Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

I'm going to give it another week, everybody and their damn brother will flood restaurants next week. The sushi withdrawals have been real though, first restaurant I'm going to after everyone chills out.

Not so sure about that and I think restaurants will limit seating initially.
I'm going to give it another week, everybody and their damn brother will flood restaurants next week. The sushi withdrawals have been real though, first restaurant I'm going to after everyone chills out.
I've been craving some generals toes but a bunch of worthless a$$holes were calling in death threats to the china joints and forced them to close for a while
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well they are project 116K deaths in PA if all restrictions are listed. Seems this is the number the study authors used to get a conclusion that 13K more of these would be old Republicans as opposed to old Democrats.

PA currently has 1700 deaths. The 'Rona better get busy!

I’m also inclined to believe that the areas hit hardest, thus far (who knows what the next few weeks post-protests holds, though I’m expecting/hoping nothing catastrophic), by COVID-19 aren’t exactly Trump-friendly conservative bastions.
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There is reality and there is delusion. You just picked the latter. Having compassion is not a weakness nor is it a "emotional", it's humane and this is why I posted what I did.

I'm among the very fortunate, where I live, no one is within 50-100 yards. I shut down a small grocery but all the food that I haven't given away is readily available. My "stress levels" are, for the most part, non-existent. If we do venture out, few are around as it is off-season. Soon to be OCONUS and will be able to enjoy a COVID-free environment in a tropical climate.

But, please, carry on your couch psychiatry, pull up a chair and watch your Grey/Orange Leader attempt to destroy the world you will be living in but I will not.
So you won't be living in this world?

Yes. I do believe that you are trying to live in an "alternate reality" to try and escape the fact that he is your President. Either leaving the country or smoking to your own oblivion. Whatever. Despite all your bluster, I deem you and your rants as no consequence.

Carry on, Mr. Fantasy.

Dear Mister Fantasy, play us a tune
Something to make us all happy
Do anything, take us out of this gloom
Sing a song, play guitar, make it snappy

You are the one who can make us all laugh
But doing that you break out in tears
Please don't be sad.
If it was a straight mind you had
We wouldn't have known you all these years
Despite Lockdown: France Rocked by Four Straight Nights of Riots


Riots erupted across France for the fourth night in a row, spreading to cities and towns with cars set on fire and mobs of locals attacking police and firefighters despite the Wuhan coronavirus lockdown measures.


The riots began on Sunday following an incident between a local on a motorcycle and police in the Paris suburb of Villeneuve-la-Garenne. They have spread to even more areas with violence continuing to increase.

In Clichy-la-Garenne, five people aged 18 to 21 were arrested Wednesday night in connection with the riots and for “possession of incendiary devices and participation in a group with a view to committing violence,” Le Figaro reports.

A total of thirteen people were arrested overall on Wednesday night with the newspaper claiming that incidents were of a “lesser intensity” than the night before.

In the department of Yvelines, which has seen attacks on police nearly every day for at least two weeks, Wednesday night saw a number of violent incidents including attacks on police that were reported in Trappes and Chanteloup-les-Vignes shortly before 10 pm.

At 10:30 pm a mob of thirty locals attacked police in Trappes after placing garbage cans on the road to block officers from escaping the area.

An hour later in Poissy, police were attacked with fireworks from the balconies of residential buildings and a group of twenty or so youths attempted to charge police while others opened fire with incendiary devices a short time afterwards. Two people, a 17-year old and a 20-year-old were arrested during these incidents.

The night also saw two incidents of attacks on firefighters in Les Mureaux and La Verrière including the use of Molotov cocktails against the firefighters. The previous night saw around a dozen local youths attacking police in Mantes-la-Jolie, forcing the officers to use stun grenades to disperse the mob.​

Police were also set upon with projectiles in Conflans-Sainte-Honorine, Chanteloup-les-Vignes, and Trappes where officers were hit with fireworks launched from nearby apartment buildings.​

On Tuesday night, there also were clashes between locals and the police along with cars set on fire and garbage cans lit ablaze in Villeneuve-la-Garenne.​

Similar incidents were also reported in Nanterre, Hauts-de-Seine, Aulnay-sous-Bois, and Montreuil in Seine-Saint-Denis, franceinfo reports.​

The most serious incident of the night took place in the commune of Gennevilliers in Hauts-de-Seine and saw locals set the Paul-Langevin elementary school on fire.​

Versailles saw police lured into an ambush by local youths who had set garbage on fire in the street. Officers were attacked with fireworks and other projectiles when they arrived on the scene. Sources told Le Parisien that a car was also set on fire during the incident.

