Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

Look I know you love conspiracies but come on. This thing kills old people. None of those are old. Just stop. And I have no problem with the celebration. But this is in line with your crazy ass belief that over 80% of Syria wants Assad bc it was "Democratic election."
Look I know you love conspiracies but come on. This thing kills old people. None of those are old. Just stop. And I have no problem with the celebration. But this is in line with your crazy ass belief that over 80% of Syria wants Assad bc it was "Democratic election."

Many other disease kill old people. This one is no different. When a person gets older they are naturally more susceptible to death from viruses. They are also more prone to die from just their heart deciding to fail. The COVID jig is up.
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Many other disease kill old people. This one is no different. When a person gets older they are naturally more susceptible to death from viruses. They are also more prone to die from just their heart deciding to fail. The COVID jig is up.
It's not a jig. It's killed half a million Americans. And that's just reality. God knows how many more deaths for related reasons.
It's not a jig. It's killed half a million Americans. And that's just reality. God knows how many more deaths for related reasons.

No it hasn't.

They are rigging death certificate left and right.

Dying with covid and from covid arent the same thing.

Stage 4 cancer patients dying from cancer are getting labeled covid.
It's not a jig. It's killed half a million Americans. And that's just reality. God knows how many more deaths for related reasons.
The first outbreak in my city told me all I need to know about 'COVID' deaths. It supposedly got loose in a hospice center, where 12 people in hospice died 'from COVID', most of them having no COVID symptoms and being tested post-mortem.
Thanks Joe!

Wait didn't you say we were doing 1.8-2 million shots per day? Latest I read had it at 1.2-1.3 which is basically what Trump was doing in Phase 1 with limited population....of course Joe thinks Cuomo is the gold standard in handling COVID and the fact that Joe has any vaccines to give is due to Trump and Operation Warp Speed....Trump saved the world

I got news for him. 14 states are already not requiring masks. Did they ask him these:

1) What "number" is your target for dropping mask mandates? The Press let him get by with his "very, very low" comment
2) After you've immunized everyone who chooses to get it, who are you protecting by continuing to wear a mask?
3) In looking at the science of kids/C19, why should the kids need to be vaccinated before fully opening schools?

His comments are completely unreasonable. Archive this one. Add this to his list of "eventually proven to be an idiot" quotes from this guy
Look I know you love conspiracies but come on. This thing kills old people. None of those are old. Just stop. And I have no problem with the celebration. But this is in line with your crazy ass belief that over 80% of Syria wants Assad bc it was "Democratic election."

What we're told by the Chicken Littles is that those young people will take it home and it'll kill their parents and grandparents. It DID NOT HAPPEN. Enough with the Chicken Littles. Let's live our lives
Wait didn't you say we were doing 1.8-2 million shots per day? Latest I read had it at 1.2-1.3 which is basically what Trump was doing in Phase 1 with limited population....of course Joe thinks Cuomo is the gold standard in handling COVID and the fact that Joe has any vaccines to give is due to Trump and Operation Warp Speed....Trump saved the world

Wait didn't you say we were doing 1.8-2 million shots per day? Latest I read had it at 1.2-1.3 which is basically what Trump was doing in Phase 1 with limited population....of course Joe thinks Cuomo is the gold standard in handling COVID and the fact that Joe has any vaccines to give is due to Trump and Operation Warp Speed....Trump saved the world

Amateur Night is an understatement to describe this redhead
So why get vaccinated then?

In that whole article there's not a damn scientific reason why fully vaccinated people can't go back to a normal life. It pretty much says "well the guidelines haven't changed" and "we don't know who's been vaccinated" and "there's still a chance you could get infected"...

Yeah, I get all that. There's a chance I'll get hit by lightning...there's a chance someone will hit my car as I'm driving home from work tonight.

This is BS. Total BS. I've been very patient with these bastards. I no longer give a **** what their guidelines are. I encourage everyone fully vaccinated to go back to their normal life. Don't live your life worrying about giving it to someone else or dying of a variant. "That's no way to go through life, son"
Amateur Night is an understatement to describe this redhead
I think she's a pro. never admit to being wrong.

This is where Republicans went wrong. Trump lost when he gave an inch to the covid fear. He should have fired Fauci first thing, and cleared out the CDC once their test bombed.
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So why get vaccinated then?

This is totally opposite to how they're handling it in Israel. In that country they're issuing green passports for vaccinated people pretty much saying saying "if you're vaccinated you can do this and that" but if you're not, stay home. This is a carrot/stick messaging that's lacking here

TEL AVIV—Israel lifted restrictions on most commerce and public activity, opening malls, markets and museums—and requiring the use of a pass to document vaccination status for some activities.

Sunday’s moves illustrate how Israel, which rolled out the world’s fastest Covid-19 vaccination campaign, is combining incentives and threats to get the rest of its population vaccinated—and how it learned from missteps.

The nation is reopening after having some of the worst infection rates for months, as many flouted lockdowns, and more recently, a British variant of the disease ran rampant. Commercial activity largely sputtered to a halt. “For Rent” signs have proliferated on the once-bustling seaside avenues of this city.
The opening up and use of what officials are calling green passports, which allow people to enter gyms and hotels and eventually embark on quarantine-free travel, set up a test for one of the most closely watched countries during the pandemic: Can Israel return to relative normalcy without slipping back into peak infection rates and overwhelming its healthcare system?

Israel’s Speedy Vaccination Campaign Now Faces Key Test in Returning to Normal
Wait didn't you say we were doing 1.8-2 million shots per day? Latest I read had it at 1.2-1.3 which is basically what Trump was doing in Phase 1 with limited population....of course Joe thinks Cuomo is the gold standard in handling COVID and the fact that Joe has any vaccines to give is due to Trump and Operation Warp Speed....Trump saved the world

The guy should have said “I’ll take that as a yes”
In that whole article there's not a damn scientific reason why fully vaccinated people can't go back to a normal life. It pretty much says "well the guidelines haven't changed" and "we don't know who's been vaccinated" and "there's still a chance you could get infected"...

Yeah, I get all that. There's a chance I'll get hit by lightning...there's a chance someone will hit my car as I'm driving home from work tonight.

This is BS. Total BS. I've been very patient with these bastards. I no longer give a **** what their guidelines are. I encourage everyone fully vaccinated to go back to their normal life. Don't live your life worrying about giving it to someone else or dying of a variant. "That's no way to go through life, son"
Over the weekend, I checked with a local store to see if they were allowing immune patrons to shop without masks. When they answered "we are not," I let them know that I would take my business elsewhere.

It honestly might take a bunch of people doing the same to get the message across.

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