Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

Trump needs to understand that whether or not the science he’s discussing is correct, which is often not the case, no one at all is being drawn to his side on issues like this because he’s stuck in an absurd catch-22.

Trump should go up there every day and spout vague, positive platitudes so that he’s able to manufacture some kind of quality airtime. In addition to continuing to take potshots at rivals on Twitter, since that is his bread and butter, Trump needs to wait until most states are back to “normal” and the economy experiences a resurgence so that he can then take credit for navigating America through this crisis with strong X and unbelievably good Y.

You’re asking him to show restraint and ignore his impulses.

That’s not what he does best.
You need to watch them before defending Trump in any way. They are $hitshows of colossal proportions.

These briefings are a complete embarrassment. The incompetence, misinformation, and lack of leadership displayed just boggles the mind. It's amazing to me that there is nobody in Trump's inner circle that can tell him not to participate in these briefings - Trump is a disaster. We need an adult in the room.
How about this...simple yes or no, does Trump support Georgia's aggressive reopening? Does anybody know?
Did it?
Is it your position that Trump did not initially support the plan?
The answer is "no, they did not mention a source." As to what Trump thought my guess is that he didn't have a strong opinion one way or another until details of it came out. When he heard that he felt like it was best to not link himself to it. His earlier comments were much more general. It's a big nothing burger. Nothing to see here
So if you or your loved ones have to be put on a vent , you are going to make sure the Drs. Know just to stick with “science “ and not give it to you right ? Not that it matters at all but I think you are FOS .

I'm leaving it to the doctors. Hell yes I want them to stick to science. They know more than me and sure as hell know more than Trump.
If you believe so much in testimonials you should listen the the Jim Bakker Show or Alex Jones. They have all kind of people giving testimonials. You probably would want some of their products.
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Amazing... in a round about way, they’re basically saying that blacks are too stupid to stay home on their own, so the economy should be shutdown.
They're not stupid, it's just the white man is laying a trap for them. White folks don't get their hair cut or go to church so these changes won't affect them.
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These briefings are a complete embarrassment. The incompetence, misinformation, and lack of leadership displayed just boggles the mind. It's amazing to me that there is nobody in Trump's inner circle that can tell him not to participate in these briefings - Trump is a disaster. We need an adult in the room.
Like you?

JFI, I agree with you about these briefings, they would be a lot better and a lot shorter if he would just introduce the members of the Task Force or whomever is there to speak on a topic and then STFU.

I watched a bit off and on yesterday after missing quite a few (darn!) and had to switch to American Pickers every few minutes or so because I just couldn't take any more than a small dose at a time.

Vent-til-lators, venti-lators, we've made thousands of ven-til-ators, a very expensive and complex machine. Everybody in the world wants them, we're making them and we'll get them to them. Ven-til-ators. Did I say we are making thousands? And res-pir-ators, millions of beautiful res-pir-ators. Tests, we are testing millions, more than anybody else in the world and the new machines, they are quick and beautiful, results in 5 minutes. We have more testing capability. The governors were surprised at the testing capability they had in their own states. So between the testing capabilities that take a few days and the 5 minute tests we will be testing everybody who needs to be tested and we will do it rather quickly. PPE's and res-pir-iators, we have millions and have given 300,000 to one New York hospital and they were gone. Where did they go? We are making millions of PPE's and we are bringing millions more from outside. We will get PPE's to everyone who needs them.

We are doing a wonderful job, a fantastic job for the American people, and the lame stream media, you guys, aren't talking about it. You are fake news. Not all of you, some are good reporters but not most of you. You should be telling the American people about the wonderful job our people are doing but instead you are reporting fake news.

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