Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

that would be Kemp because he has intentionally violated the federal guidelines since their curve was still rising when he made the proclamation. This because he is vying to be Trump’s biggest eunuch. Pence has got a lock on that although Barr is starting a renewed run

Hey Barney make a citizen’s arrreest.
Human trials will still take a while, no matter where they’re done. No way around it.

Its definitely apples to oranges, but H1N1 was discovered in April and there was a vaccine in September. It was a strain of influenza, so that meant there was already some basic research. But I can’t imagine it went through the normal channels as a new vaccine to be given 4-5 months after the virus was discovered.
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My God. It’s a full on Idiocracy out there and it’s nonpartisan.
The idiocy is absolutely non-partisan, but the motivation is totally partisan.

"Something awful just happened. Let me see how I can use this as an opportunity to progress with all my agenda items."

Any of these political hacks claiming to move how the data tells them to are full of it. They are going to rationalize however they have to in order to get their action items, and because of that you can't trust a damn word they say.

Trump's experts are telling him that with high density cities like Atlanta a too-soon reopwning could be a calamity.

So while on the one hand Trump praises Kemp and tacitly promotes reopening too soon in general, to keep the base happy.

Within the same press conference -- which is amazing testament to his willingness to lie at the drop of a pin-- he claims he is opposed to what Kemp is doing.

So when it gets ugly, he can bail and say he was against it.
Its definitely apples to oranges, but H1N1 was discovered in April and there was a vaccine in September. It was a strain of influenza, so that meant there was already some basic research. But I can’t imagine it went through the normal channels as a new vaccine to be given 4-5 months after the virus was discovered.
We're not going to have one widely available until 2021.
Whoever in the administration is telling Trump that his appearance at these press conferences is a good idea should be summarily executed.
It really doesn’t matter. Folks like you hate him either way. Now go make sure Joe Hasn’t wandered off again.
I agree, rich and poor alike. Everyone pays their fair share. No more loop holes, no more special treatment. Get corporate money out of elections while we are at it, cause you know corporations are not people and shouldn't have a voice.
If corporations aren’t people then neither are labor unions.
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you have the acumen of him if that's how you interpret what I said.

It’s not like you haven’t been told exactly why I’m reading your posts the way I am and given multiple opportunities to say why it’s wrong.

The fact that you offer only reflexive denials, instead of anything substantive tells me that either I’m right or you’re chucking rocks from a glass house with respect to acumen.

To reiterate: If you actually accept that Trump is flawed, why do you find it necessary to initiate complaints about the press when they call him out on his ********? Do you disagree that there is a substantial disparity between the press and the president in terms of responsibility and authority? Do you think this forum goes easy on the media?

If Trump had come out on January 23 and said “this is very serious but I’m putting together a task force and we’ll do all we can to keep it from affecting your lives,” stayed on message, and followed through on that promise, do you really think he’d be getting asked questions about whether his behavior was inciting resistance to mitigation measures that he himself (sometimes) says are necessary? Do you think there would even be any protests?
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you do know that science changes, right.....that is what science is. The more they study the more it changes. You thought science was static?
I hope not! Pretty sure the laws of nature and physics are pretty set.
Concerning an emerging science, new data is discovered that impacts theories but the science is fixed only our observations change
I hope not! Pretty sure the laws of nature and physics are pretty set.
Concerning an emerging science, new data is discovered that impacts theories but the science is fixed only our observations change

When most people who know anything about the scientific process say “science”, this is what they usually think of:
Make an observation.
Ask a question.
Form a hypothesis, or testable explanation.
Make a prediction based on the hypothesis.
Test the prediction.
Iterate: use the results to make new hypotheses or predictions.

When people who don’t have much experience with science say “science” this is what I imagine they think of:

I have not had s a chance to catch up, but this is the dumbest **** u you have ever said. We want anything to work and to suggest otherwise is BS. Anybody that suggests or likes your post is a jack wagon
Yeah, you're right. How would I have ever gotten the preposterous notion that the politics of this crisis are more important to Trump acolytes than the actual science of it? They don't matter to your beloved dear leader, the exalted one - his Holiness, now do they? LOL.


