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So now media bias matters? Because some idiots in New York drank bleach?
Media bias always matters you dolt. A right or left leaning news agency is going to let their bias influence there views and opinions and then transfer those views to their viewers.
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What if you have lost your business or a mid to high middle class job and unemployment benefits won’t meet your lifestyle requirements you met with your job? For example if I lost my job unemployment benefits would not cover my fixed expenses then what? Enjoy with my family as I lose my house? Then once the 4 months of that benefit is up and my job or a comparable job is not there then what do I do?

What if it takes the economy longer than 4 months to get back going and I cannot get into a comparable job?

I actually have a lot of employees who have had this same thought because you know what they could make better with the unemployment benefit incentives right now vs. working. Please just lay me off. My answer has been yes you could but what happens when that 4 months runs out? We have been spoiled here lately where the job market has been great and you could find a job anywhere. A lot of people will ride out this benefit just like you and when it’s up all of them are going to be looking for jobs and what if the job market is the same then as it is today? You will then be in a large pool of people looking for work with not that many jobs open. What are you going to do then?

If someone had the authority to tell everyone go back to work and go about your normal routines Monday it still won't be over. Restaurants, bars and event arenas aren't going to be filled and a lot of people will not risk their health going to work. Many students will not return to class next semester. We're all adjusting to a new set of circumstances caused by an extraordinary event. Making matters worse is no one has faith in anything the government or what the media is telling us. Some of us have faith in one or the other but not both.
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How does their drug legalization line up with the right, dolt?
Just because they support legalizing drugs doesn’t mean they’re not right leaning. I like and own guns yet I’m definitely left leaning. There can be crossover. Or did your biased new agency tell you that’s impossible?
If someone had the authority to tell everyone go back to work and go about your normal routines Monday it still won't be over. Restaurants, bars and event arenas aren't going to be filled and a lot of people will not risk their health going to work. Many students will not return to class next semester. We're all adjusting to a new set of circumstances caused by an extraordinary event. Making matters worse is no one has faith in anything the government or what the media is telling us. Some of us have faith in one or the other but not both.
Also, I would add that the cruise, airlines, and tourist industries are going to be hurting for a long time.
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Media bias always matters you dolt. A right or left leaning news agency is going to let their bias influence there views and opinions and then transfer those views to their viewers.

lulz. No **** Sherlock. It’s just comical that you’re so riled up by Reason’s article but take the news coverage it was responding to as the unvarnished truth.
Just because they support legalizing drugs doesn’t mean they’re not right leaning. I like and own guns yet I’m definitely left leaning. There can be crossover. Or did your biased new agency tell you that’s impossible?

So you dont have anything other than "oh this group over here agrees with me."

Got it.
When you are a president and you have only "the best and the brightest", as Trump touts, I think the problem is at the top.

I get that the notion that Trump should not be reelected isn't a position you will ever take, which I'm sure becomes a harder position to defend, daily... but carry on, i guess
They're not as much defending Trump anymore as they are making excuses for him.
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Don’t repeat what the president said, it might dangerous for your health.

(Or you know, make him look more like the idiot he is)

There are three choices:

A) Ignore what he said because it’s stupid.

B) Repeat or quote the entirety of what he said in the context that he was “brain storming” (I use that term loosely) vs recommending.

C) Or, as has been done by the media, state that the president recommended that people go out and buy Lysol or Chlorox brands and either inject or ingest them. This is blatant hyperbole and actually has more potential to harm than his actual idiotic statement.
As long as anyone drinking clorox doesn't give it to their kids and kicks the bucket before the ambulance gets there, I say it's all good. Just Darwin finding a way.
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Moving goal posts. The call are related to what trump said, it’s cause more kids are inside. Wow. Your mental gymnastics are quite impressive. 8/10
I’m not moving goal posts.... it was a BS article.... they are referencing increased calls since the beginning of covid not just after trumps comments on the 23 of April.
There are three choices:

A) Ignore what he said because it’s stupid.

B) Repeat or quote the entirety of what he said in the context that he was “brain storming” (I use that term loosely) vs recommending.

C) Or, as has been done by the media, state that the president recommended that people go out and buy Lysol or Chlorox brands and either inject or ingest them. This is blatant hyperbole and actually has more potential to harm than his actual idiotic statement.
I choose option four, call him out cause he’s an idiot and make fun of him for it. Just like you would if it was a democrat that said it.
If someone had the authority to tell everyone go back to work and go about your normal routines Monday it still won't be over. Restaurants, bars and event arenas aren't going to be filled and a lot of people will not risk their health going to work.

From the CDC data as of April 18th:

Working class age deaths from CV (25-64): 5,135. 3,126 of those are folks 55-64. I would venture to say the working class is going to be fine getting out there, practicing social distancing boundaries and be just fine. This group accounts for roughly 20% of the deaths with 60+% of those being 55-64. I don’t know the stats but as of right now but I’d be willing to bet you’re more likely to die in a car accident than CV if you’re in the working class.

The school age argument is ridiculous:

There have been 25 deaths of people 24 years old or younger. Feel free and safe to go back to school if you do not have a pre-existing condition.

This virus has attacked in large proportion the elderly and those who are most vulnerable with pre-existing conditions. If you do not fall into these categories your chances of dying from this are really not that much different than the flu and we should treat it as that kind of a risk.

Quit being fooled into being a Chicken Little due to data manipulation that has been created to cause fear for the masses.
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Fine. Do it by saying he didn't mean to suggest injections of disinfectant. Maybe even joke about it. A little self depreciating humor.

He'd be made fun of for a day but anything more would look mean spirited. He could turn it to his advantage.

But it means admitting making a little error. He can't bring himself to do it. His ego is huge. But egg shell fragile.
This is probably he only hing I disagree with. The media would have not let this live for one day, nor would they have had a sudden appreciation for Trump suddenly having self-deprecating humor.

Other than that, everything else you said is fair.
Ooh, now do Trump. Or would you prefer me to?

Trump says stupid things because he thinks he knows better than everybody around him , it’s his giant ego that causes that , he is always trying to be the smartest person in the room . I’ve met a lot of CEOs and way above my pay grade people , that does what Trump does . It’s not that he’s terrible it’s just a character flaw . That’s not what Joes problem is . ( IMO )
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I've said it all along, the media goes absolutely nutty every time Trump opens his mouth, but my God, he doesn't do himself any favors either.

But, this is what you have to deal with from time to time with Trump. He's a flawed candidate. Which we all are flawed. But he has been able to be more successful at times than not. This is just one of those times where he wasn't on his game.

Just be thankful that Trump has bought us 4-8 years. because had Hillary won, who knows how long the country would be shut down for. Gretchen Whitmer in Michigan would look like a Brownie Scout compared to her.
Trump says stupid things because he thinks he knows better than everybody around him , it’s his giant ego that causes that , he is always trying to be the smartest person in the room . That’s not what Joes problem is .

Agree but he also loves to say things that they all jump on, get a word or something into the public eye, the media and virtue signalers parroting a narrative and the suddenly there's a back story or something.


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