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Pelosi: Next Stimulus Will ‘Enable the American People to Vote by Mail’

Wednesday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said a “chunk of money” will be designated in the next coronavirus stimulus bill to enable the American people to vote by mail.

When asked about Senate Intelligence Committee confirming U.S. intelligence agencies conclusion that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election, Pelosi said, “Well, I’m not surprised. As a member of the Gang of Eight, I watched this whole investigation proceed.”

She continued, “It leads you to the question about what does Vladimir Putin have on President Trump personally, politically, financially, in every way?”

She added, “No matter what the president says, it cannot be denied. But it takes us to the next step. They have also told us 24/7 the Russians are still at work trying to undermine our election. That is why we have to have an important chunk of money in this next bill that will enable us to protect the integrity of our elections, as well as enable the American people to vote by mail, especially at this time of a health danger in going to the polls.”

She concluded, “This is the lifeblood of our democracy, the vote. So here we are trying to protect the lives of American people, the livelihoods of the American people, and also the life of our democracy. That is what we are going to do in the next bill as well.”

Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN

Pelosi: Next Stimulus Will 'Enable the American People to Vote by Mail'
Joni Ernst: Eliminate U.S. Taxpayer Funding of Wuhan Lab, Chinese Wet Markets

SEAN MORAN 23 Apr 2020

Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA) told Breitbart News Daily about her legislation to eliminate taxpayer funding to “filthy” Chinese wet markets, which are reportedly linked to the novel coronavirus.


Joni Ernst: Eliminate U.S. Taxpayer Funding of Chinese Wet Markets

OMG .......... Are those dogs lying dead on a roller going off to be turned into human consumption food???
Just how freaking sick are these people.......can't be that freaking hungry....
Kind of baffles me why their authoritarian government doesn't shut down the wet markets.
I've heard that a lot of the folks that own/operate them have close ties to the CCP or are even party operatives themselves. They supposedly have a pretty powerful lobbying influence in the country.
I wonder if 3,000 is a statistically viable sample size. May need @TennTradition to elucidate.

These numbers make quite a bit of sense to me, actually. And 10x the reported number has seemed like a reasonable estimate for a while. I love that we are starting to see this data and can't wait for more.

While 3,000 people is plenty to get sampling error down, the geographical diversity of samples is a concern for me.

For example, you'd expect about 1.5-2% error with 3,000 samples when you scale up to the statewide population (assuming tests are 100% accurate, which they aren't - but that's a side issue to your question of 3,000 samples' statistical significance). So that's pretty good. You'd have to be careful with your sampling when almost half the state lives in the area with the highest infection rate.
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MI Gov. Whitmer: Reopen Demonstrations ‘Force Us to Stay’ in Shutdown Posture Longer

JEFF POOR 23 Apr 2020

Thursday on MSNBC, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI) spoke out against the “reopen” protests in her state and claimed they could prolong the state’s shutdown.

Whitmer argued her actions were justified in that her state’s the tenth-most populous but had the third-highest death rate.

MI Gov. Whitmer: Reopen Demonstrations 'Force Us to Stay' in Shutdown Posture Longer


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