Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

That's where you make your mistake. Trump was being told early on by his own advisers and professionals that the situation was much worse than being portrayed by China and the WHO. Still, he continued to minimize it. Trump did not rely on faulty information from China and the WHO -- he deliberately ignored the advice and sage counsel of his own experts. And he did so for his own selfish reasons.
Oh my god you are a LARPER aren't you?

I mean, doth thou LARP?
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That's where you make your mistake. Trump was being told early on by his own advisers and professionals that the situation was much worse than being portrayed by China and the WHO. Still, he continued to minimize it. Trump did not rely on faulty information from China and the WHO -- he deliberately ignored the advice and sage counsel of his own experts. And he did so for his own selfish reasons.
I think you mean racist reasons.

Trump was too early in January, he over corrected to be late in Febuary and March. Unless you believe the first and only step should have been straight to the lockdown we are in for 15 infections. His early over reaction lead to a late reaction which lead to an over reaction. It's like Altanta dealing with snow.

Trump is inconsistent AF so it could be that. But it seems if he was being selfish he could have done a lot more to hurt China early on than he did in January. Then if he was being selfish in Febuary and March by not shutting down the economy and leading to 20% unemployment I can get behind that. You will say it's so he didnt look bad, but in this case the optics are the truth of looking bad and being bad. This is a case of selfishness not being singular to only helping Trump.

Imagine the unemployment and stimulus bs if we had started this a month earlier. There is already talks about staying shut down till 2021 or 2022. People we going to fight the reopening no matter what was done or waiting to see the actual numbers.
That's where you make your mistake. Trump was being told early on by his own advisers and professionals that the situation was much worse than being portrayed by China and the WHO. Still, he continued to minimize it. Trump did not rely on faulty information from China and the WHO -- he deliberately ignored the advice and sage counsel of his own experts. And he did so for his own selfish reasons.
So we are to believe what the Chinese say?
That's where you make your mistake. Trump was being told early on by his own advisers and professionals that the situation was much worse than being portrayed by China and the WHO. Still, he continued to minimize it. Trump did not rely on faulty information from China and the WHO -- he deliberately ignored the advice and sage counsel of his own experts. And he did so for his own selfish reasons.

Nonsense; I've repeatedly posted quotes from those medical and pandemic "experts" through late Feb and into March, stating C19 poses very little danger to Americans, worry about the flu instead. Those are the "experts" Trump relied on and his comments reflected their counsel. We know this not just because the time line of their comments and Trump's match, but because they told us themselves that they went to Trump with recommendations and he acted on them. Period.

To say those experts did not also incorporate the WHO positions - or use them as confirmation of their own - is simply a lie or ignorance. Taiwan officials state they warned WHO of human transmission in December, three weeks prior to WHO publicly acknowledging such transmission, but that WHO - in continuing deference to mainland China regarding Taiwan - buried the information. And that is aside from Tedros Ghebreyesus' constant, over the top praise or China's response and transparency when an international team wasn't even allowed in until mid-Feb and the alleged wet market sources had been sanitized.

Every president is warned at least annually of pandemic threats. It's ROUTINE. It's also ROUTINE when an outbreak occurs anywhere on the globe, that "experts" start warning somebody of something. You're hiding behind generalities. Don't be a cowardly lion; state your case. Who, exactly, warned Trump of what - exactly - and exactly when? And why should Trump have listened to that expert, specifically, when Trump is being counseled by and taking the recommendations of the medical and pandemic experts advising him?
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I don't know about that... I found Ronald Reagan inspiring, even though I didn't agree with many of his policies and I didn't like most of his cabinet members. Just like Donald Trump, Reagan entered politics from the entertainment industry, but unlike Donald Trump, Reagan was a great orator with positive messages. Reagan was tough when he needed to be... and he was empathetic when it was called for (the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster as an example). Reagan was perfect for the 80's... it's hard to imagine anyone else having been president in those years. There will never be a good time to have an idiot like Donald Trump in the White House.
Reagan's speech after the Challenger disaster is one of the finest Presidential speeches given.
In recent history, maybe, but :

Teddy Roosevelt: 1912 88 electoral votes
John Breckinridge: 1860 72 electoral votes
George Corley Wallace: 1968 46 electoral votes
Strom Thurmond: 1948 39 electoral votes
John Bell: 1860 39 electoral votes

I remember Wallace and the 68 election very well. Wallace was winning Democrat primaries in 1972 until he got paralyzed by an assassin's bullet. He ran well as an independent the previous election.
With two of those from 1860, I bet you had a difficult time picking your guy for that election.;)
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Exactly what I was saying the other day after the President's remarks. Nikola Tesla invented the first handheld UV light in the 1890's for medical purposes. It has been used in hospitals and institutions for decades. Ever see the purple light in a hospital, above a door, when you was growing up ???

Not the people that helped hide this with China.
"China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus," Trump tweeted on January 24, "The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!"
Speaking on Fox News on January 30, Trump said China was "working very hard" to stop the coronavirus outbreak.
"And we are in great shape," he said. "China is not in great shape right now, unfortunately. But they're working very hard. We'll see what happens. But we're working very closely with China and other countries."

More inside:
Trump repeatedly praised China's response to coronavirus in February - CNNPolitics
"China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus," Trump tweeted on January 24, "The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!"
Speaking on Fox News on January 30, Trump said China was "working very hard" to stop the coronavirus outbreak.
"And we are in great shape," he said. "China is not in great shape right now, unfortunately. But they're working very hard. We'll see what happens. But we're working very closely with China and other countries."

More inside:
Trump repeatedly praised China's response to coronavirus in February - CNNPolitics

What is your point in regards to who I listen to?

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