"The HHS official overseeing coronavirus vaccine development says he was ousted after his objections to hydroxychloroquine"

Dr. Rick Bright says his demotion is an example of the White House putting "cronyism ahead of science".

By Aaron Rupar on April 22, 2020 6:20 pm

In a scathing letter, the former director of the federal agency overseeing the development of a coronavirus vaccine claims he was removed from his post following clashes with Trump administration officials over their pushing of unproven and potentially dangerous coronavirus treatments.

"Specifically, and contrary to misguided directives, I limited the broad use of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, promoted by the administration as a panacea, but which clearly lack scientific merit," writes Dr. Rick Bright in the letter, which was released through the law firm representing him.

Bright was alluding to efforts President Donald Trump and a number of his supporters in government and the media have made in recent weeks to promote hydrochloroquine as a potential coronavirus miracle drug.

"While I am prepared to look at all options and to think 'outside the box' for effective treatments. I rightly resisted efforts to provide an unproven drug on demand to the American public," Bright continued. "I insisted that these drugs be provided only to hospitalized patients with confirmed COVID-19 while under the supervision of a physician."

Bright led the Department of Health and Human Services' Biomedical Advanced Research and Develpment Authority (BARDA), the agency leading the push for vaccines and treatments for COVID-19, until he was demoted Tuesday into a lesser role within the National Institutes of Health.

In the letter, first reported by the New York Times, Bright demanded the Department of Health and Human Services Inspector General investigate whether his demotion to a lesser role with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) stemmed from political or financial motives instead of public health ones. (Trump has a small investment in a company that manufactures Plaquenil, the brand-name version of hydroxychloroquine, and numerous wealthy Republican donors who are close with Trump have larger financial stakes in hydroxychloroquine drugs.)

"These drugs have potentially serious risks associated with them, including increased mortality observed in some recent studies in patients with COVID-19," Bright writes. "Sidelining me in the middle of this pandemic and placing politics and cronyism ahead of science puts lives at risk and stunts national efforts to safely and effectively address this urgent public health crisis."


If you honestly believe that Donald Trump is above placing his ego and scoring political points ahead of science and what is best for treating the coronavirus pandemic, then YOU are the "jack wagon". This is completely consistent with how Trump has governed for over 3 years now. Trump really is this petty, egotistical, self-absorbed, irresponsible and reckless.
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Trump's experts are telling him that with high density cities like Atlanta a too-soon reopwning could be a calamity.

So while on the one hand Trump praises Kemp and tacitly promotes reopening too soon in general, to keep the base happy.

Within the same press conference -- which is amazing testament to his willingness to lie at the drop of a pin-- he claims he is opposed to what Kemp is doing.

So when it gets ugly, he can bail and say he was against it.

Trump really thinks he can ride this fence, simultaneously appearing in control and having no responsibility. The problem is that people who normally don't follow politics very closely are seeing him contradict himself daily, rather than only having Fox News to tell them how great he's doing.

He'll probably realize this soon enough and get back to being the Twitterer in chief.
Yeah, you're right. How would I have ever gotten the preposterous notion that the politics of this crisis are more important to Trump acolytes than the actual science of it? They don't matter to your beloved dear leader, the exalted one - his Holiness, now do they? LOL.


"The HHS official overseeing coronavirus vaccine development says he was ousted after his objections to hydroxychloroquine"

Dr. Rick Bright says his demotion is an example of the White House putting "cronyism ahead of science".

By Aaron Rupar on April 22, 2020 6:20 pm

In a scathing letter, the former director of the federal agency overseeing the development of a coronavirus vaccine claims he was removed from his post following clashes with Trump administration officials over their pushing of unproven and potentially dangerous coronavirus treatments.

"Specifically, and contrary to misguided directives, I limited the broad use of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, promoted by the administration as a panacea, but which clearly lack scientific merit," writes Dr. Rick Bright in the letter, which was released through the law firm representing him.

Bright was alluding to efforts President Donald Trump and a number of his supporters in government and the media have made in recent weeks to promote hydrochloroquine as a potential coronavirus miracle drug.

