Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

Scalpers are gonna be plentiful and desperate. They will be throwing them at you at kickoff.


I’ve never lived close to Knoxville after leaving school so I typically only made 3-4 or so games a year, even in the better years.

I always kept my tickets because they were great seats and close to friends. Most games I didn’t go to I would give away the tickets or sell them. I have not even been able to give them away the last several years.
If you’re concerned about the numbers skewing because of false positives, certainly you’ve looked into false negatives as well... right?... just so you can get the full breadth of information available in order to obtain the truth. We are after the truth here, correct?

We are all after the truth. The sad part is we aren’t being fed the truth. My best friend is an infectious disease specialist in SC. He has to give weekly COVID meetings. He cannot get accurate data from the CDC, the state or anywhere else. If a board certified infectious disease specialist, who is fighting COVID on the front lines cannot get accurate info, what do you think the average person is getting?
Scalpers are gonna be plentiful and desperate.

I hope Texas is successful, but I unfortunately think Gov Speedy's actions will simply show what I've been arguing for the past few days -- we're not sufficiently close to herd immunity such that Texas cases will continue to decrease to near zero. There will be another wave (probably modest in size). But hey, it's Texas. Dollar is king.
Neanderthals gotta eat too.
So, although the Trump administration's assertion that the novel Coronavirus may have originated in a lab was initially dismissed, now it appears that it may have "guessed correctly," after all?

There is so much "money, power, and politics" involved, I am sick to my stomach.
Remember that preview of a WHO report saying it's highly unlikely the virus came from a lab? Well

WSJ News Exclusive | WHO Investigators to Scrap Plans for Interim Report on Probe of Covid-19 Origins

If you can't read this due to the paywall the gist is a group of the investigating scientists is saying the investigation was not credible due to resistance from the Chinese and now the report is being delayed.

"Since returning from China, however, some of the WHO investigators have qualified their conclusions, saying they didn’t have the mandate, expertise or data for a full audit of any laboratory. The team also lacked important data on the first confirmed cases, or on patients hospitalized with similar symptoms beforehand.

A laboratory accident is “definitely not off the table,” Dr. Ben Embarek told a seminar last week. Dr. Tedros said in February after the team’s trip that “all hypotheses remain open and require further analysis.”"

Covid-19 came put of the virology lab in Wuhan plain and simple. Whether by accident or "accidentally on purpose", the Chinese will never own up to it. They might even have gotten away with the batty lie if Wuhan hadn't been ground zero - for that reason alone, it was likely an accident.
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No they will close ranks around their own. Connecticut made a stunning and brave decision after countless hours of studying the science. Texas and mississippi are just dumb.

This is probably how it will play out in the MSM headlines.

This whole pandemic, while reasonable and rooted in needed caution in the beginning, has now turned into a circus.
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Facts, Tax and Tariff the crap out of them. Put them on a probabtion of some sort and force them to pay restitution to everyone.
We should, at least, get reparations for the "stimulus packages," costs of testing/vaccine development/treatment protocols, and some portion of the associated economic destruction. How can you even put a value on the loss of life?

Again, none of it will happen.
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It will never happen, but the World should hold China responsible and make them pay for it in a very, very big way.

That will never happen. China owns too many western politicians and bureaucrats for any adverse action to be taken. If we had rock solid evidence that China released this on purpose they would bury it.
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Due to the Chinese, I doubt we'll ever know for sure. I think came from the lab. What I'm not sure is whether it was released on purpose or by accident. The animal to human explanation I'm not buyin'
It’s funny how we went from no question where it came from to suddenly questioning it once Biden stepped in.
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