Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

One could give him the benefit of the doubt on that if so inclined. But the press hates him so much they're just waiting to pounce at every opportunity - enough of them anyways - that I think we've seen the last "briefing" where he goes so far off script. Of course I could be wrong; we are talking about Trump after all. But I think he knows that he made a tactical mistake yesterday by "thinking out loud" in front of those jackals. It's a different type of scene than his rallies.
In reality, I believe what happened is that he heard all of these different things being thrown around in these meeting behind closed doors and picked up on a few things as best he could and like yo say, he was thinking out loud and just putting that out there in the universe as something people could possibly hold on to as hope or optimism. But obviously, he fumbled it and it came off like he was literally saying inject Clorox or Lysol in the body. Of course, this sinister media smelled blood and saw victory. They get to have their laughs in for the next few days.

But Trump does have a tendency to fall up. How much do you want to bet that something in one of those meetings that was said may indeed be an injection that could "disinfect" the body?

Blood irradiation therapy - Wikipedia
Dying with COVID, including those with terminal cancer and other such diseases, is NOT the same as dying from COVID. The numbers, at this point, are blatantly skewed for political expediency. You’d have to be a blind, deaf, mute waterhead to believe otherwise.

I’ve heard of wives keeping their husband’s balls secured in their purse or on the nightstand/mantle (ask @McDad ), but never in the hand of a 73-year-old man. Some of you give Trump more power over your life than any president should be allowed. But hey, if that’s your thing, I won’t judge.
It's true. All of it.
In reality, I believe what happened is that he heard all of these different things being thrown around in these meeting behind closed doors and picked up on a few things as best he could and like yo say, he was thinking out loud and just putting that out there in the universe as something people could possibly hold on to as hope or optimism. But obviously, he fumbled it and it came off like he was literally saying inject Clorox or Lysol in the body. Of course, this sinister media smelled blood and saw victory. They get to have their laughs in for the next few days.

But Trump does have a tendency to fall up. How much do you want to bet that something in one of those meetings that was said may indeed be an injection that could "disinfect" the body?

Blood irradiation therapy - Wikipedia

Trump said he was being sarcastic. Don’t try to justify what he said.
In reality, I believe what happened is that he heard all of these different things being thrown around in these meeting behind closed doors and picked up on a few things as best he could and like yo say, he was thinking out loud and just putting that out there in the universe as something people could possibly hold on to as hope or optimism. But obviously, he fumbled it and it came off like he was literally saying inject Clorox or Lysol in the body. Of course, this sinister media smelled blood and saw victory. They get to have their laughs in for the next few days.

But Trump does have a tendency to fall up. How much do you want to bet that something in one of those meetings that was said may indeed be an injection that could "disinfect" the body?

Blood irradiation therapy - Wikipedia
We'll see who has the last laugh. A long way to go until Nov. 3rd.
For the last time. He wasn't talking about using a disinfectant like Lysol and injecting it. He was probably thinking off the top of his head and wondering at that moment if a similar method of "disinfecting" the body could be done with some type of medication or other medical method. It didn't come out that way, but if anybody is halfway honest, they know he wasn't saying inject cleaners or commercial disinfectants in the body.
I admit it is almost inconceivable that anyone would consider that a possibility. Yet I have watched the video numerous times and I believe he thought just that. I'm telling you this man does not play with a full deck. I don't think he's even aware that people know he lies, literally every day. He knows he's lying but he thinks people are believing him. Then when the press points it out he calls them liars and fakes. He does not need to be our President.
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Its funny. Not even Fox is trying to defend that bogus excuse. They are ignoring it in favor of trying to pretend that he didn't say it.
It’s all water under the bridge at this point but I emailed Lamar Alexander back during the impeachment, saying why I thought they should allow witnesses to speak. He eventually sent a reply back saying that he and other republicans didn’t need to hear from witnesses because they didn’t need anymore evidence of Trump doing what he was accused of, he admitted to it multiple times, they just didn’t think withholding financial aid to a foreign country as means of strong-arming them into investigating a political rivals son, was an offense worthy of their removing him from office. And that they would leave it up to the people to remove him from office come November. Republicans are corrupt from the top down.
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I admit it is almost inconceivable that anyone would consider that a possibility. Yet I have watched the video numerous times and I believe he thought just that. I'm telling you this man does not play with a full deck. I don't think he's even aware that people know he lies, literally every day. He knows he's lying but he thinks people are believing him. Then when the press points it out he calls them liars and fakes. He does not need to be our President.
Yes he does.... I like the actual things he does which is the only thing that matters to me.... these speeches.... arguing with media.... I don’t care anything about it besides enjoying him shoving it up the media’s a$$ every once in awhile.
The stat of 36,000 isn't undercounting a damn thing... and it bundles pneumonia in with the flu. I said this before, it depends on which stat you are working from. 36,000 average deaths from the seasonal flu is horse $hit.
Geez, it literally says flu is under reported. Can you NOT read?
He wasn't telling the truth with regards to that. He got embarrassed because they caught him off his game, so he had to come back and save face.
Maybe, but I tend to look at it like I do with some of his tweets. Say something extreme to get eyes and ears on the topic he wants to draw attention to. He's been doing this for 3 years now and it appears to work well for him.
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He wasn't telling the truth with regards to that. He got embarrassed because they caught him off his game, so he had to come back and save face.

Fine. Do it by saying he didn't mean to suggest injections of disinfectant. Maybe even joke about it. A little self depreciating humor.

He'd be made fun of for a day but anything more would look mean spirited. He could turn it to his advantage.

But it means admitting making a little error. He can't bring himself to do it. His ego is huge. But egg shell fragile.
He wasn't telling the truth with regards to that. He got embarrassed because they caught him off his game, so he had to come back and save face.
Trump is never off his game or embarrassed. His brain is bigly and he’s always the smartest person in the room.
He's falling further and further behind in key states. He 10 points down in Florida, for example.
It's early and remember last election. The sting is in progress. Just wait and see.

Here is the latest Florida Poll I can find and FOX News poll has not been favorable to Trump. I'd say Trump actually leads or tied here. Margin of error.

Florida: Trump vs. Biden

FOX News 4/18 - 4/21 1004 RV3.04643Biden +3

Quinnipiac 4/16 - 4/20 1385 RV2.64642Biden +4

St. Pete Polls 4/16 - 4/17 5659 RV1.34848 Tie

UNF 3/31 - 4/4 3244 RV1.74640Biden +6
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Fine. Do it by saying he didn't mean to suggest injections of disinfectant. Maybe even joke about it. A little self depreciating humor.

He'd be made fun of for a day but anything more would look mean spirited. He could turn it to his advantage.

But it means admitting making a little error. He can't bring himself to do it. His ego is huge. But egg shell fragile.

There is truth here. If he would just get up and say "You know, I misspoke, obviously injecting disinfectant isn't what I meant". Its a 10 minute story, at best.

Instead, this thing is dragging on and the media he despises so much has blood in the water and are continuing to feed. I've said it all along, the media goes absolutely nutty every time Trump opens his mouth, but my God, he doesn't do himself any favors either.
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He's falling further and further behind in key states. He 10 points down in Florida, for example.

You should try getting outside of the Mickey Mouse bubble known as Orlando. Other than Miami-Dade, Hillsborough, Orange, Broward, Clay, and Leon counties, Florida is heavily vested in hating all things liberal. Hell, parents will not even allow their kids to watch The Smurf’s re-runs simply because they are blue.

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