Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

It’s funny but also sad when people reveal themselves to be idiots of the highest order in their desperate and frantic attempts to attack Trump. Today, that includes anyone who actually thinks he was suggesting injecting patients with bleach.
That’s what makes Trump so hard for me. My gut tells me that he’s a complete jackass and I wish I had a better option. But some of the attacks on him are so illogical and devoid of rational thought that it reminds me what will happen if the left takes over.
If the NY is 14% with the higher rate being in the major metro area(s) NYC. And the rest of the state is in the 3-4% range, I would think the rest of the country is probably closer to that. Rough guestimate would be the 10-15 mil range.
There was a study of Boston and it had about 30% with antibodies. San Diego was lower than both Boston and NY.
I think the testing is inaccurate.
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I have no idea.... maybe he did. If he did, perhaps a more knowledgeable individual on the issue got in his ear and changed his mind. These kinds of things happen every day all around the globe.... from domestic issues ..... to business issues.... to political issues..... You posted a story that tries to make this a hit piece, but mentions no source
Of course he did it.
And no it doesn't happen every day all around the globe.
People with a spine and a shred of integrity do not do that to allies/supporters.
And you think this makes your previous post better.
The only person that takes Mick seriously is, well Mick. I don't take myself seriously and neither should you buddy. Have fun!!!! We all know how this ends and it's inevitable, we can't control anything Trump says or does. I was messing with you and do not think for a minute you view me a racist. Unless hating cats is racist, I really hate cats
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Whomever the source is, it’s obvious that Trump is just trying to position himself to take credit while giving himself a safety net if it doesn’t work. The daily press briefing act is beyond old at this point.
Did Trump publicly support the governor beforehand? I ask because I honestly haven’t been keeping up with all that’s been going on. There’s so much misinformation and agenda based reporting by the media I’ve gotten to the point that I don’t believe anything I hear from any source.
Did Trump publicly support the governor beforehand? I ask because I honestly haven’t been keeping up with all that’s been going on. There’s so much misinformation and agenda based reporting by the media I’ve gotten to the point that I don’t believe anything I hear from any source.
In a press briefing last week, he praised Kemp for opening Georgia. Last week he was tweeting stupid “Liberate (insert state here)” messages. Then on Wednesday, he hedged because Kemp is opening a few days earlier than federal guidelines.

It’s like he’s completely fueled by the sound of his own voice.
I am, but I recognize how insane the world has gotten that it's necessary for an IQ test to be necessary to buy a can of Scrubbin' Bubbles.

Meh. I don't think we're gonna see a spike in the numbers of people who ingest (or inject) harsh disinfectants. I am likely a horrible gauge, though; I haven't watched any of Trump's press conferences.
Meh. I don't think we're gonna see a spike in the numbers of people who ingest (or inject) harsh disinfectants. I am likely a horrible gauge, though; I haven't watched any of Trump's press conferences.

You need to watch them before defending Trump in any way. They are $hitshows of colossal proportions.
I don't disagree the world (and America) is full of mind numbingly dense people, which is why a careful selection of words from such an influential person to them should be prudent.
Its Trump...carefully selecting words isn't his thing and no one should be expecting anything any different. That being said, you are correct about a leader choosing his words carefully.

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