Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

We certainly have different perspectives.
From my perspective, I see free thought and expression encouraged and rewarded.
When I was in school, decades ago now, I saw what some called "free thought" rewarded, but somehow it was only considered free though if it parroted what the teacher believed.
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When I was in school, decades ago now, I saw what some called "free thought" rewarded, but somehow it was only considered free though if it parroted what the teacher believed.
Lots of things have changed over the decades.
Some things are taught and expected to be learned and regurgitated in a specific way - like how to make up your bed or clean your weapon in the military.
Some things are completely open ended where creativity and free thought are encouraged and expected.
And everything in between.
(all of that is needed)
Lots of things have changed over the decades.
Some things are taught and expected to be learned and regurgitated in a specific way - like how to make up your bed or clean your weapon in the military.
Some things are completely open ended where creativity and free thought are encouraged and expected.
And everything in between.
(all of that is needed)

Free thinking is supposed to be encouraged on campuses, it’s the opinions of the teachers guiding the thinking process , that’s causing issues . I don’t think the opinions or ideology of the teacher should every be revealed and should be extremely hard to figure out one way or another .
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Lots of things have changed over the decades.
Some things are taught and expected to be learned and regurgitated in a specific way - like how to make up your bed or clean your weapon in the military.
Some things are completely open ended where creativity and free thought are encouraged and expected.
And everything in between.
(all of that is needed)
I understand the differences, but regarding subjects that allow for interpretation, if your interpretation didn't match the teacher's interpretation, you got an F. Thinking outside the box was not rewarded. Math and science are straight forward. They are what they are. But subjects like literature, that lend to personal interpretation, you were expected to mimic what the teacher meant. Same with interpreting reason in history. Hopefully things have changed, but I tend to doubt they have.
I wish he had not called it a "hoax" initially and listened to what the experts were saying. Instead, he ignored the warning signs, said we had it under control, and that it would be gone in a day or two. His cavalier attitude and irresponsibility costs Americans their lives.
So Trump messed it up for the rest of the world too? Or did they all do exactly the same as Trumo did.

Or possibly was this thing going to hit, and hit hard, all most literally no matter what we did.
I understand the differences, but regarding subjects that allow for interpretation, if your interpretation didn't match the teacher's interpretation, you got an F. Thinking outside the box was not rewarded. Math and science are straight forward. They are what they are. But subjects like literature, that lend to personal interpretation, you were expected to mimic what the teacher meant. Same with interpreting reason in history. Hopefully things have changed, but I tend to doubt they have.
I would say they have changed more than you think but less than they should have.
.3% infected, .016% dead.
If this wasnt new we wouldnt even have noticed.
Quoting myself here because the math doesnt seem right. Seems like it should be .0016. There are two more zeroes to go from ten thousands to millions. Not sure why they arent showing up in the percentages.

Things that make Louder go hmmm and redo the math about 50 more times making the same mistake.
I would say memorization is often used in lieu of understanding. Why understand when you can recite by rote?
That's why I say understanding leads to wisdom. It's not hard to memorize things and regurgitate them. Difficulty comes in understanding what you know. More important is understanding what you don't know. Trump struggles with that last one.
I understand the differences, but regarding subjects that allow for interpretation, if your interpretation didn't match the teacher's interpretation, you got an F. Thinking outside the box was not rewarded. Math and science are straight forward. They are what they are. But subjects like literature, that lend to personal interpretation, you were expected to mimic what the teacher meant. Same with interpreting reason in history. Hopefully things have changed, but I tend to doubt they have.

Sadly, things haven't changed. We're not taught to be free or critical thinkers. We're taught to be obedient. We will obey, or else.
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About 15 years ago a RO brought one of the guys on the football team to me. He had been accused of sending inappropriate texts/pictures. The player was sped and literally processed so slowly that we couldn't get him on the field. The RO instructed him to go into his phone and bring up the texts/pictures. The guy hit a sequence of 10-15 buttons in about 3 seconds and pulled them up. I was shocked. Not at the content, but at the fact that he could remember a sequence that long and that quickly. He couldn't even remember when to go left or right on the field.
I could hardly text at the time but this boy could work a phone like a maestro.
Oh that's something this generation excels at. Can't figure out how to drive safely but while they are not paying attention to the road they can do 12 selfies or 2 tictok videos.
That's why I say understanding leads to wisdom. It's not hard to memorize things and regurgitate them. Difficulty comes in understanding what you know. More important is understanding what you don't know. Trump struggles with that last one.
The more you know, the more you know you don't know.
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Why do you care? If they're raped, they should keep the baby too?
So you are basing your arguments on less than 1% of abortions?

It's usually a bad idea to set the rules based on the exception.

Not going to derail this thread further than that. @ me in an abortion thread if you actually want a discussion.

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