Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

What actions did he not take, that you wish he had?
I wish he had not called it a "hoax" initially and listened to what the experts were saying. Instead, he ignored the warning signs, said we had it under control, and that it would be gone in a day or two. His cavalier attitude and irresponsibility cost Americans their lives.
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“Never memorize something that you can look up.”

― Albert Einstein
I've always loved this quote; maybe because I've never been one to memorize.
And yea, I'm old enough. I still remember the number we had growing up in the 60's.
Right now, I know about 3 numbers.
My family gets a kick out of the fact I still don't know my own cell-phone number. Every time we are somewhere and I'm asked for my number, one of them automatically steps forward and gives it.
Memorizing stuff is a useful skill. But people who never learned how to learn believe memorizing and learning are the same thing.
If Trump was privately telling Kemp that he approved of his plan to reopen Georgia this week, but then ambushed him publicly with criticism for it just one day later as that article claims, then that does reflect poorly on Trump. I don't know how you would go about proving that is what happened, but if it did, that is an awful look for Trump.
If that was the case ni way Kemp keeps quiet.
I wish he had not called it a "hoax" initially and listened to what the experts were saying. Instead, he ignored the warning signs, said we had it under control, and that it would be gone in a day or two. His cavalier attitude and irresponsibility costs Americans their lives.

That is not an action.

He convened his task force in January. Remember, Fauci was essentially saying there was nothing to worry about in mid to late Feb.

Again, what actions did his scientific advisors recommend that he said, no, we arent doing that.
If AR-15 toting black Muslims shouting praise for Sharia law showed up at the KY state legislature I'm sure the powers that be in KY would be super cool with it.
Yes because Americans are burying I E D's all the time because other countries don't think like them.

Another great example EL. What, are you on your second box of wine?
That is not an action.

He convened his task force in January. Remember, Fauci was essentially saying there was nothing to worry about in mid to late Feb.

Again, what actions did his scientific advisors recommend that he said, no, we arent doing that.

“Muh...He should be listening to his scientist!”

Turns out the scientists didn’t know what the hell was going on. Fauci was all over the place on this thing. I wouldn’t trust his decision making at this point.
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I disagree. Free thought and expression is not encouraged by our education system. Creativity is often stifled. At least that was my experience.
We certainly have different perspectives.
From my perspective, I see free thought and expression encouraged and rewarded.

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