Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

A modest proposal - all those governors, mayors etc who tell us they are being driven by science and data should share with the public exactly what science and data they are relying on. If their actions are truly driven this way there should be no issue with sharing the inputs and calculus.


Just as soon as the White House releases the contents of the briefings and recommendations given to Trump in January and February, along with his decisions on what do do, or not do, in light of them.

Just as soon as the White House releases the contents of the briefings and recommendations given to Trump in January and February, along with his decisions on what do do, or not do, in light of them.

they've released a ton more than governors who just say "I'm data driven". not sure why we have to wait for the Feds who didn't interfere with governor/mayoral decision making before those parties have to justify their actions.

The difference is there will be a deep dive into the process of the Feds. For governors, mayors etc no such examination will take place.
What’s to make of fun of?

Why can’t the people who want to wear a mask wear them?

Want to wear gloves? Go for it.

Want to stay inside and away from other people? Be my guest.

Masks should not be a requirement. If businesses insist on it to enter their store, OK. I can choose to comply or take my business elsewhere.

I’ve been explaining what there is to make fun of for like... three days. Where have you been?

Were you crying about the economy going off a cliff because people are scared to go out in public?
they've released a ton more than governors who just say "I'm data driven". not sure why we have to wait for the Feds who didn't interfere with governor/mayoral decision making before those parties have to justify their actions.

The difference is there will be a deep dive into the process of the Feds. For governors, mayors etc no such examination will take place.

That's true.

Part of being POTUS.
I’ve been explaining what there is to make fun of for like... three days. Where have you been?

Were you crying about the economy going off a cliff because people are scared to go out in public?

Sure, let me go back and read the 10,000 posts from the last three days. I’ll get back to you...
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It’s the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen how big peoples’ egos have gotten over this.

It really is puzzling that our elected officials have made the use of HCQ so political, especially when half of them probably couldn't tell you the difference between Benadryl and Dulcolax.
Maybe Kentucky will only exceed Tennessee is deaths by less 10% with that move.
Not really. They still require the 6 ft. of social distancing between tables. Georgia increased how many people per square foot by 200 feet this week. It added zero tables I can use in any of mine. Really, until the social distancing stuff goes away you are looking at 30% capacity in most restaurants.
Not really. They still require the 6 ft. of social distancing between tables. Georgia increased how many people per square foot by 200 feet this week. It added zero tables I can use in any of mine. Really, until the social distancing stuff goes away you are looking at 30% capacity in most restaurants.

I was just making fun of the Kentucky is so good Andy fanboys that were touting off about Tennessee’s situation and how much better Kentucky was doing - only to see their deaths exceed TN’s.
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Were I a betting man, I would bet on Harris although that isn't who I would advise him to pick.
I don’t know about that. She came at him pretty hard in the debates. Don’t know if he will forgive those attacks. His two best options, since he’s limited himself to a female VP, are Amy and the Gov. of New Mexico.
I think a lot of the PPE madness is virtue signaling.

I want the economy opened up again.

And I think mandatory mask decrees are absurd.

I still don’t see what there is to make fun of.
Well gird your loins, sir, you’re about to be made fun of.

You want the economy back, how does that happen?
People have to spend money.
For anything with a brick and mortar location, that generally means consumers have to come to their location.
Presumably non brick and mortar businesses can’t sustain the economy on their own because they haven’t been inhibited by shut downs.
For consumers (and employees) to come to those locations, the consumer (Or employee) has to feel like the risk/reward is in their favor.
This analysis is not based on reality, but on perception.

So, the operative question is: do you think there is an economically significant number of people who think that wearing masks makes us safer and will stay home willingly to avoid contracting the virus?

Before you reflexively say no, consider that every governor who has shut down their state, including Trumpist whipping girl Gretchen Whitmer, has a 60% plus approval rating.
The governors with sub-60% approval tend to be the ones who are reopening their states or being more lackadaisical towards the virus.

So, the bottom line is that, for people throwing hissy fits over masks, the average consumer‘s perception of safety (and therefore the economic recovery) is less significant than personal vanity, obstinance, or whatever superficial considerations are making them resist the mask. For those people who didn’t take a position on the economy, thats just a prudential determination. But for those who were crybabying back in April, it’s peak selfish hypocrisy or narcissistic vanity. They demanded that people go back to work (or lose their unemployment), even if they didn’t feel safe, and now they’ve largely got what they wanted, but are not willing to strap a 30 cent piece of cloth to their face because....... it makes them look stupid? It’s hot? It’s not effective?

Thank god you people never put your brains towards consideration of wearing pants.

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