Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

A lot depends on when you believe life begins.
life begins when you are born, otherwise we would celebrate dates of conception. The government has somewhat determined when life begins, because you can not claim an unborn child on your taxes, can you? After the child is born is when you claim the child.
But then again, you should probably worry about your body and the body of your spouse and/or children. Your beliefs can not bleed over into the life and beliefs of someone else.
As it relates to capital punishment, I am in favor of capital punishment when there is overwhelming evidence of guilt.
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Anyone but Trump is certainly my battle cry.
It's never been my basis before and hopefully never will again.
Trump was an anomaly.........we all should hope and pray.
If Trump is the norm......if he continues to be normalized, then there is no return.

I'm afeared your hopes and prayers are for naught. 63,000,000 voters were for Trump. What that says about us as a country is mind-boggling but not unexpected.
I don't know what happened to Perot, there were rumors he and his family received threats and he kinda freaked out during the primaries. He had a good shot at beating Bush for the nomination until then.
He really captivated a large group of voters (including me). I think to date, he has the best results for any 3rd party candidate.
WHO put out there that there is no proof that you have immunity but also no proof that you don’t get immunity..... Absolutely brilliant analysis from the world health organization.
That has been said for a while now. That is why they are requesting plasma from those that have recovered to see if immunity works. It may act like the flu, where there is really no immunity from the flu.
Clinton inspired females, men were "Bush wasn't Regan" and if it weren't for Newt's contract with America and Bob Dole being a crappy nominee, Clinton wouldn't have won a second term.
That is breathtakingly wrong. The economy had taken off in '96. There was great collaborative effort being shown between the Clinton Administration and the Republican Congress... significant bi-partisan legislation was being passed. According to Gallup, Bill Clinton's approval rating in November of 1996 was 58%. That is just plain ignorant.
I know everyone on here despises him, and I don't want to derail the thread. But I think it is fair to say Obama inspired many to vote for him in 2008. Especially among my age group.
I was going to say the same. I think Obama inspired a higher percentage of voters than anyone since Kennedy.
That is breathtakingly wrong. The economy had taken off in '96. There was great collaborative effort being show between the Clinton Administration and the Republican Congress... significant bi-partisan legislation was being passed. According to Gallup, Bill Clinton's approval rating in November of 1996 was 58%. That is just plain ignorant.
I see it both ways. Clinton was very popular and likely to be reelected. But Dole didn't inspire anybody to vote for him (my original position which caused this sidebar).
That is breathtakingly wrong. The economy had taken off in '96. There was great collaborative effort being show between the Clinton Administration and the Republican Congress... significant bi-partisan legislation was being passed. According to Gallup, Bill Clinton's approval rating in November of 1996 was 58%. That is just plain ignorant.

Thanks for confirming my post. Clinton and his push for Hillarycare had him on the ropes in 94, Newt pulled off the greatest campaign strategy of the century winning majorities in both the house and senate. Clinton to his credit saw the writing on the wall and decided getting reelected was more important than getting his (Hillary's) radical policies passed. Bill moderated his positions and wallah. No way Bill gets reelected without Newt.
I see it both ways. Clinton was very popular and likely to be reelected. But Dole didn't inspire anybody to vote for him (my original position which caused this sidebar).
Nobody was going to beat Clinton in 1996. Dole spent quite a bit of time campaigning in Tennessee in the fall of 1996 and spent election eve in Knoxville (believe it or not, he gave a speech at Cotton Eye'd Joe)... and yet, Clinton won Tennessee easily.
My fault. I assumed this notion, ..."I dare say "conservatives" couldn't articulate the Republican platform other than "but Hillary, Obama, and the deep state"... would be applicable to everyone.
You also assumed that "anybody but Trump" somehow indicated an inability to articulate the Democratic platform.
Nobody was going to beat Clinton in 1996. Dole spent quite a bit of time campaigning in Tennessee in the fall of 1996 and spent election eve in Knoxville (believe it or not, he gave a speech at Cotton Eye'd Joe)... and yet, Clinton won Tennessee easily.
The incumbent president's second term opponent has been really pitiful forever. Perhaps Biden bucks the trend but I don't see it, yet.
WHO put out there that there is no proof that you have immunity but also no proof that you don’t get immunity..... Absolutely brilliant analysis from the world health organization.

Brilliant is subjective. Regardless, the two "no proof" statements are not mutually exclusive.
The federal government didn’t give special funds for flu deaths

Just to be clear on this, the Medicare payments of 13,000 vs. 40,000 are not special CV payments beyond the CARES act adder of 20%. The 13,000 payment is typical Medicare reimbursement for respiratory hospitalization (flu and pneumonia cases would often fall under this) and the 40,000 payment is typical for patients that require a ventilator. The other difference now is that Medicare is reimbursing these rates for the non-insured as well.

I have still found nothing around being paid for deaths - these rates above are established for discharge (living or dead) of patients.

Anyone seen any details on the statements folks make about being paid for CV deaths?
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