Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

This study only reinforces what epidemiologists and virologists were already saying. Whatever possible benefit hydroxychloroquine could be to treat the coronavirus, was minimal and there were some potentially serious side effects that could damage vital organs.
I prefer to get my hydroxychlorequin side effect information from Dr. Daniel Wallace of Cedars Sinai Hospital. He is the foremost Lupus doctor in the country and has written thousands of prescriptions over the years. He reports no deaths and only one hospitalization from the drug in his many years .
Might just need some of those Blue State dollars, Jr... but if they don't want 'em maybe the feds can bailout the Red States who rely on that Blue State money.
Yeah, has Junior considered that they might just need New York, Illinois, Michigan and California up and running again, in order to get the unemployment rate anywhere near where it was 2 months ago? Breaking this down between a battle of blue and red states, is a losing proposition any way you slice it and it shows absolutely terrible leadership.
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Yeah, has Junior considered that they might just need New York, Illinois, Michigan and California up and running again, in order to get the unemployment rate anywhere near where it was 2 months ago? Breaking this down between a battle of blue and red states, is a losing proposition any way you slice it and it shows absolutely terrible leadership.

Are you practicing your irony or hypocrisy now ?
Yeah, has Junior considered that they might just need New York, Illinois, Michigan and California up and running again, in order to get the unemployment rate anywhere near where it was 2 months ago? Breaking this down between a battle of blue and red states, is a losing proposition any way you slice it and it shows absolutely terrible leadership.

Nope, because they don't care about that, since it ain't happening before Nov.
No it's not. Only the libs are saying that crap.
That is not true. Dana Perino of Fox News was doing an interview with a doctor who shot down hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for the coronavirus. She cited some anecdotal evidence and he just completely shut her down with the facts. Whatever benefit the drug could have for the coronavirus is minimal... and it brings some potentially dangerous side effects. Trump has dropped the subject for a reason. This is a losing argument.
So was I , I just got through reading all the posts and seeing the likes .. my question still applies .

NM me, I'll not presume to answer your question to BB. Although, the way you posed it, seems like you might be trying to narrow the available answers.
Putting the merits of the study aside for a moment... do you honestly believe that Trump is not aware of it? Why do you think Trump has dropped hydroxychloroquine as a talking point during his briefings? He was talking about it every day... not anymore.
He was trying to provide a bright spot or a glimmer of hope. What’s the big F’ing deal?
If someone is telling you it does work you're listening to the wrong people.

I got some bad news for you . It’s being used to treat patients with daily . Everyone has that choice though to make sure their Dr. understands NOT to give them that medicine before they are put on a vent . Just to be safe you could have a bracelet made stating it . 😊
That is not true. Dana Perino of Fox News was doing an interview with a doctor who shot down hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for the coronavirus. She cited some anecdotal evidence and he just completely shut her down with the facts. Whatever benefit the drug could have for the coronavirus is minimal... and it brings some potentially dangerous side effects. Trump has dropped the subject for a reason. This is a losing argument.

“ Potential “ harmful side effects , so does almost every drug we use .. ( so does death )
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No, I don't. I watch politically liberal-minded YouTube channels such as Brian Tyler Cohen, and the Majority Report, which regularly attack Fox News for their pro-Trump agenda and summarize hypocrisy and inconsistencies from Fox, as well as other right-wing outlets.
Yep. They will show stuff like Hannity talking about the possible benefits of using the drug, but cut out the part where he always says "I'm not a doctor. You should consult with your doctor about it."
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Agreed, but you need to add Dems thoughts with the media's thoughts. If Biden gets elected, everything they crucified Trump for will suddenly be all right. And vice versa. The hypocrisy of politics will continue.
Absolutely, hypocrisy is the main ingredient in American politics.
They aren't wrong about the way people act. I had a guy come into our showroom ,which is closed, and demanded in because he drove an hour here to see his material. We let him in and he was wearing a N95 and old woman yellow gloves. I'm cool with that but when he started looking at his material he had some questions on how we were going to work it. He comes within 6 inches of me to talk to me, puts his glove on my shoulder and then coughs while talking. What can you even say to people like that.
And what did you do? I hate close talkers.
Reckon we'll go 'head and take a survivors word on it there snuffaluffagas

You know I was trying to track down the source of the report that their will be a vote to censure her. The first link goes to another who credits another, before you wind up at this dead end:

The group, as first reported by Gongwer News Service, plans to vote Saturday via Zoom on a resolution to censure Whitsett, a first-term lawmaker representing the 9th Michigan House District.
Shaming and Virtue Signaling into compliance is their only play. It's why people are leaving them in droves. They tried to turn political correctness into political culture and it's backfiring YUGELY.

This is an astute observation. It’s too bad the Republican Party as a while won’t capitalize on it.
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I'm not sure how you can argue some doctors have used the drug and had success. And I'm sure there are doctors who have used the drug without success. It's not a universal cure, but too many claims are out there for it not to have helped SOME people. It's up to individual doctors to weigh the risk/reward factor, same as with any prescription drug. I take a handful of pills every day, all with potential harmful side effects. But my doctors have deemed them worth the risk. Honestly, it's like Trump hate has caused some to forget how medicine works.
I'm not sure how you can argue some doctors have used the drug and had success. And I'm sure there are doctors who have used the drug without success. It's not a universal cure, but too many claims are out there for it not to have helped SOME people. It's up to individual doctors to weigh the risk/reward factor, same as with any prescription drug. I take a handful of pills every day, all with potential harmful side effects. But my doctors have deemed them worth the risk. Honestly, it's like Trump hate has caused some to forget how medicine works.

So, all things evening out, maybe it does nothing. Placebo is one of the most powerful drugs available.

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