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Well, I won't dismiss the possibility. You've theorized dementia and Parkinson's with anecdotal evidence, while others suggest he is completely incoherent.

Worst case, if it is, in fact, some degenerative disease, and not just a benign condition causing his stuttering to reemerge, that should be apparent, as you say.

He could probably be in a coma and still be elected. But that's just the Trump effect.

This is why I went back and added ( IMO only ) because it’s anecdotal just based on personal experience. I never suggested he has Parkinson’s, only that I was around dementia for years . I of course could be wrong ( I often am ) .
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So it’s scary for me to do it, but not when someone says they’d vote for someone just because they’re not a Dem? Hypocrisy much?

Please feel free to go back to my previous posts and quote me saying this. I will gladly eat crow when quoted.

Please we are adults here don’t argue like a 5 year old and throw out assertions that someone is a hypocrite with zero substance.
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That is a common trait with TDS sufferers. You can't reason with crazy people.

What, no desire to win him over?

You could compile a list of Trump's policies, favorite to least favorite, and maybe there is a winner in there. One of your least favorites could prove to be a good one from his perspective.
So This is where I get kinda lost. Yesterday I made a comment where I believed Trumps policies through the CV crisis have been good but his PR has been terrible and the one major flaw he has had is he gave in on Federal lockdown. That is 1 positive and 2 negatives.

I also made the statement that the Dems have been far worse than Trump in this process and have hurt themselves more.

I believe I was labeled by you as a “Trump Humper”. I call out 1-2 positives and 2 fairly large negatives yet it is said that I will defend Trump at all costs.

So if I say one positive thing about Trump and a negative thing about Dems it doesn’t matter how much I call out Trump I am a “Trump Humper”?

Please help me understand the logic.
Either you MF him or you are a full on supporter. You can't be just a normal, intelligent individual in this forum.
Please feel free to go back to my previous posts and quote me saying this. I will gladly eat crow when quoted.

Please we are adults here don’t argue like a 5 year old and throw out assertions that someone is a hypocrite with zero substance.
Adults here? Now that’s a stretch.
What, no desire to win him over?

You could compile a list of Trump's policies, favorite to least favorite, and maybe there is a winner in there. One of your least favorites could prove to be a good one from his perspective.
Good call.... he seems very open minded to me..... it would be hilarious if there was a way to claim trumps policies was a democrat policy and see people switch views on it like some of the videos on YouTube.... it would Work for both sides of the aisle.
It is sad that we will never know how many folks actually died FROM this virus. They are only counting those who died WITH the antibodies for this virus, regardless of what underlying medical problems existed...or what the actual CAUSE of death was.

Despite this obvious deception, I believe strongly that the over reaction and panic created by the MSM will be remembered as just that...panic...even though we know that the talking heads of the MSM will never speak of it. There are plenty of other voices on the internet that will be honest and condemn what has been done to both our economy and our rights as individuals.

Shame on the Dems or anyone else who tries to use this situation as a political smear campaign. Even more shame on the Dems who seek to wreck our economy in order to keep Trump from being elected again. They know that Biden is a wet noodle with no real skills to bring to the table. He looks and sounds like dementia has a stranglehold on him at every turn. He endorsed the Green New Deal for Pete's sake, knowing it is a coloring book for wayward kids...just to try and get the Bernie Bros on his side. What a clown.
I pray that there are enough lawsuits that make their way to the individual states supreme courts that the governors get muzzled. The Dems believe that they have found a way to get rid of Trump, I hope it doesn't work.
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That’s is the best way I’ve ever heard it put . Kudos to you . Lol
It's true. I have not heard any other politician that shares the concern for Guam tipping over with an increase in population. In fact, not even local leaders in Guam have put forth that concern. It's troubling. This man is a beacon in the dark and a true friend of Guam.
So basically.... nothing he could do to make you happy..... seems reasonable and well thought out.
Sorry for not giving this my fullest attention and writing every compliant I have against him.

Foreign policies and immigration, environmental policies are the first to come to mind.

But even him as a person, he’s a loud narcissist and beliefs it’s okay to joke about sexually assaulting women, complains about how much golf Obama played and has already played more golf than him in half the time.
He’s a hypocrite and anyone that doesn’t fall in line with him is his enemy.
Sorry for not giving this my fullest attention and writing every compliant I have against him.

Foreign policies and immigration, environmental policies are the first to come to mind.

But even him as a person, he’s a loud narcissist and beliefs it’s okay to joke about sexually assaulting women, complains about how much golf Obama played and has already played more golf than him in half the time.
He’s a hypocrite and anyone that doesn’t fall in line with him is his enemy.
I love his foreign policy and view his environmental policy favorably..... not a big fan of the wall but at least he is semi trying to address it bc I feel it is an issue.
I love his foreign policy and view his environmental policy favorably..... not a big fan of the wall but at least he is semi trying to address it bc I feel it is an issue.

I loved his economic policies when he was running in 2016 and his when he proposed tariffs.

Coming into 2016 this is personally what I felt like we needed to do to get the economy to really take off:

1.) Focus on American manufacturing and bringing middle class jobs back to America.
2.) You had to throttle back on regulations. These were choking American businesses and was a factor on them looking elsewhere.
3.) Get tougher on our foreign importers/competitors. There is no way we should be able to get products imported from overseas cheaper than we can manufacture them here. This started with tariffs.
4.) Put a greater emphasis on growing the skill sets of our workforce. Obama tried this by promoting college degrees. We then flooded the market with college grads without middle wage jobs. We needed to provide affordable vocational education and increase the skills of our workforce through those means.

There were more but these were the main ones and Trumps policies checked every box. And guess what unemployment went down and the economy boomed until this FUBAR.

I always vote based off a candidate’s policies and how I feel they will impact Americans.

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