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Having read DO's last few posts I'm inclined to cut DO some slack. DO is obviously ruled by emotions, more so, than usual. People who are inclined to dislike the current administration, (and those who voted it in), are more likely to become completely unhinged when stressed, particularly when they are barely "hinged" in the first place.

There is reality and there is delusion. You just picked the latter. Having compassion is not a weakness nor is it a "emotional", it's humane and this is why I posted what I did.

I'm among the very fortunate, where I live, no one is within 50-100 yards. I shut down a small grocery but all the food that I haven't given away is readily available. My "stress levels" are, for the most part, non-existent. If we do venture out, few are around as it is off-season. Soon to be OCONUS and will be able to enjoy a COVID-free environment in a tropical climate.

But, please, carry on your couch psychiatry, pull up a chair and watch your Grey/Orange Leader attempt to destroy the world you will be living in but I will not.
It is comical how invested right-wingers are in the use of hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for the coronavirus, and it's all because you just want to see a political victory for Trump, because of how much time he has spent promoting it. You wouldn't care about this, otherwise.

... but you will have to look for victories somewhere else, I guess. This one was a dud.

I don’t really care about it now. If it works it works. If it doesn’t, it doesn’t. We’ll find out at some point.

A lot of the posters here grabbed on to that one study that concluded it doesn’t. Some seemed to be gleeful. I don’t remember seeing many people disappointed that a potential path to recovery may have been closed off.

Seems odd.
I don’t really care about it now. If it works it works. If it doesn’t, it doesn’t. We’ll find out at some point.

A lot of the posters here grabbed on to that one study that concluded it doesn’t. Some seemed to be gleeful. I don’t remember seeing many people disappointed that a potential path to recovery may have been closed off.

Seems odd.
Its silly how political that drug got between the right/left and media that carries the water for both.
The way I understand it is the 15% kicks in upon diagnosis (through testing or secondary diagnosis). Whether the patient survives or not is immaterial.

A patient comes in, dies/survives from pneumonia, asthma attack, gunshot wound, car crash, diagnosed with CV, the 15% is paid. There is clearly financial motivation here to look for CV. Looking for CV increases CV, which in turn increases CV "related" deaths.

Insert this stimulus provision into treating the Flu. You think that 9,000 confirmed tested Flu deaths doesn't rise? Significantly?

The number of lab-confirmed would probably increase. It incentives spending the money on the test to get the diagnosis.

So yes lab-confirmed goes up. However, it probably doesn’t change the modeled result much.

With CV you are no doubt getting more testing. So I’ve always thought the gap between lab-confirmed deaths and actual/modeled deaths should be less than the gap in flu.

I’m having a hard time though with the money driving up (in such a way that we can’t trust it) the CV death number. We know how many lab-confirmed deaths we’ve got. If someone comes in who had a heart attack and might die. You hospitalize them. You also give them a CV test because hey more money if they’re positive. And they have it. Yes! But they die. No! That will be counted as a CV death. Some would argue it shouldn’t. They died of a heart attack. But, I find it very difficult that process is playing out again and again to drive up numbers in a meaningful way.

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