Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

I know, it's embarrassing for all of us, isn't it?

Sometimes I think this is what had to have happened (just replace Jesse Jackson with Trump)

What going to be funny is if ole JOE beats Trump .. the pressers are going to be a thing of magic . LOL
Depends entirely on where you live. I live in Memphis, so my girls go to private school.

Public Schools in Memphis are an absolute sh!t show. Been run by the same group of corrupt idiots for more than 40 years. Absolutely hopeless.

Other districts have wonderful public schooling. So, it all depends.
True. But those areas having "poor" schools isn't really a function of poor schools.
Can you link to this?

Here is some info on how the flu deaths are estimated by CDC.

How CDC Estimates the Burden of Seasonal Influenza in the U.S. | CDC

From the link:

Why doesn’t CDC base its seasonal flu mortality estimates only on death certificates that specifically list influenza?
Seasonal influenza may lead to death from other causes, such as pneumonia, congestive heart failure, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. It has been recognized for many years that influenza is underreported on death certificates. There may be several reasons for underreporting, including that patients aren’t always tested for seasonal influenza virus infection, particularly older adults who are at greatest risk of seasonal influenza complications and death. Even if a patient is tested for influenza, influenza virus infection may not be identified because the influenza virus is only detectable for a limited number of days after infection and many people don’t seek medical care in this interval. Additionally, some deaths – particularly among those 65 years and older – are associated with secondary complications of influenza (including bacterial pneumonias). For these and other reasons, modeling strategies are commonly used to estimate flu-associated deaths. Only counting deaths where influenza was recorded on a death certificate would be a gross underestimation of influenza’s true impact.
Here is some info on how the flu deaths are estimated by CDC.

How CDC Estimates the Burden of Seasonal Influenza in the U.S. | CDC

From the link:

Why doesn’t CDC base its seasonal flu mortality estimates only on death certificates that specifically list influenza?
Seasonal influenza may lead to death from other causes, such as pneumonia, congestive heart failure, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. It has been recognized for many years that influenza is underreported on death certificates. There may be several reasons for underreporting, including that patients aren’t always tested for seasonal influenza virus infection, particularly older adults who are at greatest risk of seasonal influenza complications and death. Even if a patient is tested for influenza, influenza virus infection may not be identified because the influenza virus is only detectable for a limited number of days after infection and many people don’t seek medical care in this interval. Additionally, some deaths – particularly among those 65 years and older – are associated with secondary complications of influenza (including bacterial pneumonias). For these and other reasons, modeling strategies are commonly used to estimate flu-associated deaths. Only counting deaths where influenza was recorded on a death certificate would be a gross underestimation of influenza’s true impact.

This is not congruent with @BowlBrother85 claim.
Here is some info on how the flu deaths are estimated by CDC.

How CDC Estimates the Burden of Seasonal Influenza in the U.S. | CDC

From the link:

Why doesn’t CDC base its seasonal flu mortality estimates only on death certificates that specifically list influenza?
Seasonal influenza may lead to death from other causes, such as pneumonia, congestive heart failure, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. It has been recognized for many years that influenza is underreported on death certificates. There may be several reasons for underreporting, including that patients aren’t always tested for seasonal influenza virus infection, particularly older adults who are at greatest risk of seasonal influenza compl
This is not congruent with @BowlBrother85 claim.

ications and death. Even if a patient is tested for influenza, influenza virus infection may not be identified because the influenza virus is only detectable for a limited number of days after infection and many people don’t seek medical care in this interval. Additionally, some deaths – particularly among those 65 years and older – are associated with secondary complications of influenza (including bacterial pneumonias). For these and other reasons, modeling strategies are commonly used to estimate flu-associated deaths. Only counting deaths where influenza was recorded on a death certificate would be a gross underestimation of influenza’s true impact.
The figure of 36,000 average annual American deaths from the seasonal flu can not be reached without including pneumonia. The End.
The figure of 36,000 average annual American deaths from the seasonal flu can not be reached without including pneumonia. The End.

Not the end. That link literally says flu is undercounted.

Versus covid which is counted if a balling bowl drops on your head.

The end for your incorrect statement.
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For the last time. He wasn't talking about using a disinfectant like Lysol and injecting it. He was probably thinking off the top of his head and wondering at that moment if a similar method of "disinfecting" the body could be done with some type of medication or other medical method. It didn't come out that way, but if anybody is halfway honest, they know he wasn't saying inject cleaners or commercial disinfectants in the body.
One could give him the benefit of the doubt on that if so inclined. But the press hates him so much they're just waiting to pounce at every opportunity - enough of them anyways - that I think we've seen the last "briefing" where he goes so far off script. Of course I could be wrong; we are talking about Trump after all. But I think he knows that he made a tactical mistake yesterday by "thinking out loud" in front of those jackals. It's a different type of scene than his rallies.
One could give him the benefit of the doubt on that if so inclined. But the press hates him so much they're just waiting to pounce at every opportunity - enough of them anyways - that I think we've seen the last "briefing" where he goes so far off script. Of course I could be wrong; we are talking about Trump after all. But I think he knows that he made a tactical mistake yesterday by "thinking out loud" in front of those jackals. It's a different type of scene then his rallies.
I love seeing him piss off the press and I hope it continues
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Not the end. That link literally says flu is undercounted.

Versus covid which is counted if a balling bowl drops on your head.

The end for your incorrect statement.
The stat of 36,000 isn't undercounting a damn thing... and it bundles pneumonia in with the flu. I said this before, it depends on which stat you are working from. 36,000 average deaths from the seasonal flu is horse $hit.
I'm not disagreeing with you. I think it is absurd to argue that an average of 36,000 Americans die from the seasonal flu each year... but the scientific community does it - primarily as a marketing ploy for flu shots. It's all about money.
It’s a little different with CoVid. $37k goes a long way
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It is great entertainment. The main reason I've been tuning in.
It has been Trump's best tv show yet. It's hard to be good on a daily show, 7 days a week, but he is knocking them dead. Of course, some days he knocks them dead with drinking aquarium cleaner, and some days with mainlining Lysol, but..................................
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The figure of 36,000 annual deaths from the seasonal flu can not be reached without including pneumonia. The End.

Dying with COVID, including those with terminal cancer and other such diseases, is NOT the same as dying from COVID. The numbers, at this point, are blatantly skewed for political expediency. You’d have to be a blind, deaf, mute waterhead to believe otherwise.

I’ve heard of wives keeping their husband’s balls secured in their purse or on the nightstand/mantle (ask @McDad ), but never in the hand of a 73-year-old man. Some of you give Trump more power over your life than any president should be allowed. But hey, if that’s your thing, I won’t judge.
The stat of 36,000 isn't undercounting a damn thing... and it bundles pneumonia in with the flu. I said this before, it depends on which stat you are working from. 36,000 average deaths from the seasonal flu is horse $hit.

I see. So you dont agree with the CDC on how they count flu deaths but do agree with IL DOH on how they count covid deaths. Got it.

Bowling ball on head, you got covid? Covid death.
There is a procedure called Bronchoalveolar Lavage, or whole lung lavage that is used not only diagnostically, but in some cases as treatment, for lung diseases. Basically it’s washing the lungs out with saline then sucking out the fluid. For diagnosis, the fluid is then analyzed microscopically. It’s actually been the most reliable way to tell if a person has coronavirus.
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