Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

Oh I’m aware and the success of the vaccine(s) is the only safe way to get there. But Kiddie was advocating Sweden’s approach as the only way to go a year ago and worse a denier that this was any big deal. It took him quite a while to ackowedge this was a big deal. That took until around the time I mentioned that we really knew little about it because it kept “morphing” into new strains. I LOLed at how he twisted himself into the insecure guy we now know by hyperventilating and claiming I should have used “mutated”.
If the store has a mask sign up I wear one. I think it's un-American to go against the rules of private property owners.

If they want us to wear a yellow hat turned backwards to enter, they have that right. Just like we have the right to shop elsewhere. What I don't get are the people that cause a scene and start a fight at Costco. It's private property moron, shop somewhere else if you don't like it.

In most states (like mine, Ohio) it's not decided by the business. It's decided by the Governor
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Oh I’m aware and the success of the vaccine(s) is the only safe way to get there. But Kiddie was advocating Sweden’s approach as the only way to go a year ago and worse a denier that this was any big deal. It took him quite a while to ackowedge this was a big deal. That took until around the time I mentioned that we really knew little about it because it kept “morphing” into new strains. I LOLed at how he twisted himself into the insecure guy we now know by hyperventilating and claiming I should have used “mutated”.
If the store has a mask sign up I wear one. I think it's un-American to go against the rules of private property owners.

If they want us to wear a yellow hat turned backwards to enter, they have that right. Just like we have the right to shop elsewhere. What I don't get are the people that cause a scene and start a fight at Costco. It's private property moron, shop somewhere else if you don't like it.
Most have the sign up just because they feel it covers their ass just in case someone questions people not having a mask on. If a place has a sign I always walk in without one, 99% don’t care but when one of the loony places tells me I have to have one I just tell them I would rather give my $$ to businesses with common sense.
Most have the sign up just because they feel it covers their ass just in case someone questions people not having a mask on. If a place has a sign I always walk in without one, 99% don’t care but when one of the loony places tells me I have to have one I just tell them I would rather give my $$ to businesses with common sense.

Most every business I walk into now has the COVID law disclaimer. You catch it on site, tough luckie. Like all the disclaimers on a ladder and all about liability.
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Oh I’m aware and the success of the vaccine(s) is the only safe way to get there. But Kiddie was advocating Sweden’s approach as the only way to go a year ago and worse a denier that this was any big deal. It took him quite a while to ackowedge this was a big deal. That took until around the time I mentioned that we really knew little about it because it kept “morphing” into new strains. I LOLed at how he twisted himself into the insecure guy we now know by hyperventilating and claiming I should have used “mutated”.
asinine+ hubris =^^^^^^
That’s the way it should be, plus how the hell would one know where they caught it?

Dont ask me....Just lib lunacy. I could fall down the stairs and claim I was on a ladder.
This liability crap goes back in my thinking to that POC that ordered a hot coffee at McDonalds and sued for burns decades ago.
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Yes so you have reading comprehension issues, too. Must’ve been extra hard for you to get through Med School.

No need to reply as I’m not interested in engaging in discussion with someone who thought herd immunity was the solution. Iirc you were sure that would occur (200+ million with antibodies) before a vaccine was developed.

Instead of replying why not take a few moments to see if you can determine why it is I make you feel so inadequate. Busy Doc like you can even find time to be Staff so you got the time to go deep. Every couple of bucks helps, out huh?
I can't believe this is so difficult for you to understand. It has nothing to do with what I believe. Herd immunity is the solution, as it always has been. We are now seeing it with our very own eyes -- the sharp decline in cases began just after the first of the year. Vaccination for the at-risk/elderly will shortly contribute to a decline in death rate, as well.

Side notes:
- I did quite well in school
- Surely you don't think Mods get compensated, but I'll make this suggestion next time I talk to Freak
Opinion backed up by Kiddie’s comments at the time
Maybe pictures will help. Please explain what has happened since Jan 9.


a) the warm, summer months of January and February have resulted in less transmission of virus, as people spent more time outdoors, and reduced "survival" of the virus due to heat and humidity.

b) Joe Biden's magic scared the virus away two weeks before entering office.

c) the entire nation shut down, ceased all travel, and locked ourselves in our homes, without businesses, restaurants, sporting events, or schools in operation.

d) enough people have developed antibodies/immune protection that the transmission of CV19 has dropped in dramatic fashion (at the exact time that I predicted months ago), which continues -- aided by vaccine distribution.
Maybe pictures will help. Please explain what has happened since Jan 9.

View attachment 353771

a) the warm, summer months of January and February have resulted in less transmission of virus, as people spent more time outdoors, and reduced "survival" of the virus due to heat and humidity.

b) Joe Biden's magic scared the virus away two weeks before entering office.

c) the entire nation shut down, ceased all travel, and locked ourselves in our homes, without businesses, restaurants, sporting events, or schools in operation.

d) enough people have developed antibodies/immune protection that the transmission of CV19 has dropped in dramatic fashion (at the exact time that I predicted months ago), which continues -- aided by vaccine distribution.
Aren't you leaving out an option? We are back to October levels bc the Holiday hits of Thanksgiving and Christmas are behind us. Isn't that reasonable conclusion?

VN Store
