Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

This is why you are missing it. Johnson was blocked out by both parties. Hey, you don't like Johnson. Whatever, but to vote for Trump or Hillary and try to throw shade on Johnson ruins any credibility you have.
Who's throwing shade on Johnson? Not me, other than to say he wasn't a viable candidate. As long as there are only two viable candidates AND I find one to be a much more preferable choice than the other, I will vote for the more preferable choice.
If I find the two choices to be basically equal OR I find the 3rd party candidate to be exceptionally appealing, I will gladly vote 3rd party.
Keep trying with the false memes. Your boy in real life just said that not many people know that Abraham Lincoln was a Republican. Guess he doesn't that the Republican party is also known as THE PARTY OF LINCOLN.

After seeing people destroying statues of all kinds including a statue of Fredrick Douglass , listening to college kids and teachers speak about our history or their lack of knowledge of it , It’s very likely that what he said is true .
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Keep trying with the false memes. Your boy in real life just said that not many people know that Abraham Lincoln was a Republican. Guess he doesn't that the Republican party is also known as THE PARTY OF LINCOLN.
Enjoy, some of these were months ago when he still had an 1/8 of his brain function.
Told to me by a medical professional the other day (Nurse Practitioner)...Many Covid cases are tests that have been administered more than once. If someone tests positive, gets better but still has the virus and gets tested again and still tests positive, it is being counted as an additional case. It’s not being counted as one case attributed to one individual. Could be part of the reason for the uptick with so many tests being administered now.
Everyone was aware that the system was showing signs of being sick. To me, the Trump nomination and election was like the doctor coming in and saying it's far worse than we expected. The things you expressed feeling yesterday are the things that millions upon millions felt the night Trump was elected and have felt to some degree every day since.
"I just want some sense of normalcy to return. Some shred of good news to brighten the day. But everywhere I look, it just seems chaos."
"It's hard to keep from breaking, and I'm not sure that I haven't."

I know many on here love to belittle "feelz". I've never been one of those.
Many on here took delight in "liberal tears" and showing the videos of people crying.
Millions were shocked, stunned, devastated, broken...and most of those were young people. People can mock and laugh at those reactions, but they were real. It was a devastating blow to America and one from which we haven't recovered. Nov. is a more critical election than most imagine....and that is simply the truth.
But see, at that point you had absolutely no idea what kind of President Trump would be so why the overreactions? You can’t claim because he’s amoral when you’re supporting Clinton. So what was it?
Told to me by a medical professional the other day (Nurse Practitioner)...Many Covid cases are tests that have been administered more than once. If someone tests positive, gets better but still has the virus and gets tested again and still tests positive, it is being counted as an additional case. It’s not being counted as one case attributed to one individual. Could be part of the reason for the uptick with so many tests being administered now.

That is true in some places - and was true in Tn at one point - but that is no longer the case in TN.

You can go to the state health website and see that recently new positives are generally higher than new cases.
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