Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

You’re out of line bro.... way out of line. You sling this kind of garbage on a regular basis, because it’s all your weak mind is capable of. It’s weak... only something a gutless bi**h does.
Please. All you do is hurl around baseless insults that either have sexist or racist connotations (see your post above) and you act offended when someone calls you out on it. You can't have it both ways. I thought you were proud of it actually. You're just used to everyone agreeing with you and don't like when someone calls you out on it.
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So it's just "Pelosi " but it's "marble mouth McConnell"? You only want to replace her and yet McConnell is too far right? Dude you are so far left you can't even see the middle anymore. There isn't a single politician in either house that could OBJECTIVELY be labeled far right. You don't fool anyone that knows your posting history.
You're joking right? You really don't think there are any far right politicians in Congress? I think most on here would even admit that there are. Look at most of the southern Republicans like Blackburn. She is way right. Just because you agree with them doesn't mean they aren't far right (or left). Don't let FoxNews convince you otherwise.
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I think we've seen the worse. Viruses go through the initial volley which is huge. Once they play that volley, the viruses chances of mounting a huge 2nd is much weaker because so many have immunity.
Yeah I agree.... I was joking about those patients being retroactively claimed as covid patients.
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that's the conservative platform.
I still have a little, not much, hope there are still traditional conservatives out there. Based on the poll numbers alone, that doesn't seems to be the case though. I dare say "conservatives" couldn't articulate the Republican platform other than "but Hillary, Obama, and the deep state".
WHO put out there that there is no proof that you have immunity but also no proof that you don’t get immunity..... Absolutely brilliant analysis from the world health organization.
I agree with WHO and the rest of the scientific community. If you want to refute them, give it your best scientific shot.
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I still have a little, not much, hope there are still traditional conservatives out there. Based on the poll numbers alone, that doesn't seems to be the case though. I dare say "conservatives" couldn't articulate the Republican platform other than "but Hillary, Obama, and the deep state".
Is there more to the Democrat platform than "muh Trump"? If so, I haven't seen it.
Refute it if you can or you can propagate the far right conspiracies for which they are know for.
The WHO is a giant, corrupt, cluster f@#k. They dropped the ball on this in the beginning when they told us we shouldn't have shut down travel, etc. China lied and the WHO helped them, how come it was forbidden for Chinese to travel within their country but they could still leave the country when all this broke out?

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