"While I am prepared to look at all options and to think 'outside the box' for effective treatments. I rightly resisted efforts to provide an unproven drug on demand to the American public," Bright continued. "I insisted that these drugs be provided only to hospitalized patients with confirmed COVID-19 while under the supervision of a physician."

Bright led the Department of Health and Human Services' Biomedical Advanced Research and Develpment Authority (BARDA), the agency leading the push for vaccines and treatments for COVID-19, until he was demoted Tuesday into a lesser role within the National Institutes of Health.

In the letter, first reported by the New York Times, Bright demanded the Department of Health and Human Services Inspector General investigate whether his demotion to a lesser role with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) stemmed from political or financial motives instead of public health ones. (Trump has a small investment in a company that manufactures Plaquenil, the brand-name version of hydroxychloroquine, and numerous wealthy Republican donors who are close with Trump have larger financial stakes in hydroxychloroquine drugs.)

"These drugs have potentially serious risks associated with them, including increased mortality observed in some recent studies in patients with COVID-19," Bright writes. "Sidelining me in the middle of this pandemic and placing politics and cronyism ahead of science puts lives at risk and stunts national efforts to safely and effectively address this urgent public health crisis."


If you honestly believe that Donald Trump is above placing his ego and scoring political points ahead of science and what is best for treating the coronavirus pandemic, then YOU are the "jack wagon". This is completely consistent with how Trump has governed for over 3 years now. Trump really is this petty, egotistical, self-absorbed, irresponsible and reckless.

Those people dying due to hydroxychloroquine treatments are really pissing off those who are already complaining about inflated COVID deaths.
It’s not like you haven’t been told exactly why I’m reading your posts the way I am and given multiple opportunities to say why it’s wrong.

The fact that you offer only reflexive denials, instead of anything substantive tells me that either I’m right or you’re chucking rocks from a glass house with respect to acumen.

To reiterate: If you actually accept that Trump is flawed, why do you find it necessary to initiate complaints about the press when they call him out on his ********? Do you disagree that there is a substantial disparity between the press and the president in terms of responsibility and authority? Do you think this forum goes easy on the media?

If Trump had come out on January 23 and said “this is very serious but I’m putting together a task force and we’ll do all we can to keep it from affecting your lives,” stayed on message, and followed through on that promise, do you really think he’d be getting asked questions about whether his behavior was inciting resistance to mitigation measures that he himself (sometimes) says are necessary? Do you think there would even be any protests?

oh man - ok I'll play

1. your first assertion is wrong I have explained repeatedly in substantive terms why your interpretation is wrong but you are so enamored with your view that you ignore them just as you ignore my direct statements throughout criticizing Trump. You are providing the equivalent of "nuh uh". In fact not only do you ignore my repeated and consistent criticisms of Trump you actually imagine that those criticisms somehow make me a devoted supporter of Trump. You may want to perform some self-reflection yourself on your motivation for dragging this out over countless pages. Seems obsessive.

2. yes the POTUS has more authority and responsibility. It's not even an argument and irrelevant to my comments. I care not what this forum does - I don't speak for it nor it for me. It is interesting however that in your critiques of me you routinely lump me into some larger theme you see in the forum. My statements are my own. As author of said statements I know what the intent was. I've repeatedly tried to explain that intent and yet you willfully ignore it with some smug sense that you know "what I really meant". Interesting that you have to couch my comments into some larger assessment you've made of the forum to make your point. You've had to depart from actual statements of mine and view my statement in some larger "conclusion" you've reached about the tone of the forum. It's borderline conspiratorial. Even in this post you say "If you actually accept Trump is flawed". Clearly no amount of saying it over the last 4 years matters because YOU don't believe it - you can see through my ongoing, consistent comments to the real truth. And I'm the one in denial - right.

3. I do believe he'd still be getting repetitive and non-substantive questions - my initial point. You seem incapable of holding multiple thoughts in your head. It is possible for both Trump to be full of crap AND for the press to be wasting our time with dumbass questions. Pointing that out is not changing the story or being a sycophant or whatever you've imagined you've spotted and are so bent about that you have to post again and again about.

Can't wait to see what insanity follows. Knock yourself out.

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