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As of late, I spend nearly half my day trying to help parents and kids who are struggling with school disruptions, "virtual learning," and emotional/mental problems.

Anyone who continues to say that schools shouldn't be back to "normal" needs to be dragged into the street and beaten.

But, but, but, but...what about the teachers "risking their lives" if they step foot in that building?
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How long do you give it before a version of that is enacted here?

People are gonna laugh but this is setting up the stage for the mark of the beast eventually.

I have no idea when or what will bring it about but this is where we are headed.
But, but, but, but...what about the teachers "risking their lives" if they step foot in that building?
Crazy to think that a bunch of folks in my profession spend most of our days within 18" of the monsters -- making them cough on us with tongue depressors, using otoscopes, doing fluoride treatments on their teeth, giving shots, sewing up wounds. . . .

If schools are Normandy, I guess I work in Hiroshima.
I went to a Roanoke County school. I had maybe a handful of good teachers that totally threw aside the SOLs to actually teach. The rest of my education was totally forgettable and largely impractical. The place was run like a prison.

Every kid out of Roanoke City we hired with the exception of one was totally oblivious and lacked even basic skills. The kids we interviewed and hired from the two local private schools, and the one homeschool girl we brought in, were fantastic.

Works that way in my day job too. The people we've brought in on teams from public school backgrounds that went on to public colleges have been flameouts. The people that went to private school, private colleges, and/or didn't go to college have been incredible.

What school did you go to if you don't mind?
What state are you in?

Any state that has as rigorous 'standards of learning' for public schools drag all of the kids to the lowest common denominator. It's a failed model built on failed standards. 'Blue Ribbon' means absolutely nothing when the standards are trash, which they absolutely are.

The Catholic schools here largely only teach religious history and basic Catholic theology (background of Catholic traditions, etc.). The other major Christian-based school where I live does not touch creationism/evolution, and I have no idea about their theology classes. They both also focus on practical/classical educations (training behavior and social norms at a young age, as in preschool-kindergarten). All of them require classes in personal finance, technical writing, basic programming and general computer literacy as a requirement to graduate. I know this because I have been in the classes and know the teachers. Zero of the public schools here have those classes as a requirement. Zero public schools I've tried to hire from in this area or NOVA have required that education. Zero public schools I've interacted with in North Carolina or Tennessee require it, either.

I'm sure there are terrible private schools, but what I am more concerned with is reality. Education means nothing if its wrong, which you've pointed out for us. Most public schools are teaching wrong or useless things and churning out robots.

I live in North Alabama Huntsville area. Before you draw a conclusion about it because “Alabama” we have NASA, Defense, and associated industries oozing everywhere in this area. It’s one of the highest concentration areas for professionals with graduate degrees and PhDs as well.

My opinion is now days the requirement for basic computer literacy is a waste of time. Kids all know the basics and then some. Hell - the entire public school system here went virtual for a time being. Every kid was on their school issued computers daily. Personal finance and life stuff is an elective my child wants to take next year. It’s called game of life or something. He can also take computer programming if he wants where he gets to design a computer game over the course of the semester.

I’m sure we can one-off each other too death with anecdotes. I’m just saying the blanket statement that all public schools are turning out robots and teaching trash is wrong.

I suspect the real story is it’s more close to you get out what you put in, and those kids going private typically have a better home life and structure on average pushing for excellence than those in public schools. It’s no accident public schools in higher income areas do better.
Blast from the past. One year ago today. Good times!

And the Taj Mahal will be the greatest casino in the history of the world.

Go bigly or go home!

As of late, I spend nearly half my day trying to help parents and kids who are struggling with school disruptions, "virtual learning," and emotional/mental problems.

Anyone who continues to say that schools shouldn't be back to "normal" needs to be dragged into the street and beaten.


I reached a boiling point with mine last night and we both said things we shouldn’t have.

Normalcy needs to return. There is an unseen cost behind all these restrictions.
Yeah, just searched. I made none.
Interesting. I searched with 3 words and found plenty of evidence. Are you still using Lycos? Are you...illiterate?

Here is one from PedoJoe:
Biden tweeted: “We are in the midst of a crisis with the coronavirus. We need to lead the way with science — not Donald Trump’s record of hysteria, xenophobia, and fear-mongering. He is the worst possible person to lead our country through a global health emergency.”

Best part of PedoJoe the Covid Butcher Biden's quote is how he has literally done infinitely worse than Trump in handling the covid situation and has over 100,000 deaths on his hands and the dude has barely been in office for 30 days...oh and the immediate back tracking and pedo spin job on his quote. Silver lining, covid hits democrats the hardest in hear from the news..they use the word disproportionately a lot...

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