Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

Who was or was not "inspired" probably has something to do with their political beliefs.

Personally, I haven't been inspired by a candidate since I reached voting age.
Anybody been an "almost inspiring" candidate for you?
Because all three are true, in differing degrees. Focusing on the WHO or China -- even if correct -- is clearly a cheap ploy by Trump supporters to deflect the criticism of him.
Seems like it would be a cheaper ploy to only look at 1 of the three instead of looking at the 2 of the 3 that came first.

I dont see why people cant go they the progression.

1. China lied.
2. WHO knew they couldnt prove anything so they publicized the lies.
3. Along with the rest of the world leaders Trump had faulty information to go off of to make early decisions.

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