Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

It’s a function of poor choices by the citizenry, electing the same individuals over and over again, expecting a different result.

The School Board’s budget is $1B (yes, Billion), it’s more than the Operating budget for the entire City of Memphis ($800M).

So funding isn’t the issue.

Why do you believe the schools perform so poorly?

Because teachers force kids to learn according to the teachers/schools interests instead of working with the kids and finding out what interests them, what excites them and following that path. Also, real teachers are imaginative and find ways to communicate with students in ways that interest the students.

You allow yourself to become equal to them -- according to their understanding of reality. When you let that be the lesson they have to show you, when you let it be equal to all the other lessons you think you are teaching, then you will truly begin to teach.

For in this way, you will find that, once you are equal to them, you will not have to allow them to create the idea that you only teach them, and they only learn from you. But that you are learning from them, they are learning from you; you are teaching each other and, therefore, you are sharing equally. And you understand each other equally.
And as I have said... that depends on which stat you are referring to. There are not 36,000 people on average dying from the f'ing seasonal flu. Sorry! That is a marketing ploy. The only way you get to that number is by lumping pneumonia deaths in with the seasonal flu.
That’s a marketing ploy.... then what the h$ll do you consider covid deaths?
I see. So you dont agree with the CDC on how they count flu deaths but do agree with IL DOH on how they count covid deaths. Got it.

Bowling ball on head, you got covid? Covid death.


Stupid libs on this board act as if they do not know the difference.

Big difference between dying FROM the Wutang Flu and dying WITH it.

Anyone who dies right now for ANY reason and happens to test positive for the antibody to it is being counted in the totals. Absolute bullcrap...but Dems are used to when certain counties in Illionois had a 113% voter turnout and voted 99% for Hussein. Yall are used to making up numbers and sucking horribly at math. Horribly I say.

States are willing to do this BS though now that there will be a financial incentive to be hit harder by this "crisis" which was completely manufactured by the MSM and libs in an effort to somehow beat trump in november...they know Biden doesnt stand a chance without a miracle happening.

What a damn disgrace. The 85% bullcrap not going to citizens from the 2T stimulus is even worse. 85%!!!!! Minimum. Not going to citizens. Shameful BS that should get the ENTIRE house kicked out for new elections. All of Congress that signed that BS. All of them.
Because teachers force kids to learn according to the teachers/schools interests instead of working with the kids and finding out what interests them, what excites them and following that path. Also, real teachers are imaginative and find ways to communicate with students in ways that interest the students.

You allow yourself to become equal to them -- according to their understanding of reality. When you let that be the lesson they have to show you, when you let it be equal to all the other lessons you think you are teaching, then you will truly begin to teach.

For in this way, you will find that, once you are equal to them, you will not have to allow them to create the idea that you only teach them, and they only learn from you. But that you are learning from them, they are learning from you; you are teaching each other and, therefore, you are sharing equally. And you understand each other equally.
Equal to them? 🙄 guessing you have never taught anything in your life
You literally liked many of the posts bashing Trump’s supposed mistake. I didn’t paint you into that corner. You did. Now run along and massage little Pete’s inner thigh. That is the abductor longus and abductor magnus if you want to get technical. 😉

noun [ C or U ]
US /ˌdɪs.ɪnˈfek.t̬ənt/ UK /ˌdɪs.ɪnˈfek.tənt/

a substance that contains chemicals that kill bacteria and is used especially for cleaning surfaces in bathrooms and kitchens
Sports will likely be viewed as something that can be put on hold. Unless they figure out a way to support sports without fans, I'd be surprised if they happen.

I just don't see a lot of fan attendance across the nation if no vaccine/immunization is available. Same with movie theaters, music concerts, passenger flights. Anywhere large groups of people are in close proximity or an enclosed area. I think there will be a lot of apprehension for a while from Americans in general about grouping up if they don't have to.
I have my doubts about college sports, unless they are back in school. Professional sports can play without audience, if screening is done, maybe. At least you would think Golf or Baseball would be allowed since there is not a whole lot of physical contact.

Georgia governor is saying you can go to the movies, but you have to have so many feet between groups and all those nasty chairs and floors and door handles have to be cleaned after every showing. I would think a gym is even worse. Are we really gonna get on the equipment after sweaty Bubba?
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Actually, not ignoring.

I give credit where credit is due and Cavuto is being pretty clear here that Trump definitely said it and that Trump was definitely wrong.

The host threw out there that Trump said it was sarcasm. Caputo in response would not quite say that's bogus. But his comments I think make it clear that he is not buying that explanation from Trump.

It will be very interesting to see how Trump, himself, reacts to this. Will he go to Twitter and go after Cavuto, directly or indirectly? You know this bothers him greatly.

I also wonder how the red hat army that gets its news from Fox is going to react. If I had to guess, I think they will just ignore it. I don't see how anyone can defend Trump on this-- its why Cavuto felt he could be candid about how dumb it was. But the red hat army has a lot left in the loyalty tank. And so even though I think even most Trump supporters would view Trump's comments as absurd, the reaction will simply be to let it pass and not hold it against him.
Because teachers force kids to learn according to the teachers/schools interests instead of working with the kids and finding out what interests them, what excites them and following that path. Also, real teachers are imaginative and find ways to communicate with students in ways that interest the students.

You allow yourself to become equal to them -- according to their understanding of reality. When you let that be the lesson they have to show you, when you let it be equal to all the other lessons you think you are teaching, then you will truly begin to teach.

For in this way, you will find that, once you are equal to them, you will not have to allow them to create the idea that you only teach them, and they only learn from you. But that you are learning from them, they are learning from you; you are teaching each other and, therefore, you are sharing equally. And you understand each other equally.

It’s teaching methods?
My two cents worth on Trump's disinfectant comment:
1) What an idiotic thing to say.
2) Step away from the mic and let Pence do the talking if you can't keep yourself from saying ridiculous things like that.
3) With that being said, anyone who actually injects disinfectant spray into his / her body following Trump's comment is absent of common sense and bears sole responsibility for their actions.
My two cents worth on Trump's disinfectant comment:
1) What an idiotic thing to say.
2) Step away from the mic and let Pence do the talking if you can't keep yourself from saying ridiculous things like that.
3) With that being said, anyone who actually injects disinfectant spray into his / her body following Trump's comment is absent of common sense and bears sole responsibility for their actions.

Sometimes people are stupid and impressionable at no fault of their own.
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My brain is having a hard time believing this is true. I kept looking for The Onion banner on the page. As much as I hate trump this just can’t be real, it defies all sense of reality...

If this is true, and this is where he got this idea about ingesting disinfectant into the body, it is incumbent on the Cabinet to honor their oaths of office and to step in and do their duty to remove him before he can do any more harm.
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My two cents worth on Trump's disinfectant comment:
1) What an idiotic thing to say.
2) Step away from the mic and let Pence do the talking if you can't keep yourself from saying ridiculous things like that.
3) With that being said, anyone who actually injects disinfectant spray into his / her body following Trump's comment is absent of common sense and bears sole responsibility for their actions.
President Trump should keep doing what he's doing it hasn't hurt his popularity at all.

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