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I can't even guess. I would like to know if their instruments were picking up anything other than visuals. Could they lock on (it appears they might have been)? Were they emitting any kind of em or other radiation? While you cannot say it is evidence of et you can't rule it out either.

One of the videos I saw the pilots said they had a really hard time locking on and following it because it was able to move at “ odd angles” a with speeds that are should be impossible . That’s why it’s so interesting . It’s not military or it would have gotten out by now . It also interests me because it was relatively speaking just off our front porch lol
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Is there a place where I can sign up ? I want to do that .

You are already a time traveler, just doing it in real time like most of us, but since you are near the coast, time is actually moving slower for you than myself and others in the mountains.

Personally, I appreciate the fact that time moves slower when I'm at the beach.
1. I'm not one of his supporters. The quotes you included document that as do other posts I've made over the last 4 years.
2. I haven't repeatedly made efforts to elevate blah, blah blah

I commented on one exchange noting that I thought the whole thing was a shizz show and you get all wee wee'd up about it.
“I didn’t repeatedly do the thing you just quoted me repeatedly doing.”

You even act like him...
Harvard won't 'seek or accept' federal stimulus money after calls from Trump to return cash

By Vandana Rambaran | Fox News

Harvard University announced in a statement Wednesday that it will no longer "seek or accept" aid from the CARES Act Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund, one day after President Trump demanded the Ivy League school return federal relief cash.

Harvard received nearly $9 million in federal funds through one of the government's relief programs doled out through the Department of Education, but the allocation to the prestigious university drew backlash from Trump, who claimed the university was receiving money through the Paycheck Protection Program instead, which is intended to help struggling small businesses.

Harvard won't 'seek or accept' federal stimulus money after calls from Trump to return cash
The bubble on the lower right needs to be removed and replaced with "people who realizes the government is not trying to implement or expand authoritarian policies".

At least they got it right by placing that group in a bubble since they live in one.

Those people are crazy. Our government has sought to expand authoritarian policies since it's creation.
Tucker Carlson: Here's why Whitmer wants Michigan residents quiet and subservient during coronavirus crisis

By Tucker Carlson | Fox News

All last week, we told you about Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and what she was doing in the name of science to respond to this coronavirus pandemic.

She banned the sale of forbidden objects -- paint, carpet, gardening supplies. She took control of the state's highways. She forbade residents from traveling to their own homes. She claimed this was rational and legal, though she never cited, of course, any scientific justification for all of this.

She says she must continue to do it, however, because keeping residents indoors is comparable in importance to beating Nazi Germany.

In World War II, there weren't people lining up at the capitol to protest the fact that they had to drop everything they were doing and build planes or tanks or to ration food. They rolled up their sleeves and they got to work.

Oh, so nobody complained during the Second World War. They were obedient little serfs who did exactly what their leaders told them to do. And why can't people in Michigan in 2020 do the same?

And why do they have to ask uncomfortable questions about what Gov. Whitmer is doing? They should shut up, and if they don't, we are going to arrest them.

That's her position. She wants her citizens quiet and subservient. Why? Because quiet and subservient people won't interfere with what she plans to do.
Gov. Whitmer wants her citizens quiet and subservient. Why? Because quiet and subservient people won't interfere with what she plans to do. And what is she planning to do? Well, merge the state government of Michigan with the state Democratic Party.​
Oh. You shouldn't be surprised. No one as mediocre as Gretchen Whitmer could become governor without the party brass backing her. And as governor, she is returning that favor in spades.

Recently, her government has been mounting an effort to trace the contacts of known coronavirus cases. Now, there are a lot of companies that could do that, but only a few of them are de facto arms of the Democratic Party in Michigan. So who do you think Gretchen Whitmer turned to?

You don't need to guess twice. On Monday, Michigan's Health Department announced a contract with a group called Great Lakes Community Engagement. That's a company that describes itself as specializing in quote, "outreach campaigns to engage citizens."

They're lying by omission. In fact, it's a leftwing activist group linked to a man named Mike Kolehouse, a former Occupy Wall Street leader who has become one of the state's top Democratic political operatives. The company had been paid huge sums to collect signatures in support of leftwing ballot initiatives. Now, Whitmer wants them to be paid and to collect information on her citizens' health.

Now to do that, this group was going to use software from EveryAction, that's a company that brags is "the leading technology provider to Democratic and progressive campaigns." Its software is used by Planned Parenthood, NextGen Climate, NERAL, the National Abortion Rights Action League, among other groups -- all of whom, by the way, Whitmer has served as governor. Keep in mind, she is selling lotto tickets, banning operations, allowing abortions.

This almost worked. Gretchen Whitmer is shoveling tax dollars to her political allies in the middle of a pandemic. But on Tuesday, Michigan press outlets asked her office, why are you hiring a far leftwing activist to lead a public health initiative in the middle of an emergency? Wouldn't that be like the president replacing Anthony Fauci with Steve Bannon?

Tucker Carlson: Here's why Whitmer wants Michigan residents quiet and subservient during coronavirus crisis
The bubble on the lower right needs to be removed and replaced with "people who realizes the government is not trying to implement or expand authoritarian policies".

At least they got it right by placing that group in a bubble since they live in one.
Be thankful the beaches are reopened so you can return your head to the sand
This is nothing compared to her saying oil prices going negative are the perfect time to go green.

"New Toyota's are negative in price. If you drive to the dealership, they will give you a brand new Tacoma and $1000 cash! This means it's the perfect time to go buy a Ford!" - AOC probably.

She is a total idiot. What is she going to replace the millions of good paying, jobs the oil business provides with.....Minumum wage jobs? Like I said she is an idiot!
It is comical how invested right-wingers are in the use of hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for the coronavirus, and it's all because you just want to see a political victory for Trump, because of how much time he has spent promoting it. You wouldn't care about this, otherwise.

... but you will have to look for victories somewhere else, I guess. This one was a dud.
I have not had s a chance to catch up, but this is the dumbest **** u you have ever said. We want anything to work and to suggest otherwise is BS. Anybody that suggests or likes your post is a jack wagon
I can't even guess. I would like to know if their instruments were picking up anything other than visuals. Could they lock on (it appears they might have been)? Were they emitting any kind of em or other radiation? While you cannot say it is evidence of et you can't rule it out either.

The thing was shaped like a tick tac. A tube. No wings. It does not comply with our laws of aerodynamics.
Has anyone tested HCQ+Z-pack+zinc? That's the cocktail that some doctors are saying is most effective. Until someone does that, we've got nothing to talk about
That was fast, PITT is still waiting on FDA approval to start Human trials. Our government drags its feet while the rest of the world hits the ground running. Even if the UK vaccine is proven successful how long will it take the fda to approve?

There is way too much red tape where the FDA is concerned.
That was fast, PITT is still waiting on FDA approval to start Human trials. Our government drags its feet while the rest of the world hits the ground running. Even if the UK vaccine is proven successful how long will it take the fda to approve?

Human trials will still take a while, no matter where they’re done. No way around it.

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