Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

Maybe this isn’t his fault, maybe it is. Maybe it’s some mixture of irresponsible drivel being taken seriously by simpletons.

The point is Trump should never be talking about pharmacology.

I'll never come around to this being his fault, but it would be very reasonable for him to leave treatment talks to one of the task force docs.
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I'm saying KY is a drain on Federal resources, unlike other states. If that ******* Mitch wants to be true to his word, he should offer up KY as a test case for a state filing bankruptcy.

I wonder what the take is from the federal teat to fight the meth issues there, it has to be tremendous.
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Breitbart is just as reliable as CNN or any of the others these days.

Here's the whole conference, (fast fowarded to the relevant bits) why do you need Breitbart to fact check unless they are doing damage control? But has anyone claimed he told anyone to inject disinfectants? He was only talking about it as a possible solution.

I'm saying KY is a drain on Federal resources, unlike other states. If that ******* Mitch wants to be true to his word, he should offer up KY as a test case for a state filing bankruptcy.

But blue states are expecting the feds to pickup the tab for overpaid pensions. This problem did not come about by Covid 19. Out of control state spending has consequences. Help states with actual $ cost of fighting Covid 19 nothing else. If you don't agree elect people who are more fiscally responsible
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Then make sure that you instruct loved ones to forbid the Dr from prescribing it. No one is forcing you to take it.
I'm not anticipating that becoming a problem. There is a consensus among physicians that hydroxychloroquine should not be used to treat the coronavirus.

My point is, Trump shouldn't be playing a doctor on tv. He has no business giving anyone advice on medical treatment.

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