Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

A million positives and 55,000 dead.

I don't share your happy go lucky view.

40,000 dead every year from vehicle accidents yet millions will drool over the new model vehicles that are produced every year.

Millions of black babies killed every year by Planned Parenthood yet we are fed with a line of how great they are for women’s health, how we need more federal funding for them and how racist we are for pointing that out.
A couple of years from now, with Trump out of office, the people who know what happened with testing will be free to talk about it. History will not judge Trump kindly.
Uh oh. Sounds like an infamous LG prediction.

Of course this means history will judge Trump kindly.
I've seen everybody do that on this board. I'm not so sure that is as much an issue of right and wrong, but more one of awareness.
Often, the people making the post believe it to be legitimate and relevant. I think many on here actually believed Antifa was a much larger issue than it realistically was.
And I think you minimize it because it reflects poorly on the left.
I've seen everybody do that on this board. I'm not so sure that is as much an issue of right and wrong, but more one of awareness.
Often, the people making the post believe it to be legitimate and relevant. I think many on here actually believed Antifa was a much larger issue than it realistically was.
Not true. I’ve read the law enforcement reports and watch lists concerning Antifa.
40,000 dead every year from vehicle accidents yet millions will drool over the new model vehicles that are produced every year.

Millions of black babies killed every year by Planned Parenthood yet we are fed with a line of how great they are for women’s health, how we need more federal funding for them and how racist we are for pointing that out.
Are the mothers kidnapped? Forced to perform abortions? Their bodies, they can do what they want. Why do you care?
And I think you minimize it because it reflects poorly on the left.
I've used this analogy before.
If the opposing team is holding on almost every down and the refs aren't calling it; I'm jumping up and down, yelling at the refs., and doing all I can to highlight the infractions.
If my team is holding on almost every down and the refs aren't calling it; I'm staying pretty quiet other than discreetly telling my line coach he needs to talk to his players because sooner or later they are going to start calling it.
So Birks today has admitted we need "a testing breakthrough" so that many more people can be tested.



The administrstiom admits what everyone else has been saying for 2 months. You want to fight the virus effectively? You need to know where it is and isn't. You want to open things up as quickly and safely as possible? Same thing.

The mishandling of testing and Trump's refusal to make it THE priority is what is so frustrating. History will not be kind to he and his administration for their virtual abdication of all responsibility on this issue.

So which is it?

History will not be kind to how this administration:

1.) Responded and did not take it seriously early enough!
2.) Did not provide enough support to the states!
3.) Did not provide enough ventilators. All we heard about for weeks from Cuomo and the media was ventilators ventilators!
4.) Did not provide enough N95 masks for medical workers!
5.) Did not shut down early enough!
6.) Did not take an aggressive enough approach to developing testing and providing widespread testing!

7.) What is the next big thing that History will not be kind to this administration during this pandemic? TBD but we will sure forget everything else as data comes out about how they truly were handled well and we will forget and move on!
Most of my friends are Republicans since I live in the South and have no real issue with that, but anyone who will defend the things Trump says and does have questionable character to say the least. He is a revolting human being who degrades women and minorities and anyone who doesn't worship him.
Trump does say some stupid things. I have zero problem calling those things out. People who refuse to are naïve. But not everything he says and does is stupid, so acting like it is, that's equally ignorant. Some of you allow your Trump hate to override your common sense. There is a middle ground of sanity that many can't seem to find.

And I agree he's a horrible person. My only complaint with using that as a justification is there are plenty on both sides that are horrible people, yet some don't give a damn about the horrible people on their side of the aisle. If you want to claim morality, extend it both ways and not just along party lines.
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Are the mothers kidnapped? Forced to perform abortions? Their bodies, they can do what they want. Why do you care?

Wow you sure missed the point of my post. Those are two examples where 1.) we are excited about new cars every year when auto accidents make up for a similar amount of deaths as the CoronaVirus at this point and 2.) The perceived positives of Planned Parenthood are forced on us even though it was founded by a white nationalist who wanted to curb the black population where most planned parenthood facilities are near black neighborhoods and kill millions of black babies a year.

All I was doing was pointing out two examples on both sides of the extreme.
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