Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

Part of me wishes she would go to work in stilettos and a bikini I think she’s one of the few that could pull it off. Still there is something to be said for dressing for the part in business which is what applies here. Again, last pic I saw of her I think she had pink hair? But her views have been refreshing and we’re unexpected.

Found the pic. Is it disqualifying somehow? No it isn’t. Does it work against her image and being taken seriously? In Congress yes I think it does. Again I just guess I’m an old prude. But if it comes down to dressing like a freak while maintaining a sane approach to policy then carry on sister.

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It's her thing - I have no problem with it given she seems saner than others in her party.

Her first day outfit

I see the "experts" are still telling us folks who have received both vaccine doses to social distance, stay away from crowds etc, etc. OK, I'd like for them to think about the numbers as in statistical probability that one would:

1) carry the virus
2) get sick from the virus
3) get ill from the virus (as in need hospital care)

My guess is that #2 and #3 are less risky than getting struck by lightning and probably also less likely than getting seriously injured driving your car on I-75. #1 we really don't know for sure but we do know that except in really rare cases, you're only carrying the virus for 10 days of your entire life, assuming you catch it at all.

Which leads me to my final point. Seeing as these numbers are very, very remote, how can we justify continuing to let this virus alter our lives? This is the bottom line that I'm continuing to struggle with. Please folks, help me out.
I agree with you on all points.
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It's her thing - I have no problem with it given she seems saner than others in her party.

Her first day outfit

Yeah that outfit it what got the discussion going here and what louder was referring to. I gotta admit her conduct while there really has offset her “unconventional” dress. She still is a Dem but seems fairly centrist this far. A rarity.
I see the "experts" are still telling us folks who have received both vaccine doses to social distance, stay away from crowds etc, etc. OK, I'd like for them to think about the numbers as in statistical probability that one would:

1) carry the virus
2) get sick from the virus
3) get ill from the virus (as in need hospital care)

My guess is that #2 and #3 are less risky than getting struck by lightning and probably also less likely than getting seriously injured driving your car on I-75. #1 we really don't know for sure but we do know that except in really rare cases, you're only carrying the virus for 10 days of your entire life, assuming you catch it at all.

Which leads me to my final point. Seeing as these numbers are very, very remote, how can we justify continuing to let this virus alter our lives? This is the bottom line that I'm continuing to struggle with. Please folks, help me out.

People are allowing government to alter their lives, not the virus, for the most part.
People are allowing government to alter their lives, not the virus, for the most part.

I've been a good soldier, mainly because I am a healthcare provider, but now I've done everything they've asked. Hospitalizations (C19) are 6% of capacity. Yet they're still telling me to wear 2 masks everywhere, don't go out to eat, don't fly, don't go to a Vols game etc etc. I've had enough. I'm not going to live that way. I'm not going to live in fear of this virus nor am I going to live in fear of my gov't. I don't see how some people function if they live each day in fear of taking a breath of air.
I've been a good soldier, mainly because I am a healthcare provider, but now I've done everything they've asked. Hospitalizations (C19) are 6% of capacity. Yet they're still telling me to wear 2 masks everywhere, don't go out to eat, don't fly, don't go to a Vols game etc etc. I've had enough. I'm not going to live that way. I'm not going to live in fear of this virus nor am I going to live in fear of my gov't. I don't see how some people function if they live each day in fear of taking a breath of air.
You have a reasonable frustration and line in the sand, in my opinion. I wonder how many others turn the same corner as you with each passing day?
I've been a good soldier, mainly because I am a healthcare provider, but now I've done everything they've asked. Hospitalizations (C19) are 6% of capacity. Yet they're still telling me to wear 2 masks everywhere, don't go out to eat, don't fly, don't go to a Vols game etc etc. I've had enough. I'm not going to live that way. I'm not going to live in fear of this virus nor am I going to live in fear of my gov't. I don't see how some people function if they live each day in fear of taking a breath of air.

I hear you brother. Honestly, covid plays no part in my life other than the fact I have to work around obstacles placed by others that still live in that world.
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Mutations always occur in a single organism or virion.

As for the reported accumulation of mutations occurring in one person, I can't verify that with the available medical literature. WIRED isn't exactly a reputable source.
They are making uva students spit in a test tube weekly for COVID testing, 3 ml of spit . Do you have any source literature about this?
It struck me that they are being used in an experimental trial and not being told it’s a trial.
Any time I flipped by the dnc news channels prior to Jan it was all about cases and deaths now it’s all about vaccinations. Certainly not a surprise though
CDC has gone from no masks to double masks. Double masking is 92% effective.

Well guess what is 100% effective CDC? Plastic bags. 100% chance Covid WILL NOT kill you if you bag up.

(dont use a bag around your face you bidephiles, you'll die)
Disclaimer.. good job.
The new administration? Wasn't Operation Warp speed about saving lives?
Supposedly, but since Operation "Warp Speed" couldn't move faster than a snail it ended up being nothing more than another example of the complete ineptitude of the Trump administration that cost lives.
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Supposedly, but since Operation "Warp Speed" couldn't move faster than a snail it ended up being nothing more than another example of the complete ineptitude of the Trump administration that cost lives.
It delivered a vaccine before most said it was possible. To now claim it wasn't fast enough is ridiculous revisionist history
It delivered a vaccine before most said it was possible. To now claim it wasn't fast enough is ridiculous revisionist history
It helped create vaccines quickly, that much is true. The delivery of those vaccines to people was a total failure.
It's like the new administration is prioritizing saving lives or something
Not even close, the dnc media used COVID to damage the economy and to push voter fraud mail in ballots. Mission accomplished. Your ccp puppet doesn’t know his own name much less have the capacity to do something to save lives.
It helped create vaccines quickly, that much is true. The delivery of those vaccines to people was a total failure.
I've said the same. However he helped cut red tape to deliver a vaccine when most claimed it was impossible. If those same people are now taking credit they should be called out for it.
Not even close, the dnc media used COVID to damage the economy and to push voter fraud mail in ballots. Mission accomplished. Your ccp puppet doesn’t know his own name much less have the capacity to do something to save lives.
Let me guess, you got that from a good source.

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Supposedly, but since Operation "Warp Speed" couldn't move faster than a snail it ended up being nothing more than another example of the complete ineptitude of the Trump administration that cost lives.

The MSM and Dr Fauci said over and over again that it was very unlikely if not impossible that we'd be vaccinating people in 2020. Do you not know that or are you just making stuff up? Either one is not a good look for you
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