Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

Its Trump...carefully selecting words isn't his thing and no one should be expecting anything any different. That being said, you are correct about a leader choosing his words carefully.
Trump is about as tactful as a 13 year old girl who just broke up with her bf taking to twitter calling him gay

You don't have to post all the trash you see. You and the idiot that tweeted that would be the first to claim "racism" if someone sneezed in the direction of anyone that isn't white yet you don't see the hypocrisy. Then again, you've posted blatantly racist things on here before so it isn't a surprise. Don't worry, anytime I see one of your hypocritical posts I'll be sure to point it out.
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And they will get nothing. It’s a waste of time
Possibly not, since the Chinese government has interest in many of the Chinese companies in the US there would be assets to attack. They could also squeeze US companies with Chinese assets.
Lol this is great. Isn't it racist in itself to imply only people of color get their hair done, go to church or get their nails done? Seems pretty stereotypical to me
If they don't open in Tennessee soon, I may drive to a Georgia barbershop. I have a professional mullet going.

It’s past time for Trump to just STFU. He doesn’t do himself any favors when he speaks off the cuff like this.

Trump needs to understand that whether or not the science he’s discussing is correct, which is often not the case, no one at all is being drawn to his side on issues like this because he’s stuck in an absurd catch-22.

Trump should go up there every day and spout vague, positive platitudes so that he’s able to manufacture some kind of quality airtime. In addition to continuing to take potshots at rivals on Twitter, since that is his bread and butter, Trump needs to wait until most states are back to “normal” and the economy experiences a resurgence so that he can then take credit for navigating America through this crisis with strong X and unbelievably good Y.
Not nearly as old as trying to defend him must be.
Trump loved and supported the idea until smarter people told him he should publicly condemn Kemp.
Trump's a spineless liar.

Who's defending him? He's a big boy. He can take care of himself. You appear very frustrated that you can't touch him. The best you can do at this point is vote him out in November. Do that and he'll settle back into his very comfortable life as a billionaire. Whatever.

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