect of his liberty may at times, under the pressure of great dangers, be subjected to such restraint, to be enforced by reasonable regulations, as the safety of the general public may demand.”
Nurse, why are we doing this? Why are labeling every single death as covid, even those in hospice care?

Covid19 deaths are profitable. The hospital can apply for certain grants tied to this epidemic in the US. It's about the Benjamin's. Yes, we have become THAT society. If half truths get you extra dollars, why not stretch it. I abhor this line of thinking.
Copied this from OHVol40 in the meme thread
My question is how many times in the last 45 days has the "Science" sign been not just updated, but replaced.
6-18 months from now, maybe we have some valid science, but for now I see more people attempting to "find" facts to support their hypothesis than genuinely analyzing data and generate a conclusion.
Right now, Facebook (or at least an unrestricted Facebook) is about as accurate as the information from scientist.

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Of course they will investigate our countries response, it's part of their job description.

Investigate or review? There's a difference. A dollar to a donut says they're gunning for a criminal investigation. They'll make up the crime along the way.

Back in the fifties and sixties when one in a thousand people might have a camera on them we were getting all kinds of UFO images. Now when everyone has a camera we hardly ever get anything.
These things the fighter pilots were tracking are interesting but are not evidence of et.
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Of course aliens exist, it’s a statistical inevitability. Nick Saban is not a robot, he’s a very short, very sad, very rich man. Johnson killed Kennedy. The dress was, in fact, blue.

Covered all bases. Now can I please continue to point out this guy’s ineptitude/irrelevance?

Aren't buckeyes worthless nuts?
Investigate or review? There's a difference. A dollar to a donut says they're gunning for a criminal investigation. They'll make up the crime along the way.

Trump and his team will self-review, which will report a glowing success. Congress will look at it from a national security point of view and identify shortcomings.

Investigation.. review... doesn't matter because Trump will cry like someone stole his ice cream and his loyal supporters will follow suit.

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