The command room of the prefecture of police in the Ile-de-France region, which contains both Paris and its surrounding suburbs, later advised officers not to engage with locals. They said: “Following the recent phenomena of urban violence on the whole of the Paris region, the workforce is advised to take caution when out on public roads.”​

“Contact with disturbers should be avoided on non-hazardous or fire-related interventions to avoid injury to officers,” the police headquarters added.​

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That shuts out Memphis and Nashville for sure, and probably Chattanooga and Knoxville, which is about 1.5 Million people.
I don't think the size of the city specifically is what is in question here. I think the issue is that the larger counties in the state are not part of the State Health Department. Davidson, Knox, Hamilton, etc. operate their own health departments separate from the state. I believe that is the reason for those cities/counties providing their own timetables and rules.
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I can say at $1.25 a can, Kayak has all the satisfaction.

I've been fond of the Camel Snus.. it's pricey and doesn't have quite the nicotine that some might need, but it's made to be able to swallow, and can knock the edge off.
Given interpretation of a poster's meaning is more correct than what the actual poster was trying to convey I'm just assume this is all your way of saying you were wrong.
Meaningful responses are useless with you. Decided to take a different tack.

Can't wait to see your next hot take on one my posts.I'm sure it will be dazzling.

Well, I won’t keep you waiting:

When I see sequential posts from otherwise articulate posters with sentences that look like these, I assume the poster is exceptionally wee wee’d off and the adrenaline is making them sloppy. And then I laugh.

Will await your denial before I commence.
Despite Lockdown: France Rocked by Four Straight Nights of Riots


Riots erupted across France for the fourth night in a row, spreading to cities and towns with cars set on fire and mobs of locals attacking police and firefighters despite the Wuhan coronavirus lockdown measures.


The riots began on Sunday following an incident between a local on a motorcycle and police in the Paris suburb of Villeneuve-la-Garenne. They have spread to even more areas with violence continuing to increase.

In Clichy-la-Garenne, five people aged 18 to 21 were arrested Wednesday night in connection with the riots and for “possession of incendiary devices and participation in a group with a view to committing violence,” Le Figaro reports.

A total of thirteen people were arrested overall on Wednesday night with the newspaper claiming that incidents were of a “lesser intensity” than the night before.

In the department of Yvelines, which has seen attacks on police nearly every day for at least two weeks, Wednesday night saw a number of violent incidents including attacks on police that were reported in Trappes and Chanteloup-les-Vignes shortly before 10 pm.

At 10:30 pm a mob of thirty locals attacked police in Trappes after placing garbage cans on the road to block officers from escaping the area.

An hour later in Poissy, police were attacked with fireworks from the balconies of residential buildings and a group of twenty or so youths attempted to charge police while others opened fire with incendiary devices a short time afterwards. Two people, a 17-year old and a 20-year-old were arrested during these incidents.

The night also saw two incidents of attacks on firefighters in Les Mureaux and La Verrière including the use of Molotov cocktails against the firefighters. The previous night saw around a dozen local youths attacking police in Mantes-la-Jolie, forcing the officers to use stun grenades to disperse the mob.​
Police were also set upon with projectiles in Conflans-Sainte-Honorine, Chanteloup-les-Vignes, and Trappes where officers were hit with fireworks launched from nearby apartment buildings.​

On Tuesday night, there also were clashes between locals and the police along with cars set on fire and garbage cans lit ablaze in Villeneuve-la-Garenne.​

Similar incidents were also reported in Nanterre, Hauts-de-Seine, Aulnay-sous-Bois, and Montreuil in Seine-Saint-Denis, franceinfo reports.​

The most serious incident of the night took place in the commune of Gennevilliers in Hauts-de-Seine and saw locals set the Paul-Langevin elementary school on fire.​

Versailles saw police lured into an ambush by local youths who had set garbage on fire in the street. Officers were attacked with fireworks and other projectiles when they arrived on the scene. Sources told Le Parisien that a car was also set on fire during the incident.​
The command room of the prefecture of police in the Ile-de-France region, which contains both Paris and its surrounding suburbs, later advised officers not to engage with locals. They said: “Following the recent phenomena of urban violence on the whole of the Paris region, the workforce is advised to take caution when out on public roads.”​

“Contact with disturbers should be avoided on non-hazardous or fire-related interventions to avoid injury to officers,” the police headquarters added.​

Gotta give props to the French when they get pissed, protesting for them is as natural as eating a baguette.

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